Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The equipment with which the computer talks to its users is called a
A. word processor
B. peripheral
C. software
D. word processor

2.In which addressing mode, the effective address of the operand is generated by adding a constant value to the contents of a register?
A. Absolute mode
B. Indirect mode
C. Immediate mode
D. Absolute mode

3.The term gigabyte refers to
A. 1024 bytes
B. 1024 kilobytes
C. 1024 megabytes
D. 1024 bytes

4.The CPU chip used in a computer is partially made out of
A. silica
B. carbon
C. copper
D. silica

5.Which of the following best describes a computer-based information system?
A. A system in which a computer is used to turn data into information
B. Inputting data
C. Processing data
D. A system in which a computer is used to turn data into information

6.Accessing records from a file directly without searching from the beginning of the file is
A. Time sharing
B. Random
C. Direct access
D. Time sharing

7.EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters?
A. 8
B. 16
C. 32
D. 8

8.When did IBM close the last of its punched card manufacturing plant?
A. June, 1989
B. December, 1984
C. March, 1982
D. June, 1989

9.The monitor of a computer is connected to it by a
A. Wire
B. Cable
C. Bus
D. Wire

10.In a punched card system, data is processed by a
A. keypunch machine, sorter, and posting machine
B. accounting machine, posting machine, and billing machine
C. sorter, posting machine, and billing machine
D. keypunch machine, sorter, and posting machine

11.A single bus structure is primarily found in
A. Main frames
B. Super computers
C. High performance machines
D. Main frames

12.What is the highest address possible if 16 bits are used for each address?
A. 65536
B. 12868
C. 16556
D. 65536

13.An integrated circuit is
A. a complicated circuit
B. an integrating device
C. much costlier than a single transistor
D. a complicated circuit

14.Which of the following memories contains a thin film of magnetic material sandwitched between two permanent bias magnets?
B. Magnetic disk
C. Core memory

15.Which of the following bus types are used by the Apple Macintosh computer?
B. NuBus

16.When the time to establish link is large and the size of data is small, the preferred mode of data transfer is
A. Circuit switching
B. Packet switching
C. Time division multiplexing
D. Circuit switching

17.Group of instructions that directs a computer is called
A. Storage
B. Memory
C. Logic
D. Storage

18.A computer-controlled device for training exercises that duplicates the work environment is a:
A. simulator
B. duplicator
C. trainer
D. simulator

19.Which of the following is not an output device of a computer?
A. Printer
B. keyboard
D. Printer

20.Which of the following terms could be used to describe the concurrent processing of computer programs, via CRTs, on one computer system?
A. Time-sharing
B. Online processing
C. Interactive processing
D. Time-sharing

21.What is the name given to the specialized storage element in the processor unit of a computer which is used as a "scratch pad" during processing operations?
A. storage register
B. primary memory
C. cache memory
D. storage register

22.A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently connected using
A. Twisted pair lines
B. Coaxial cables
C. Communications satellites
D. Twisted pair lines

23.Which of the following is not an advantage of magnetic disk storage?
A. The access time of magnetic disk is much less than that of magnetic tape
B. Disk storage is longer lasting than magnetic tape
C. Disk storage is less expensive than tape storage
D. The access time of magnetic disk is much less than that of magnetic tape

24.An advantage of blocking a tape is that
A. additional processing time is consumed
B. the direct file method can be emulated
C. tapes contain less data and longer tapes
D. additional processing time is consumed

25.Perforated paper used as input or output media is known as
A. Paper tape
B. Magnetic tape
C. Punched paper tape
D. Paper tape

26.What is the byte capacity of a drum which is 5 inch high, 10 inch diameter, and which has 60 tracks per inch and bit density of 800 bits per inch?
A. 942000 bytes
B. 9712478 bytes
C. 192300 bytes
D. 942000 bytes

27.Ethernet uses
A. Bus topology
B. Ring topology
C. Star topology
D. Bus topology

28.What is the latest write-once optical storage media?
A. Digital paper
B. Magneto-optical disk
C. WORM disk
D. Digital paper

29.The data processing job expected to further decrease in the 1996s is that of:
A. Keypuncher
B. Data entry clerk
C. Computer operator
D. Keypuncher

30.A computer has no more sense than a light
A. bulb
B. pen
C. switch
D. bulb

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