Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The address of the next instruction to be executed by the current process is provided by the ?
A. CPU registers
B. Program counter
C. Process stack
D. CPU registers

2.Which of the following is not a type of computer on the basis of operation ?
A. Remote
B. Hybrid
C. Analog
D. Remote

3.A computer that operates on digital data ?
A. Remote
B. Hybrid
C. Analog
D. Remote

4.This type of computer is mostly used for automatic operations ?
A. Remote
B. Hybrid
C. Analog
D. Remote

5.Which are used for solving complex application such as Global Weather Forecasting ?
A. Super Computers
B. Public computers
C. Mobile computers
D. Super Computers

6.The invention of gave birth to the much cheaper micro computers ?
A. Mainframes
B. Microcomputers
C. Microprocessors
D. Mainframes

7.They can operate on batteries and hence are very popular with travelers ?
A. Mainframes
B. Laptops
C. Microprocessors
D. Mainframes

8.PDA stands for ?
A. Personal digital applications
B. Private digital applications
C. Personal digital assistants
D. Personal digital applications

9.PDAs are also called ?
A. PCs
B. Laptops
C. Tablets
D. PCs

10.Which computers are lower to mainframe computers in terms of speed and storage capacity ?
A. Mini
B. Super
C. Mainframes
D. Mini

11.Components that provide internal storage to the CPU are ?
A. Registers
B. Program Counters
C. Controllers
D. Registers

12.Saving data and instructions to make them readily available is the job of ?
A. Storage Unit
B. Cache Unit
C. Input Unit
D. Storage Unit

13.The two basic types of memory in a computer are ?
A. Primary and major
B. Primary and Secondary
C. Minor and Major
D. Primary and major

14.Which of the following is used to hold running program instructions ?
A. Primary Storage
B. Virtual Storage
C. Internal Storage
D. Primary Storage

15.Which of the following is non-volatile storage ?
A. Backup
B. Secondary
C. Primary
D. Backup

16.Which of the following is used in main memory ?

17.Which of the following are types of ROMs ?
C. Only one type there is no further classification

18.RAID stands for ?
A. Redundant array of independent disks
B. Redundant array of individual disks
C. Reusable Array of independent disks
D. Redundant array of independent disks

19.A non-erasable disk that stores digitized audio information is ?

20.The first practical form of Random Access Memory was the ?
B. Cathode Ray Tube
C. William’s Tube

21.The ‘heart’ of the processor which performs many different operations ?
A. Arithmetic and logic unit
B. Motherboard
C. Control Unit
D. Arithmetic and logic unit

22.Which of the following is not a bit-wise operator ?
A. |
B. ^
C. .
D. |

23.The sign magnitude representation of -1 is ?
A. 0001
B. 1110
C. 1000
D. 0001

24.IEEE stands for ?
A. Instantaneous Electrical Engineering
B. Institute of Emerging Electrical Engineers
C. Institute of Emerging Electronic Engineers
D. Instantaneous Electrical Engineering

25.The ALU gives the output of the operations and the output is stored in the ?
A. Memory Devices
B. Registers
C. Flags
D. Memory Devices

26.The process of division on memory spaces is called ?
A. Paging
B. Segmentation
C. Bifurcation
D. Paging

27.Number of bits in ALU is ?
A. 2 bits
B. 4 bits
C. 8 bits
D. 2 bits

28.Which flag indicates the number of 1 bit that results from an operation ?
A. Zero
B. Parity
C. Auxiliary
D. Zero

29.The bit-wise complement of 0 is ?
A. 00000001
B. 10000000
C. 11111111
D. 00000001

30.What will be the output of the following C code ?
A. The compiler will flag an error
B. The program will compile and print the output 5
C. The program will compile and print the ASCII value of 5
D. The compiler will flag an error

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