Mechanical Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.A beaker is filled with a liquid up to the mark of one litre and weighed. The weight of the liquid is found to be 6.5 N. The specific gravity of the liquid will be
A. 0.65
B. 0.66
C. 0.67
D. 0.65

2.A beaker is filled with a liquid up to the mark of one litre and weighed. The weight of the liquid is found to be 6.5 N. The specific volume of the liquid will be
A. 1 l =kg
B. 1:5 l =kg
C. 2 l =kg
D. 1 l =kg

3.Calculate the specific weight and weight of 20dm3 of petrol of specific gravity 0.6.
A. 5886117.2
B. 5886234.2
C. 11772117.2
D. 5886117.2

4.If 200m3 of fluid has a weight of 1060N measured on the planet having acceleration due to gravity 6.625m/s2, what will be it�s specific volume?
A. 0.8
B. 0.7
C. 0.9
D. 0.8

5.For an incompressible fluid does density vary with temperature and pressure?
A. It varies for all temperature and pressure range
B. It remains constant
C. It varies only for lower values of temperature and pressure
D. It varies for all temperature and pressure range

6.Specific gravity is what kind of property?
A. Intensive
B. Extensive
C. None of the mentioned
D. Intensive

7.If there is bucket full of oil and bucket full of water and you are asked to lift them, which one of the two will require more effort given that volume of buckets remains same?
A. Oil bucket
B. Water bucket
C. Equal effort will be required to lift both of them
D. Oil bucket

8.If the fluid has specific weight of 10N/m3 for a volume of 100dm3 on a planet which is having acceleration due to gravity 20m/s2 , what will be its specific weight on a planet having acceleration due to gravity 4m/s2?
A. 5 N/m3
B. 50 N/m3
C. 2 N/m3
D. 5 N/m3

9.Should Specific Wieght of incompressible fluid only be taken at STP?
A. Yes, as specific weight may show large variation with temperature and pressure
B. No, it can be taken for any temperature and pressure
C. It should be taken at standard temperature but pressure may be any value
D. Yes, as specific weight may show large variation with temperature and pressure

10.An instrument with air as fluid was involved in some experiment( specific volume was the characteristic property utilizewhich was conducted during day in desert. Due to some reason experiment couldn�t be conducted during day and had to be conducted during night. However there were considerable errors in obtained values. What might be the reason of these errors?
A. It was human error
B. It was instrumental error
C. Error was due to the fact that experiment was conducted at night
D. It was human error

11.A stone weighed 177 N on earth. It was dropped in to oil of specific gravity 0.8 on a planet whose acceleration due to gravity is 5m/s2. It displaced oil having weight of 100N. What was the volume of oil displaced by the stone?
A. 25 Litres
B. 15 Litres
C. 25 m3
D. 25 Litres

12.An compressible fluid�s specific gravity was measured on earth, on a planet having acceleration due to gravity 5.5 times that of earth, and in space at STP. Where will it be having highest value?
A. on the earth
B. on the planet
C. in the space
D. on the earth

13.Water flows between two plates of which the upper one is stationary and the lower one is moving with a velocity V. What will be the velocity of the fluid in contact with the upper plate?
A. V
B. N ? 2
C. 2V
D. V

14.Which one of the flowing fits best in the sentence?
A. opposes
B. never affects
C. facilitates
D. opposes

15.The viscosity of a fluid in motion is 1 Poise. What will be it�s viscosity (in Poise) when the fluid is at rest?
A. 0
B. 0.5
C. 1
D. 0

16.Which of the following correctly states how the viscosities of a liquid and a gas will change with temperature?
A. Viscosity increases with the increase in temperature of a liquid and decreases with the increase in temperature of a gas
B. Viscosity increases with the increase in temperature of a liquid and increases with the increase in temperature of a gas
C. Viscosity decreases with the increase in temperature of a liquid and decreases with the increase in temperature of a gas
D. Viscosity increases with the increase in temperature of a liquid and decreases with the increase in temperature of a gas

17.Which one of the following is not a unit of dynamic viscosity?
A. Pa-s
B. N-s/m2
C. Poise
D. Pa-s

18.Which of the following is a unit of dynamic viscosity?
A. [M1 L1 T-1].
B. [M1 L-1 T-1].
C. [M1 L-2 T-2].
D. [M1 L1 T-1].

19.Which one of the following is the CGS unit of dynamic viscosity?
A. Stokes
B. Pa-s
C. m2/s
D. Stokes

20.The dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 1 Poise. What should one multiply to it to get the answer in N-s/m2?
A. 0.1
B. 1
C. 10
D. 0.1

21.Which of the following is a unit of kinematic viscosity?
A. Stokes
B. Pa-s
C. m2=s
D. Stokes

22.Which of the following is the dimension of kinematic viscosity?
A. [L1 T-1].
B. [L1 T-2].
C. [L2 T-1].
D. [L1 T-1].

23.The kinematic viscosity of a fluid is 0.1 Stokes. What will be the value is m2/s?
A. 2-Oct
B. 3-Oct
C. 4-Oct
D. 2-Oct

24.The shear stress at a point in a liquid is found to be 0.03 N/m2. The velocity gradient at the point is 0.15 s-1. What will be it�s viscosity (in Poise)?
A. 20
B. 2
C. 0.2
D. 20

25.Two horizontal plates placed 250mm have an oil of viscosity 20 poises. Calculate the shear stress in oil if upper plate is moved with velocity of 1250mm/s.
A. 20 N/m2
B. 2 N/m2
C. 10 N/m2
D. 20 N/m2

26.The kinematic viscosity of oil of specific gravity .8 is .0005 .This oil is used for lubrication of shaft of diameter .4 m and rotates at 190 rpm. Calculate the power lost in the bearing for a sleeve length of 90mm. The thickness of the oil film is 1.5mm.
A. 477.65 Watts
B. 955.31 Watts
C. 238.83 Watts
D. 477.65 Watts

27.Find the kinematic viscosity of oil having density 1962 g/m3. the force experienced for area of 20 m2 is 4.904 kN and velocity of gradient at that point is 0.2/s.
A. 0.625
B. 1.25
C. 2.5
D. 0.625

28.The velocity distribution for fluid flow over a flat plate is given by u=2y-6y2 in which u is the velocity in metre per second at a distance of y metre above the plate. Determine the shear stress at y=0.15m.Take dynamic viscosity of fluid as 8.6 poise.
A. 0.172 N/m2
B. 0.344 N/m2
C. 0.086 N/m2
D. 0.172 N/m2

29.In which types of fluids it is observed that momentum transfer dominates cohesive forces with increase in temperature and hence viscosity increases
A. Gases
B. Liquids
C. Solids
D. Gases

30.What is the characteristic variation shown by the thixotropic fluids in their shear stress vs. rate of shear strain graph?
A. shear stress increases with increase in rate of shear strain
B. shear stress decreases with increase in rate of shear strain
C. shear stress shows variation only after a definite shear stress is reached
D. shear stress increases with increase in rate of shear strain

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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