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1.Otto cycle is also known as
A. constant pressure cycle
B. constant volume cycle
C. constant temperature cycle
D. constant pressure cycle

2.Producer gas is obtained by
A. partial combustion of coal, coke, anthracite coal or charcoal in a mixed air steam blast
B. carbonisation of bituminous coal
C. passing steam over incandescent coke
D. partial combustion of coal, coke, anthracite coal or charcoal in a mixed air steam blast

3.The efficiency of Diesel cycle depends upon
A. temperature limits
B. pressure ratio
C. compression ratio
D. temperature limits

4.Those substances which have so far not been resolved by any means into other substances of simpler form are called
A. elements
B. compounds
C. atoms
D. elements

5.The measurement of a thermodynamic property known as temperature is based on
A. Zeroth law of thermodynamics
B. First law of thermodynamics
C. Second law of thermodynamics
D. Zeroth law of thermodynamics

6.For the same compression ratio, the efficiency of dual combustion cycle is
A. greater than Diesel cycle and less than Otto cycle
B. less than Diesel cycle and greater than Otto cycle
C. greater than Diesel cycle
D. greater than Diesel cycle and less than Otto cycle

7.In an irreversible process, there is a
A. loss of heat
B. no loss of heat
C. gain of heat
D. loss of heat

8.Coke is produced
A. when coal is first dried and then crushed to a fine powder by pulverising machine
B. from the finely ground coal by moulding under pressure with or without a binding material
C. when coal is strongly heated continuously for 42 to 48 hours in the absence of air in a closed vessel
D. when coal is first dried and then crushed to a fine powder by pulverising machine

9.One Joule (J) is equal to
A. 1 N-m
B. 1 kN-m
C. 10 N-m/s
D. 1 N-m

10.When the expansion or compression takes place according to the law pvn = C, the process is known as
A. isothermal process
B. adiabatic process
C. hyperbolic process
D. isothermal process

11.The state of a substance whose evaporation from its liquid state is complete, is known as
A. vapour
B. perfect gas
C. air
D. vapour

12.The volumetric or molar specific heat at constant pressure is the product of
A. molecular mass of the gas and the specific heat at constant volume
B. atomic mass of the gas and the gas constant
C. molecular mass of the gas and the gas constant
D. molecular mass of the gas and the specific heat at constant volume

13.The efficiency of Carnot cycle depends upon
A. temperature limits
B. pressure ratio
C. volume compression ratio
D. temperature limits

14.The gas turbine cycle with regenerator improves
A. thermal efficiency
B. work ratio
C. avoids pollution
D. thermal efficiency

15.Which of the following has the highest calorific value?
A. Peat
B. Lignite
C. Bituminous coal
D. Peat

16.When a gas is heated, change takes place in
A. pressure
B. volume
C. temperature
D. pressure

17.Which of the following is an intensive property of a thermodynamic system?
A. Volume
B. Temperature
C. Mass
D. Volume

18.A triatomic molecule consists of __________ atoms.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. one

19.The main cause for the irreversibility is
A. mechanical and fluid friction
B. unrestricted expansion
C. heat transfer with a finite temperature difference
D. mechanical and fluid friction

20.A cycle consisting of _____ and two isothermal processes is known as Stirling cycle.
A. two constant pressure
B. two constant volume
C. two isentropic
D. two constant pressure

21.The heat and mechanical energies are mutually convertible. This statement was established by
A. Boyle
B. Charles
C. Joule
D. Boyle

22.For the same compression ratio, the efficiency of Diesel cycle is __________ Otto cycle.
A. greater than
B. less than
C. equal to
D. greater than

23.Mond gas is obtained by
A. partial combusion of coal, coke, anthracite coal or charcoal in a mixed air steam blast
B. carbonisation of bituminous coal
C. passing steam over incandescent coke
D. partial combusion of coal, coke, anthracite coal or charcoal in a mixed air steam blast

24.The natural solid fuel is
A. wood
B. coke
C. anthracite coal
D. wood

25.The condition for the reversibility of a cycle is
A. the pressure and temperature of the working substance must not differ, appreciably, from those of the surroundings at any stage in the process
B. all the processes, taking place in the cycle of operation, must be extremely slow
C. the working parts of the engine must be friction free
D. the pressure and temperature of the working substance must not differ, appreciably, from those of the surroundings at any stage in the process

26.In open cycle gas turbine plants
A. the indirect heat exchanger and cooler is avoided
B. direct combustion system is used
C. a condenser is used
D. the indirect heat exchanger and cooler is avoided

27.The compression ratio is the ratio of
A. swept volume to total volume
B. total volume to swept volume
C. swept volume to clearance volume
D. swept volume to total volume

28.The efficiency of Ericsson cycle is ____ Carnot cycle.
A. greater than
B. less than
C. equal to
D. greater than

29.One molecule of oxygen consists of _____ atoms of oxygen.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 2

30.According to kinetic theory of gases, the velocity of molecules ____ with the increase in temperature.
A. remains constant
B. increases
C. decreases
D. remains constant

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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