Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Real time streaming protocol is used ?
A. To control streaming media servers
B. For establishing and controlling media sessions between endpoints
C. To provide real time control of playback of media files from the server
D. To control streaming media servers

2.In tear down state of real time streaming protocol is ?
A. The server resources for client
B. Server delivers the stream to client
C. Server suspends delivery of stream
D. The server resources for client

3.CineBlitz multimedia server supports ?
A. Real time clients
B. Non-real time clients
C. Both A & B
D. Real time clients

4.Multimedia system require hard real time scheduling ?
A. To ensure critical tasks will be serviced within timing deadlines
B. To deliver the media file to the client
C. To minimize the delay
D. To ensure critical tasks will be serviced within timing deadlines

5.Which one of the following resource is not necessarily required on a file server ?
A. Secondary storage
B. Processor
C. Network
D. Secondary storage

6.The systems which allow only one process execution at a time, are called ?
A. Uni-programming systems
B. Uni-processing systems
C. Uni-tasking systems
D. Uni-programming systems

7.In operating system, each process has its own ?
A. Open files
B. Address space and global variables
C. Pending alarms, signals and signal handlers
D. Open files

8.In Unix, Which system call creates the new process ?
A. Fork
B. Create
C. New
D. Fork

9.A process can be terminated due to ?
A. Normal exit
B. Fatal error
C. Killed by another process
D. Normal exit

10.What is the ready state of a process ?
A. When process is scheduled to run after some execution
B. When process is unable to run until some task has been completed
C. When process is using the CPU
D. When process is scheduled to run after some execution

11.What is inter-process communication ?
A. Communication within the process
B. Communication between two process
C. Communication between two threads of same process
D. Communication within the process

12.A set of processes is deadlock if ?
A. Each process is blocked and will remain so forever
B. Each process is terminated
C. All processes are trying to kill each other
D. Each process is blocked and will remain so forever

13.A process stack does not contain ?
A. PID of child process
B. Return addresses
C. Local variables
D. PID of child process

14.Which system call returns the process identifier of a terminated child ?
A. Wait
B. Exit
C. Fork
D. Wait

15.The address of the next instruction to be executed by the current process is provided by the ?
A. Pipe
B. Process stack
C. Program counter
D. Pipe

16.converts the programs written in assembly language into machine instructions ?
A. Converter
B. Assembler
C. Interpreter
D. Converter

17.A central processing unit, fabricated on a single chip of semiconductor is called ?
B. Microprocessor

18.Which is the architecture of microprocessor ?
C. Both A & B

19.CISC stands for ?
A. Complex Instruction Set Computer
B. Complex Instruction Set Car
C. Complex Instruction System Computer
D. Complex Instruction Set Computer

20.RISC stands for ?
A. Reduced Integrated Set Computer
B. Reduced Instruction Set Computer
C. Resource Instruction Set Computer
D. Reduced Integrated Set Computer

21.Which is the components of computer ?
A. System Bus
C. Memory Unit
D. System Bus

22.System Bus Contains ?
A. Control Bus
B. Data Bus
C. Address Bus
D. Control Bus

23.Microprocessor is the of computer ?
A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Hand
D. Brain

24.Microprocessor is fabricated on single chip using ?

25.Which is the components of microprocessor ?
A. Timing and control unit
B. Arithmetic and logical unit
C. Register unit
D. Timing and control unit

26.Which is an integral part of any microcomputer system and its primary purpose is to hold program and data ?
A. Control unit
B. Register unit
C. Memory unit
D. Control unit

27.How many group of memory unit ?
A. Four
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

28.Which is the parts of memory unit ?
A. Secondary memory
B. Main memory
C. Processor memory
D. Secondary memory

29.Which converts the programs written in assembly language into machine instructions?
A. Machine compiler
B. Interpreter
C. Assembler
D. Machine compiler

30.The instructions like MOV or ADD are called as ?
A. Operators
B. Commands
C. OP-Code
D. Operators

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