Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1. Which one of the following is the characteristic of a multimedia system?
A. high storage
B. high data rates
C. both (a) and (b)
D. high storage

2.The delay that occur during the playback of a stream is called
A. stream delay
B. playback delay
C. jitter
D. stream delay

3. Which algorithm can be optimized to meet the timing deadlines and rate requirements of continuous media?
A. Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling
B. SCAN-EDF scheduling
C. both (a) and (b)
D. Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling

4. Real time streaming protocol is used
A. to control streaming media servers
B. for establishing and controlling media sessions between endpoints
C. to provide real time control of playback of media files from the server
D. to control streaming media servers

5.In teardown state of real time streaming protocol
A. the server resources for client
B. server delivers the stream to client
C. server suspends delivery of stream
D. the server resources for client

6. Cine Blitz multimedia server supports
A. Real time clients
B. Non-real time clients
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Real time clients

7.Multimedia system require hard real time scheduling
A. To ensure critical tasks will be serviced within timing deadlines
B. To deliver the media file to the client
C. To minimize the delay
D. To ensure critical tasks will be serviced within timing deadlines

8.Which one of the following resource is not necessarily required on a file server?
A. Secondary storage
B. Processor
C. Network
D. Secondary storage

9.Which of the following best describes the process of streaming?
A. Playing audio files.
B. Delaying playing a multimedia element until enough data has been buffered so the element can play uninterrupted.
C. Reducing the load time of a Web page by streamlining operations.
D. Playing audio files.

10.What does AIFF stand for?
A. Audio Interchange File Format
B. Audio Interchange File Folder
C. ASCII Interchange File Format
D. Audio Interchange File Format

11.Which company developed the AU audio format?
A. Apple
B. Sun
C. Netscape
D. Apple

12. What does MIDI stand for?
A. Musical Internet Digital Interface
B. Musical Internet Digital Interface
C. Musical Instrument Digital Interface
D. Musical Internet Digital Interface

13.Which one of the following audio formats was developed by Microsoft?
C. RealAudio

14.Which of the following tags cannot be used to include audio on a Web page?

15.Which of the following statements is true?
A. MIDI files are generally larger than WAV files.
B. Video files are generally much larger than audio files.
C. Audio and video are one and the same
D. MIDI files are generally larger than WAV files.

16. An audio repository is which of the following? |
A. A Web presentation that warehouses audio files.
B. A library cataloging all MIDI music.
C. A Web site that provides tutorials on sound.
D. A Web presentation that warehouses audio files.

17.What does AVI stand for?
A. Audio for Voice on the Internet
B. Audio Voice Interleaved
C. Audio Video Interleaved
D. Audio for Voice on the Internet

18.Which of the following does MPEG stand for?
A. Movie Protocol Experts Group
B. Movie Protocol Experimentation Group
C. Motion Picture Experts Group
D. Movie Protocol Experts Group

19.Where the Paging is implemented ……
A. Software
B. Operating System
C. Hardware
D. Software

20.Which one of the following is not true about Kernel?
A. The kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in the running operating system
B. Kernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session
C. the kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system
D. The kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in the running operating system

21.The page fault is the ……
A. error in a specific page
B. Reference to a page belonging to another program
C. Access to a page not currently in memory
D. error in a specific page

22.Which one of the following does not allow the approach to Deadlocks Handling?
A. Detect & Recover
B. Virtual Memory
C. Deadlock Prevention
D. Detect & Recover

23.What do you mean by “Operating System”?
A. Link to interface the hardware and application programs
B. system service provider to the application programs
C. collection of programs that manages hardware resources
D. Link to interface the hardware and application programs

24.What is the initial value of the Semaphore that allows only one of the many processes to enter their critical sections?
A. 0
B. 16
C. 1
D. 0

25. In which one of the following the Memory allocation policy allocates the largest hole to the process?
A. Worst-Fit
B. First-Fit
C. Best-Fit
D. Worst-Fit

26.What is the main function of the command interpreter?
A. To handle the files in the operating system
B. to provide the interface between the API and application program
C. To get and execute the next user-specified command
D. To handle the files in the operating system

27.How we can describe the Algorithm?
A. A step by step procedure for solving a problem
B. A branch of mathematics
C. A computer language
D. A step by step procedure for solving a problem

28.Which of the following is also known as the Chunks memory?
A. Page
B. Frame
C. Sector
D. Page

29. Which one of the given above is not a real-time operating system?
A. Palm OS
B. Windows CE
C. VxWorks
D. Palm OS

30.Which one of the following is a Block device?
A. Disk
B. Terminals
C. Printer
D. Disk

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