Mechanical Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.High air-fuel ratio in gas turbines
A. increases power output
B. improves thermal efficiency
C. reduces exhaust temperature
D. increases power output

2.The ratio of the volume of free air delivery per stroke to the swept volume of the piston, is known as
A. compressor efficiency
B. volumetric efficiency
C. isothermal efficiency
D. compressor efficiency

3.The ratio of the indicated power to the shaft power or brake power of the motor or engine required to drive the compressor, is called
A. compressor efficiency
B. volumetric efficiency
C. isothermal efficiency
D. compressor efficiency

4.The type of rotary compressor used in aeroplanes, is of
A. centrifugal type
B. axial flow type
C. radial flow type
D. centrifugal type

5.In a reciprocating air compressor, the compression work per kg of air
A. increases as clearance volume increases
B. decreases as clearance volume increases
C. is independent of clearance volume
D. increases as clearance volume increases

6.The degree of reaction in an axial flow compressor is defined as the ratio of static enthalpy rise in the
A. rotor to static enthalpy rise in the stator
B. stator to static enthalpy rise in the rotor
C. rotor to static enthalpy rise in the stage
D. rotor to static enthalpy rise in the stator

7.Continuous flow of fluid is called as _______
A. Continuum
B. Invincible flow
C. Continuum & Invincible flow
D. Continuum

8.Knudsen number does not have any __________
A. units & dimension
B. units
C. dimension
D. units & dimension

9.Continuum in fluids is predicted by using ________
A. Knudsen number
B. Mach number
C. Knudsen & Mach number
D. Knudsen number

10.Ratio of mean free path to characteristic length is called as _________
A. Mach number
B. Knudsen number
C. Nusselt number
D. Mach number

11.Distance traveled by the molecule in between successive collisions is called as __________
A. mean free path
B. kinetic path
C. mean free path & kinetic path
D. mean free path

12.Knudsen number is less than _______
A. 1
B. 0.5
C. 0.3
D. 1

13.Continuum equations are valid only when Knudsen number is ________ than 0.3.
A. greater
B. less
C. equal
D. greater

14.When altitude of earth is in between 90 km and 150 km Knudsen number can be in between 0.3 and__?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1

15.Knudsen number ranges in between 0.3 and 1 in ________
A. boundary & transient region
B. boundary region
C. transient region
D. boundary & transient region

16.Airfoil when passed through fluids produces ______________
A. thrust
B. drag
C. thrust & drag
D. thrust

17.Air foils when designed to work in water are called as _________
A. Dynamic air foil
B. Hydro foil
C. Dynamic air foil & Hydro foil
D. Dynamic air foil

18.In air foil lift is __________ proportional to angle of attack.
A. inversly
B. not related
C. directly
D. inversly

19.Cambered air foils generate lift at ________ angle of attack.
A. zero
B. high
C. low
D. zero

20._____ difference is observed in between the sides of air foil.
A. Temperature
B. Pressure
C. Temperature & pressure
D. Temperature

21.Relation between angle of attack and _______ for invincible fluids is found in thin airfoil theory.
A. Lift
B. Drag
C. Lift & Drag
D. Lift

22.Slope between lift coefficient and angle of attack in a line is __________
A. 90 degree
B. 180 degree
C. 360 degree
D. 90 degree

23.Center of pressure lies exactly in ________ of the chord from the leading edge in a symmetrical air foil.
A. one quarter
B. half
C. three fourth
D. one quarter

24.Aerodynamic center lies exactly at ______ on the chord from leading edge in cambered air foil.
A. half
B. one quarter
C. three fourth
D. half

25.Cryogenic fuels are stored under _______ temperatures.
A. high
B. low
C. medium
D. high

26.Rocket engines require _______ mass flow rate.
A. high
B. low
C. medium
D. high

27.Rocket fuels has ________ molecular weight.
A. medium
B. high
C. low
D. medium

28.Cryogenic fuels are in _________ state at room temperature and pressure.
A. gaseous
B. liquid
C. solid
D. gaseous

29.Hybrid rocket engines are also called as ________ propellant rocket engines.
A. solid
B. liquid
C. solid & liquid
D. solid

30.______ is used as cryogenic fuel.
A. Liquid oxygen
B. Liquid hydrogen
C. Combination of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen
D. Liquid oxygen

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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