Civil Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. Roasting is not necessary if iron ore is an oxide
B. Impurities float on the molten iron as slag
C. The slag contains lime about 45%
D. Roasting is not necessary if iron ore is an oxide

2.The tendency of a stone is, to split along:
A. texture
B. fracture
C. cleavage
D. texture

3.Acrylic is the name of
A. cellulose resin
B. alkyd resin
C. methyl metha crylate
D. cellulose resin

4.Glazing of clay products, is done
A. to improve their appearance
B. to protect them from atmospheric effect
C. to protect them from corrosive action
D. to improve their appearance

5.Lime mortar is generally made with
A. quick lime
B. fat lime
C. hydraulic lime
D. quick lime

6.Duco paints are
A. plastic paints
B. cellulose paints
C. emulsion paints
D. plastic paints

7.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. Melamine is obtained from calcium carbide
B. Formaldehyde is prepared synthetically from methane
C. The melamine when reacted with formaldehyde forms the melamine-formaldehyde resin
D. Melamine is obtained from calcium carbide

8.Steel contains carbon approximately
A. 1.50% to 5.6%
B. 0.05% to 1.75%
C. 0.25%
D. 1.50% to 5.6%

9.Cast iron contains carbon approximately
A. 1.5% to 5.5%
B. 0.05% to 1.75%
C. 0.25%
D. 1.5% to 5.5%

10.Plastic asphalt is
A. used as a water proofing layer over roof
B. a mixture of cement and asphalt
C. a natural asphalt
D. used as a water proofing layer over roof

11.For obtaining vinyl chloride acetate, the method used, is
A. addition polymerization
B. condensation polymerization
C. co-polymerization
D. addition polymerization

12.The yield strength and tensile strength of low carbon steel may be improved by the addition of
A. manganese
B. chromium
C. nickel
D. manganese

13.Bitumen completely dissolves in
A. carbon bisulphide
B. chloroform
C. benzol
D. carbon bisulphide

14.Good quality cement contains higher percentage of
A. Tricalcium silicate
B. Di-calcium silicate
C. Tri-calcium aluminate
D. Tricalcium silicate

15.The PVC doors and windows are preferred as they are
A. rust proof
B. rot proof
C. termile proof
D. rust proof

16.Based on its dry weight, a freshly felled tree may contain water
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 25%

17.Forge pig may be converted to wrought iron by
A. rolling
B. pudding
C. shingling
D. rolling

18.To give a brilliant finish, the type of varnish used, is
A. water varnish
B. spirit varnish
C. turpentine varnish
D. water varnish

19.The softest rock is
A. marble
B. diamond
C. talc
D. marble

20.Bitumen may be dissolved in
A. carbondioxide
B. water
C. sodium chloride
D. carbondioxide

21.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. Rusting is caused due to combined action of air, moisture and carbon dioxide
B. During rusting, first ferrous bicarbonates are formed
C. On further oxidation ferrous bicarbonates get converted to ferric bicarbonates
D. Rusting is caused due to combined action of air, moisture and carbon dioxide

22.Whitworth compressed steel is obtained when molten steel is subjected to a pressure of
A. 5 kg/mm2
B. 9 kg/mm2
C. 13 kg/mm2
D. 5 kg/mm2

A. is an excellant insulator for heat and electricity
B. is fire-proof and acid proof
C. has sp. gravity equal to 3.10
D. is an excellant insulator for heat and electricity

24.Mild steel is used for
A. structural works in beams, joints and girders
B. small sized water pipes
C. columns and struts
D. structural works in beams, joints and girders

25.The sequence of refractory materials according to increasing melting points is :
A. Dolomite, Magnesia, Bauxite, Chromite
B. Bauxite, Chromite, Dolomite, Magnesia
C. Magnesia, Bauxite, Dolomite, Chromite.
D. Dolomite, Magnesia, Bauxite, Chromite

26.Veneering means
A. carving out designs on timber planks
B. chemically treating timber planks
C. thick layer of superior wood glued to inferior wood
D. carving out designs on timber planks

27.Laterite is a/an
A. volcanic rock
B. argillaceous rock
C. calcareous rock
D. volcanic rock

28.A stone is rejected if it absorbs water more than
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 15%
D. 5%

29.The most valuable timber may be obtained from
A. chir
B. shisham
C. sal
D. chir

30.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. Blisters in the finished wrought iron, are caused due to the reaction between oxide of iron and carbon
B. The edges of a finished wrought iron, are rough due to red shortage
C. Pig iron (charcoal) is manufactured from magnetic ore (Fe3O4)
D. Blisters in the finished wrought iron, are caused due to the reaction between oxide of iron and carbon

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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