GAT Subject :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Insects in which the young ones pass through complex or indirect metamorphosis are said to be ?
A. Hemimetabola
B. Ametabola
C. Holometabola
D. Hemimetabola

2.The young one of holemetabola is?
A. Nymph
B. Naiad
C. Larvae
D. Nymph

3.The young ones of hemimetabolous insects or exopteryota which are terrestrial in habbit is?
A. Pupa
B. Nymph
C. Larva
D. Pupa

4.Legless larvae of coleopteran having a tiny head and a few sense organs is?
A. Maggot
B. Imago
C. Grub
D. Maggot

5.The form off insect after complete metamorphosis is?
A. Imago
B. Pupa
C. Puparium
D. Imago

6.The type of diapause which occur in winter is?
A. Hibernation
B. Aestivation
C. Stravation
D. Hibernation

7.Insects belong to class?
A. Symphyla
B. Pauropoda
C. Crustacea
D. Symphyla

8.Any organism which harms or causes damage to man directly or indirectly is called ?
A. Inset pest
B. Pest
C. Agricultural Insect
D. Inset pest

9.What is a practice of dinning on one’s own species?
A. Cannibalism
B. Hibernation
C. Diapause
D. Cannibalism

10.Insects which develop their wings externally?
A. Exopterygota
B. Endopterygota
C. Apterabola
D. Exopterygota

11.Resting stage in endopteryota is called?
A. Larva
B. Adult
C. Pupae
D. Larva

12.The young ones of exopteryotes butt aquatic in habit is?
A. Naiad
B. Nymph
C. Larva
D. Naiad

13.Young ones of fly is__?
A. Imago
B. Maggot
C. Grub
D. Imago

14.The physiological state or arrested metabolism in which development of insects is delayed irrespective of environmental factors is__?
A. Tor por
B. Quiescence
C. Diapause
D. Tor por

15.Type of diapause occur in summer or under drought condition is called___?
A. Dormancy
B. Torpor
C. Aestivation
D. Dormancy

16.Insects which are during day light hours are called___?
A. Diurnal insects
B. Nocturnal insects
C. Crepuscular insects
D. Diurnal insects

17.It is an organism which lives on or within another living organism is called____?
A. Parasite
B. Predator
C. Parasitoid
D. Parasite

18.A few species of ants and termites which depend on cultivated plants are____?
A. Agricultural insects
B. Insect pest
C. Pest
D. Agricultural insects

19.The study of form and structure of insects are called____?
A. insect morphology
B. insect physiology
C. insect Ecology
D. insect morphology

20.Male mosquitoes have antennae while female mosquitoes have antennae____?
A. Aristate, plumose
B. Plumose, pilose
C. Pectinate, Pilose
D. Aristate, plumose

21.House has antennae____?
A. Aristate
B. Stylate
C. Ensiform
D. Aristate

22.The lateral selertized region of insect body is called___?
A. Pleuron
B. Tergum
C. Sternum
D. Pleuron

23.The main body regions of insects are called____?
A. Tagmata
B. Antecosta
C. Acrotergata
D. Tagmata

24.Butter flies have antennae_____?
A. Capitate
B. Clavate
C. Geniculate
D. Capitate

25.Housefly have mouth parts____?
A. Sponging type
B. Siphoning type
C. Rasping type
D. Sponging type

26.Costal margin of wing of insect is___?
A. Frontal margin
B. Outer margin
C. Hinder margin
D. Frontal margin

27.Suffering cause in insects due to lack of food is called___?
A. Aestivation
B. Starvation
C. Dormancy
D. Aestivation

28.Examples of monophagous insect is__?
A. Helicoverpa armigera
B. Ants
C. Green lacewing
D. Helicoverpa armigera

29.Viviparous insects which produced_____?
A. Eggs
B. Young ones
C. Nymph
D. Eggs

30.Costal margin of wing of insect is__?
A. Frontal margin
B. Outer margin
C. Hinder margin
D. Frontal margin

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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