Agricultural Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1. Which of the following statement is correct about cotton cultivation?
A. The ideal climatic conditions for the production and growing of cotton are the required temperatures of 21-30 degrees Celsius and 50-100 cm rainfall
B. Black soil is the ideal soil for the production and growing of Cotton
C. Both A and B
D. The ideal climatic conditions for the production and growing of cotton are the required temperatures of 21-30 degrees Celsius and 50-100 cm rainfall

2.Which of the following imaginary line almost divides India into two equal parts?
A. Equator
B. Tropic of Cancer
C. Tropic of Capricorn
D. Equator

3.Which of the following water bodies is the home of Lakshadweep?
A. Arabian Sea
B. Bay of Bengal
C. Indian Ocean
D. Arabian Sea

4.Which of the following region supports the Karewa formation?
A. North-eastern Himalayas
B. Himachal-Uttaranchal Himalayas
C. Eastern Himalayas
D. North-eastern Himalayas

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