Civil Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The base material for distemper, is
A. chalk
B. lime
C. lime putty
D. chalk

2.The thermosetting plastic
A. becomes rigid when moulded at suitable pressure and temperature
B. at 127�C to 177�C permanently set and further application of heat does not soften it
C. charrs at 343�C
D. becomes rigid when moulded at suitable pressure and temperature

3.Pick up the synthetic resin from the following:
A. Malamine resin
B. Phenolic resin
C. Resorcinol resin
D. Malamine resin

4.Slacking of lime is affected by
A. keeping it exposed to air
B. immersing the lime in water
C. crushing the lime lumps
D. keeping it exposed to air

5.The steel used in R.C.C. work is
A. stainless steel
B. mild steel
C. high carbon steel
D. stainless steel

6.Mastic asphalt is
A. water proof
B. fire proof
C. elastic
D. water proof

7.Non acid-resistant asbestos is :
A. tremolite asbestos
B. chrysolite abestos
C. amosite absestos
D. tremolite asbestos

8.Stones used for the construction of retaining walls must be
A. soft
B. hard
C. light
D. soft

9.Permanent magnets are made of high carbon steel and
A. 15% of cobalt
B. 20% of cobalt
C. 35% of cobalt
D. 15% of cobalt

10.Plastics are compounds of carbon with element
A. hydrogen
B. nitrogen
C. oxygen
D. hydrogen

11.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. The plastic bottles are made by the process of blowing
B. The plastic sheets are made by the calendering process in which the plastic material is allowed to pass between cylindrical rollers
C. The application of thermo-setting resins on sheets of paper, is called laminating process
D. The plastic bottles are made by the process of blowing

12.Pick up the constituent of good brick earth whose excess causes the raw bricks shrink and warp during drying and burning, from the following:
A. Alumina
B. Lime
C. Ironoxide
D. Alumina

13.Cast iron is used for
A. structural works in beams
B. small sized water pipes
C. columns and struts
D. structural works in beams

14.Stainless steel resists corrosion due to
A. carbon
B. sulphur
C. vanadium
D. carbon

15.Commonly used thinner in
A. lacquer paints, is alcohol
B. cellulose paints is ethyle acetate
C. oil paints, is naptha
D. lacquer paints, is alcohol

16.Good quality sand is never obtained from
A. river
B. nala
C. sea
D. river

17.Pick up the rock which is not a sedimentary rock from the following:
A. gravel
B. sand stone
C. gypsum
D. gravel

18.For a good building stone, its specific gravity should the greater than
A. 1.5
B. 1.7
C. 2.2
D. 1.5

19.Blister steel
A. is obtained by cementation process
B. is full of fissures and cavities
C. can not be forged
D. is obtained by cementation process

20.The most important constituent of varnish, is
A. drier
B. solvent
C. resin
D. drier

21.A ferrous metal is
A. cast iron
B. wrought iron
C. steel
D. cast iron

22.For making fly-ash building bricks, the following mix of fly-ash, sand and lime, is
A. 80:13:07
B. 70:20:10
C. 60:35:05
D. 80:13:07

23.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. Lime is available in free state
B. Lime is available by dissolving calcium carbonate in water
C. Lime is available by calcining calcium carbonate at 900�C
D. Lime is available in free state

24.Water paint is a
A. white wash
B. colour wash
C. whiting
D. white wash

25.Seasoning of timber is done
A. to make it water proof
B. to paint its surface
C. to increase its temperature
D. to make it water proof

26.The specific gravity of marble, is
A. 2.5
B. 2.6
C. 2.66
D. 2.5

27.The rocks having alumina or clay as their major constituents, are known as
A. siliceous rocks
B. argillaceous rocks
C. calcareous rocks
D. siliceous rocks

28.The curved swellings from the growth of layers or wounds left after branches are cut off in an irregular manner, are known as
A. knots
B. rindgalls
C. burls
D. knots

29.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. The percentage of absorption for firebricks varies from 5 to 10
B. The percentage of silica in silica bricks is to the extent of about 95 to 97 percent
C. Roughly 1 to 2 percent of lime in silica bricks is added to act as binding material
D. The percentage of absorption for firebricks varies from 5 to 10

30.Spirit varnish generally consists of
A. oil, wax and resin
B. alcohol, wax and turpentine
C. pigment and synthetic resin
D. oil, wax and resin

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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