Agricultural Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1. Beef hams are made spongy by species of
A. Rhodotorula
B. Bacillus
C. Pseudomonas
D. Rhodotorula

2.The red color of meat, called its bloom, may be changed to shades of green, brown or grey as a result of production of oxidizing compounds by bacteria. Which of the following species are reported to c
A. Lactobacillus
B. Leuconostoc
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Lactobacillus

3.Yellow discolorations in meat are caused by bacteria with yellow pigments, usually species of
A. Micrococcus
B. Flavobacterium
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Micrococcus

4.Which of the following (s) is/are responsible for the green patches on the surface of meats under aerobic conditions?
A. P. expansum
B. P. asperulum
C. P. oxalicum
D. P. expansum

5.Which of the following microorganisms grow in beef at a temperature of 15°C and above?
A. Micrococci
B. Pseudomonas
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Micrococci

6. Green rots in eggs is chiefly caused by
A. Pseudomonas fluorescens
B. Micrococcus or Bacillus species
C. Molds or yeasts
D. Pseudomonas fluorescens

7. Black rots in eggs is most commonly caused by
A. species of Proteus
B. species of Micrococcus or Bacillus
C. molds or yeasts
D. species of Proteus

8. In storage atmospheres of high humidity variety of molds may cause
A. superficial fungal spoilage
B. bacterial spoilage
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. superficial fungal spoilage

9. Which of the following microorganism spoil poultry in polyethylene bags?
A. Pseudomonas-achromobacter
B. Alcaligenes
C. hetero-fermentative species
D. Pseudomonas-achromobacter

10. Black spot in meat are produced mainly by
A. Cladosporium
B. Thamnidium
C. Mucor
D. Cladosporium

11. Black spot in meat are produced mainly by
A. Cladosporium
B. Thamnidium
C. Mucor
D. Cladosporium

12.Which of the cause(s) has/have been suggested for the chill rings in sausage?
A. Oxidation
B. Production of organic acids or reducing substances by bacteria
C. Excessive water
D. Oxidation

13.Lactic acid bacteria in meats may be responsible for
A. slime formation at the surface or within especially in presence of sucrose
B. production of green discoloration
C. souring
D. slime formation at the surface or within especially in presence of sucrose

14. Colorless rots in eggs is caused by
A. Pseudomonas alcaligenes
B. Pseudomonas fluorescens
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. Pseudomonas alcaligenes

15.The greening of sausage may appear as a green ring not far from the casing, a green core, or a green surface. The cause of greening is the production of hydrogen peroxide by
A. hetero-fermentative species
B. catalase negative bacteria
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. hetero-fermentative species

16. Iced, cut up poultry often develops a slime i.e. accompanied by an odor describe as tainted, acid, sour or dishraggy. This defect is chiefly by the species of
A. Pseudomonas
B. Alcaligenes
C. hetero-fermentative species
D. Pseudomonas

17.Where was oil discovered for the first time in India?
A. Digboi
B. Numaligarh
C. Bongaigon
D. Digboi

18.Bharat Oman Refineries Ltd a joint venture of Bharat Petroleum and Oman Oil operates a refinery at
A. Bhatinda
B. Panipat
C. Bina
D. Bhatinda

19.At which place in Tamil Nadu is a refinery located?
A. Manali
B. Thanjavur
C. Srirangam
D. Manali

20.ONGC operates a refinery in Tatipaka which is located in
A. Karnataka
B. Gujarat
C. Assam
D. Karnataka

21.Pakistan is not member of?

22. Which of the following state is the largest producer of tea in India?
A. Karnataka
B. Assam
C. West Bengal
D. Karnataka

23.Which of the following plantation crop produces in India more than its need?
A. Tea
B. Food grains
C. Petroleum
D. Tea

24.The Barak Valley of Assam is famous for cultivation of which crop:
A. Oil palm
B. Tea
C. Sugarcane
D. Oil palm

25.Which of the following Indian State is the largest producer of rubber?
A. Tamil Nadu
B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Karnataka
D. Tamil Nadu

26.Which of the following state is not known for the production of cardamom?
A. Kerala
B. Karnataka
C. Odisha
D. Kerala

27.Which of the following Indian state is popularly known as 'Garden of Spices'?
A. Karnataka
B. Kerala
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Karnataka

28.The Green Gold revolution is related to the_______
A. Coffee
B. Gold
C. Bamboo
D. Coffee

29. The tea plantation requires rainfall of______
A. 50-150 cm
B. 200- 400 cm
C. 250-300 cm
D. 50-150 cm

30.The Ganga delta region is suitable for Jute cultivation due to the rich fertile _______ and favourable temperature and rainfall.
A. alluvium soil
B. black soil
C. red soil
D. alluvium soil

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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