Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The barcode which is used on all types of items, is read by a scanning device directly into the computer. What is the name of this scanning device?
A. Laser scanner
B. Wand
D. Laser scanner

2.A processing unit that coordinates networks and data communication is known as
A. Control unit
B. Communications processor
C. Register unit
D. Control unit

3.A type of line printer that uses an embossed steel band to form the letters printed on the paper is
A. Golf ball printer
B. Dot-matrix printer
C. Laser printer
D. Golf ball printer

4.Which memory system is not as a mass memory medium?
A. semiconductor memory
B. magnetic tape
C. magnetic disk
D. semiconductor memory

5.Different components on the motherboard of a PC processor unit are linked together by sets of parallel electrical conducting lines. What are these lines called?
A. Conductors
B. Buses
C. Connectors
D. Conductors

6.The terminal device that functions as a cash register, computer terminal, and OCR reader is the:
A. Data collection terminal
B. OCR register terminal
C. Video display terminal
D. Data collection terminal

7.The general range of speed in revolutions per minute (rpm) at which floppy disks rotate is
A. 2400-4700
B. 390-600
C. 150-250
D. 2400-4700

8.Which of the following typically uses a keyboard for input?
A. desktop terminal
B. point-of-sale terminal
C. financial transaction terminal
D. desktop terminal

9.The first microprocessor built by the Intel Corpn. was called
A. 8008
B. 8080
C. 4004
D. 8008

10.The microelectronics is the technology of
A. microwaves
B. microcomputers
C. chips
D. microwaves

11.Who developed the first personal computer spreadsheet package called Visicalc?
A. Niklaus Wirth
B. Dan Bricklin
C. Bob Frankston
D. Niklaus Wirth

12.When was the X Window System born?
A. 1984
B. 1989
C. 1988
D. 1984

13.A double sided magnetic disk pack has six disks. Can you tell how many surfaces of this pack are normally used?
A. 10
B. 12
C. 6
D. 10

14.The Santa Clara Valley, California is popularly known as Silicon Valley of America because
A. huge deposits of silicon are found there
B. many silicon chip manufacturing firms are located there
C. Santa Claus visits it every Christmas
D. huge deposits of silicon are found there

15.Which of the following professions has not been affected by personal computers?
A. medical
B. clerical
C. accounting
D. medical

16.What is the name given to the 8-bit unit used for coding data?
A. block of characters
B. byte
C. word
D. block of characters

17.What technology is used for flat panel displays?
A. Solid state
B. RBG monitor
D. Solid state

18.What is meant by the term RAM?
A. Memory which can only be read
B. Memory which can be both^read and written to
C. Memory which is used for permanent storage
D. Memory which can only be read

19.Magnetic tape can serve as :
A. secondary-storage media
B. output media
C. input media
D. secondary-storage media

20.Conversion of hexadecimal number 1D7F16 to a decimal number is
A. 755110
B. 877110
C. 555710
D. 755110

21.Microfilm reader is a
A. OCR device
B. COM device
C. MICR device
D. OCR device

22.In magnetic disks, data is organized on the platter in a concentric sets of rings called
A. sector
B. track
C. head
D. sector

23.The data recording area between the blank gaps on magnetic tape is called a/ an:
A. Record
B. Block
C. Field
D. Record

24.Personal computers use a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?
A. Daughterboard
B. Motherboard
C. Fatherboard
D. Daughterboard

25.Which term is not used to describe the memory component of a computer?

26.Who coordinates the sequencing of events within the central processor of a computer?
A. Logic unit
B. Arithmetic unit
C. Register
D. Logic unit

27.What type of computer programming is used for airplane ticket reservation system?
A. Multi programming
B. Real time programming
C. Time sharing
D. Multi programming

28.The output of a 2 input OR gate is 0 only when its
A. both inputs are 0
B. either input is 1
C. both inputs are 1
D. both inputs are 0

29.A high quality CAD system uses the following for printing drawing and graphs
A. Dot matrix printer
B. Digital plotter
C. Line printer
D. Dot matrix printer

30.A printed document reader which scans the characters and then encodes them in a computer-compatible code for direct transmission to the computer is called
A. Optical character reader
B. Kurzweil Data Entry Machine (KDEM)
D. Optical character reader

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