Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which of the following is the product of data processing ?
A. Information
B. Data
C. Software program
D. Information

2.The term ‘Computer’ is derived from ?
A. French
B. German
C. Latin
D. French

3.Who is the father of Computer?
A. Augusta Adaming
B. Allen Turing
C. Charles Babbage
D. Augusta Adaming

4.The basic operations performed by a computer are ?
A. Storage and relative
B. Arithmetic operation
C. Logical operation
D. Storage and relative

5.Who is the father of Internet ?
A. Vint Cerf
B. Chares Babbage
C. Martin Cooper
D. Vint Cerf

6.When was invent internet ?
A. 1900
B. 1953
C. 1983
D. 1900

7.If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as ?
A. Multi-programming
B. Multi-threaded
C. Uni-process
D. Multi-programming

8.A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is ?
A. Scanner
B. Keyboard
D. Scanner

9.WWW stands for ?
A. World Wide Web
B. Web World Wide
C. Wide World Web
D. World Wide Web

10.A collection of system programs that controls and co-ordinates the overall operations of a computer system is called ?
A. Utility program
B. Device driver
C. Operating system
D. Utility program

11.What type of operating system MS-DOS is?
A. Menu Driven Interface
B. Multitasking
C. Graphical User Interface
D. Menu Driven Interface

12.Which technology is used in compact disks?
A. Laser
B. Electro Magnetic
C. Electrical
D. Laser

13.Which unit is responsible for converting the data received from the user into a computer understandable format?
A. Output Unit
B. Input Unit
C. Arithmetic & Logic Unit
D. Output Unit

14.The only language which the computer understands is ?
A. C Language
C. Assembly Language
D. C Language

15.The smallest unit of data in computer is ?
A. Nibble
B. Bit
C. Byte
D. Nibble

16.One nibble is equivalent to how many bits?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 2

17.Which of the following describes the correct format of an input instruction?
B. INP 82
C. 82 INP

18.The input machine which originated in the United States around 1880's is a ?
A. Bar Code Reader
B. Keyboard
C. Joystick
D. Bar Code Reader

19. What does the COMPUTER stand for ?
A. Commonly Oriented Machines Used in Technical and Educational Research
B. Commonly Operated Machines Used in Technical and Environmental Research
C. Commonly Occupied Machines Used in Technical and Educational Research
D. Commonly Oriented Machines Used in Technical and Educational Research

20.1 yottabyte = ?
A. 1024 PB
B. 1024 ZB
C. 1024 EB
D. 1024 PB

21.Which of the following is not a function of the Input Unit ?
A. It supplies the data and instructions to the computer for further processing
B. It makes the data into user understandable format
C. It converts the data into computer acceptable format
D. It supplies the data and instructions to the computer for further processing

22.The process of producing useful information for the user is called ?
A. Processing
B. Inputting
C. Outputting
D. Processing

23.VDU stands for ?
A. Visual Detection Unit
B. Virtual Detection Unit
C. Visual Display Unit
D. Visual Detection Unit

24.What does SVGA stand for ?
A. Super Video Graphics Array
B. Standard Video Graphics Array
C. Super Visual Graphics Array
D. Super Video Graphics Array

25.The devices that used to give single or multiple colored images and drawings are ?
B. Plotters
C. Printers

26.A special request originated from some device to the CPU to acquire some of its time is called ?
A. Noise
B. Interrupt
C. Attenuation
D. Noise

27.Line Printers that print one line at a time are ?
A. Inkjet Printers
B. Laser Printers
C. Chain Printers
D. Inkjet Printers

28.A monitor looks like a television and are normally used with non-portable computer systems.
C. Flat Panel Monitors

29.Which of the following is not a function of the Output Unit ?
A. It supplies the data and instructions to the computer for further processing
B. It produces results that can be easily understood by the user
C. It accepts the results produced by the computer
D. It supplies the data and instructions to the computer for further processing

30.PCI stands for ?
A. Peripheral Component Interaction
B. Partial Component Interconnect
C. Peripheral Component Interconnect
D. Peripheral Component Interaction

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