Civil Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which footing is used in load bearing masonry construction?
A. Pile
B. Strip
C. Strap
D. Pile

2.How many types of combined footing are possible?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 2

3.CPRF stands for?
A. Corrosion Proof Raft Foundation
B. Combined Pile Raft Foundation
C. Connected Pile Round Foundation
D. Corrosion Proof Raft Foundation

4.Steining is a component of which of the below type of foundation?
A. Well
B. Isolated
C. Strap
D. Well

5.Pier foundation is also called?
A. Girder
B. Bridge
C. Box
D. Girder

6.Which of the below is not a preliminary consideration for building a foundation?
A. Soil organisms
B. Settlement control
C. Ground water condition
D. Soil organisms

7.Machine foundation is subjected to?
A. Dynamic loads
B. Static and dynamic loads
C. Wind loads
D. Dynamic loads

8.…………. are integrating instruments?
A. Ammeters
B. Voltmeters
C. Wattmeters
D. Ammeters

9. The use of ………….. instruments is merely confined within laboratories as standardizing instruments.
A. absolute
B. indicating
C. recording
D. absolute

10. ………….. instruments measure the total quantity of electricity delivered at a particular time.
A. absolute
B. indicating
C. recording
D. absolute

11. According to application, instruments can be classified into ………. and ……….
A. switch board
B. portable
C. both 1 and 2
D. switch board

12.The spring material used in a spring control device should have the following property:
A. should be non-magnetic
B. should have low-temperature co-efficient
C. should have low specific resistance
D. should be non-magnetic

13.Which of the following properties a damping oil must possess?
A. must be a good insulator
B. should not have corrosive action upon the metal of the vane
C. the viscosity of the oil should not change with the temperature
D. must be a good insulator

14. A …………. device prevents the oscillation of the moving system and enables the latter to reach its final position quickly.
A. deflecting
B. controlling
C. damping
D. deflecting

15.An induction meter can handle current upto ………….
A. 10 A
B. 30 A
C. 60 A
D. 10 A

16. For handling greater currents induction wattmeter are used in conjunction with …………….
A. potential transformer
B. current transformer
C. power transformer
D. potential transformer

17.……………….. devices may be used for extending the range of the instruments?
A. shunts
B. multipliers
C. current transformers
D. shunts

18. A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as flux-meter by ………………
A. using a low resistance shunt
B. using a high series resistance
C. eliminating the control springs
D. using a low resistance shunt

19.A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as ………….. by using a low resistance shunt.
A. ammeter
B. voltmeter
C. flux-meter
D. ammeter

20.A potentiometer may be used for …………
A. measurement of resistance
B. measurement of current
C. calibration of ammeter
D. measurement of resistance

21.……………. are not used on D.C. circuits.
A. Mercury motor meters
B. commutator motor meters
C. induction meters
D. Mercury motor meters

22.…………. is an essential part of a motor meter .
A. an operating torque system
B. a barking device
C. revolution registering device
D. an operating torque system

23. Induction type single phase energy meters measure electric energy in ……..
A. kW
B. Wh
C. kWh
D. kW

24.The pointer of an indicating instrument should be ……
A. very light
B. very heavy
C. either 1 or 2
D. very light

25.The household energy meter is ………..
A. an indicating instrument
B. a recording instrument
C. an integrating instrument
D. an indicating instrument

26. The chemical effect of current is used in …….
A. D.C. ammeter hour meter
B. D.D. ammeter
C. D.C. energy meter
D. D.C. ammeter hour meter

27. In majority of instruments, damping is provided by ………
A. fluid friction
B. spring
C. eddy currents
D. fluid friction

28. The dressing of stone is done
A. immediately after quarrying
B. after seasoning
C. after three months of quarrying
D. immediately after quarrying

29. The rocks formed due to solidification of molten mass laying below or above the earth surface, are called
A. aqueous rocks
B. sedimentary rocks
C. metamorphic rocks
D. aqueous rocks

30. The sedimentary rocks are formed due to
A. solidification of molten mass lying below or above the earth surface
B. gradual deposition of materials like sand, clay, etc., generally by setting water
C. alteration of original structure under heat and excessive pressure
D. solidification of molten mass lying below or above the earth surface

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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