Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which is considered a direct entry input device?
A. Optical scanner
B. Mouse
C. Light pen
D. Optical scanner

2.In a computer system, which device is functionally opposite of a Key-board?
A. Mouse
B. Trackball
C. Printer
D. Mouse

3.The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was
B. Sperry Univac
C. Radio Shack

4.The data appearing first in the left portion of punched card is
A. descriptive data
B. coded data
C. quantitative data
D. descriptive data

5.Which one of the following is termed a combination input-output device?
B. Keyboard
C. Printer

6.The process of writing computer instructions in a programming language is known as
A. Coding
B. Processing
C. Programming
D. Coding

7.Which of the following is not true of a magnetic disk?
A. It is expensive relative to magnetic tape
B. It provides only sequential access to stored data
C. Users can easily update records by writing over the old data
D. It is expensive relative to magnetic tape

8.A regular TV set can be hooked up to a computer so as to received computer signal instead of a television program. This hooking up is achieved with the help of a
A. modem
B. adapter
C. cable
D. modem

9.An output device that uses words or messages recorded on a magnetic medium to produce audio response is
A. Magnetic tape
B. Voice response unit
C. Voice recognition unit.
D. Magnetic tape

10.A factor which would strongly influence a businessperson to adopt a computer is its:
A. Accuracy
B. Reliability
C. Speed
D. Accuracy

11.The most common input device used today is
A. Motherboard
B. Track ball
C. Scanner
D. Motherboard

12.What is the name of the temporary data storage area between a peripheral device and the CPU which compensates for the difference between their speeds?
A. Backing storage
B. Buffer
C. Main storage
D. Backing storage

13.Which of the following is the fastest?
B. magnetic tapes and disks
C. video terminal

14.In which year were chips used inside the computer for the first time?
A. 1964
B. 1975
C. 1977
D. 1964

15.The invention of the slide rule is attributed to
A. Babbage
B. Oughtred
C. Pascal
D. Babbage

16.The control unit of a microprocessor
A. stores data in the memory
B. accepts input data from a keyboard
C. Performs arithmetic / logic / functions
D. stores data in the memory

17.A flat-bed plotter uses a pen which moves in two directions across a piece of paper fixed on a flat-bed. Can you tell who controls the movements of this pen?
A. microfilm
B. microfiche
C. film card
D. microfilm

18.The desirable characteristic(s) of a memory system is (are)
A. speed and reliability
B. low power consumption
C. durability and compactness
D. speed and reliability

19.The CPU chip used in a computer is partially made out of:
A. Copper
B. Iron
C. Gold and silver
D. Copper

20.What type of magnetic material is normally used in bubble memories?
A. Magnetic core
B. Cobalt
C. Garnet
D. Magnetic core

21.A byte is comprised of:
A. One bit
B. Four bits
C. Eight bits
D. One bit

22.Which of the following printer can be classified as a page-at-a-time printer?
A. Laser printer
B. Dot-matrix printer
C. Thermal printer
D. Laser printer

23.The CPU of a computer transfers print output to a temporary disk memory at high speed and then gets back to processing another job without waiting for the output to got to the printer. In this way, the CPU does not remain idle due to its own high speed as compared to the low speed of the printer. What is the name of this memory?
A. External memory
B. I/O memory
D. External memory

24.Which of the following registers hold the information before it goes to the decoder
A. control register
B. data register
C. accumulator
D. control register

25.A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for
A. doing quick mathematical calculations
B. input, storage, manipulation and outputting of data
C. electronic data processing
D. doing quick mathematical calculations

26.A typical modern computer uses
A. LSI chips
B. Vacuum tubes
C. Valves
D. LSI chips

27.ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) had huge advantage over Mark I because it used electronic valves in place of the electromagnetic switches. In the beginning, ENIAC was used for calculating the path of artillery shells. For which other was weapon design was it utilized?
A. hydrogen bomb
B. atom bomb
C. agnimissile
D. hydrogen bomb

28.Who was the father of Punched Card Processing?
A. J Presper Eckert
B. Charles Babbage
C. Dr. Herman Hollerith
D. J Presper Eckert

29.When did Hewlett-Packard Inc. Introduce its first HP-110 laptop computer?
A. 1984
B. 1986
C. 1990
D. 1984

30.The computer program language which is widely used in computer science and engineering and also in business is.

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