Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which kind of query that displays its own dialog box prompting you for entering information before executing ?
A. Select Query
B. Crosstab Query
C. Parameter Query
D. Select Query

2.What is a form that we can create in MS Access ?
A. It is used to take printout of a form from Access Tables.
B. It is an input screen for viewing and entering data.
C. It is used for storing special data other than text (e.g photo)
D. It is used to take printout of a form from Access Tables.

3.What Cascade Delete option is used for ?
A. It is used to delete all the records of all tables in a database
B. It repeats the recent delete operation to all the records of current table
C. It ensures that all the related records will be deleted automatically when the record from parent table is deleted.
D. It is used to delete all the records of all tables in a database

4.Which operator is used to filter and display rows when all (two or more) conditions are satiesfied ?

5.The button on the tool box display data from a related table ?
A. Sub form sub report
B. Relationships
C. Select objects
D. Sub form sub report

6.The command center of Access File that appears when we create or open the MS Access database File ?
A. Database Window
B. Query Window
C. Design View Window
D. Database Window

7.While creating relationship using mouse, how the the mouse pointer looks like?
A. A thick plus sign
B. A thin plus sign
C. An outlined rectangle
D. A thick plus sign

8.How many Bytes are stored by ‘Long’ Data type in C# .net ?
A. 2 Bytes
B. 4 Bytes
C. 8 Bytes
D. 2 Bytes

9.Choose “.NET class” name from which data type “UInt” is derived ?
A. System.UInt16
B. System.UInt64
C. System.UInt32
D. System.UInt16

10.Correct Declaration of Values to variables ‘a’ and ‘b’?
A. int a = 32, b = 40.6;
B. int a = 42; b = 40;
C. int a = 32; int b = 40;
D. int a = 32, b = 40.6;

11.Arrange the following data type in order of increasing magnitude sbyte, short, long, int ?
A. short < int < sbyte < long
B. short < sbyte < int < long
C. sbyte < short < int < long
D. short < int < sbyte < long

12.Which data type should be more preferred for storing a simple number like 35 to improve execution speed of a program ?
A. sbyte
B. short
C. int
D. sbyte

13.Correct way to assign values to variable ‘c’ when int a=12, float b=3.5, int c ?
A. c = a + b;
B. c = a + int(float(b));
C. c = a + convert.ToInt32(b);
D. c = a + b;

14.Default Type of number without decimal is ?
A. Long Int
B. Unsigned Long
C. Int
D. Long Int

15.Select a convenient declaration and initialization of a floating point number ?
A. float somevariable = 12.502D
B. float somevariable = (Double) 12.502D
C. float somevariable = (float) 12.502D
D. float somevariable = 12.502D

16.Number of digits up-to which precision value of float data type is valid ?
A. Up-to 6 digit
B. Up-to 7 digit
C. Up-to 8 digit
D. Up-to 6 digit

17.Valid Size of float data type is ?
A. 10 Bytes
B. 6 Bytes
C. 4 Bytes
D. 10 Bytes

18.C99 standard guarantees uniqueness of characters for internal names ?
A. 31
B. 63
C. 12
D. 31

19.C99 standard guarantees uniqueness of characters for external names ?
A. 31
B. 6
C. 14
D. 31

20.Which of the following is not a valid variable name declaration ?
A. int __a3;
B. int __3a;
C. int __A3;
D. int __a3;

21.Which of the following is not a valid variable name declaration ?
A. int _a3;
B. int a_3;
C. int 3_a;
D. int _a3;

22.Why do variable names beginning with the underscore is not encouraged ?
A. It is not standardized
B. To avoid conflicts since assemblers and loaders use such names
C. To avoid conflicts since library routines use such names
D. It is not standardized

23.All keywords in C are in ?
A. LowerCase letters
B. UpperCase letters
C. CamelCase letters
D. LowerCase letters

24.Variable name resolution (number of significant characters for the uniqueness of variable) depends on ?
A. Compiler and linker implementations
B. Assemblers and loaders implementations
C. C language
D. Compiler and linker implementations

25.Which of the following is not a valid C variable name ?
A. int number;
B. float rate;
C. int variable_count;
D. int number;

26.Which of the following is true for variable names in C ?
A. They can contain alphanumeric characters as well as special characters
B. Variable names cannot start with a digit
C. Variable can be of any length
D. They can contain alphanumeric characters as well as special characters

27.What does PHP stand for ?
A. Personal Home Page
B. Hypertext Preprocessor
C. Pretext Hypertext Processor
D. Personal Home Page

28.Who is the founder of PHP?
A. Rasmus Lerdorf
B. Willam Makepiece
C. Drek Kolkevi
D. Rasmus Lerdorf

29.PHP files have a default file extension of ?
A. .html
B. .php
C. .xml
D. .html

30.A PHP script should start & end with ?
A. < ?php ? >
B. < ? ? >
C. < ? php ?>
D. < ?php ? >

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