GAT Subject :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Advantage of using assembly language rather than machine language is that:
A. it is mneomonic and easy to read
B. addresses any symbolic not absolute
C. introduction of data to program is easier
D. it is mneomonic and easy to read

2.The computer language generally translated to pseudocode is:
A. pascal
B. machine
C. assembly
D. pascal

3.The part of the machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done is:
A. Locator
B. Operation code
C. Flip Flop
D. Locator

4.Convert the .WORD d#790 assemblylanguage pseudo-ops into hexadecimal machine language:
A. 03 16
B. F8
C. 0111EF
D. 03 16

5.Convert the 11014B machine language instructions into assembly language, assuming that they were not generated by pseudo-ops:
B. ADDA h#01FE, i
C. LOADA h#OD4E, i

6.Convert the ASLA assembly language instructions into hexadecimal machine language:
A. 0111EF
B. 40
C. 9001E6
D. 0111EF

7.Convert the ASCII/BEAR/assembly language pseudo-ops into hexadecimal machine language:
A. 0111EF
B. 03 16
C. 42 65 61 72
D. 0111EF

8.Convert the CHARI h#000F, s assembly language instructions into hexadecimal machine language:
A. 0111EF
B. 40
C. 9001E6
D. 0111EF

9.Indicate whether the statement LDA B is a statement, in:
A. Machine language
B. Assembly language
C. High level language
D. Machine language

10.Convert the 48 machine language instructions into assembly language, assuming that they were not generated by pseudo-ops:
B. ADDA h#01FE, i
C. LOADA h#OD4E, i

11.Who is known as the father of C Language?
A. James A. Sosling
B. Vjarne Stroustrup
C. Dr. E. F. Codd
D. James A. Sosling

12.Which one is not a reserve keyword in C Language?
A. auto
B. main
C. case
D. auto

13.C Language was developed in the year ____
A. 1970
B. 1975
C. 1980
D. 1970

14.A C variable name can start with a:
A. Number
B. Plus Sign (+)
C. Asterisk (*)
D. Number

15.Prototype of a function means:
A. Name of Function
B. Output of Function
C. Input of a Function
D. Name of Function

16.Name the loop that executes at least once:
A. For
B. do-while
C. If
D. For

17.Far pointer can access:
A. All memory location
B. First and Last Memory Address
C. No memory location
D. All memory location

18.A pointer pointing to a memory location of the variable even after deletion of the variavle is known as:
A. far pointer
B. null pointer
C. dangling pointer
D. far pointer

19.An uninitialized pointer in C is called:
A. dangling pointer
B. Wild Pointer
C. Constructor
D. dangling pointer

20.A pointer that is pointing to NOTHING is called:
A. VOID Pointer
C. WILD Pointer
D. VOID Pointer

21.How many loops are there in C:
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1

22.The concept of two functions with same name is know as?
A. Operator Overloading
B. Function Overloading
C. Function Overriding
D. Operator Overloading

23.What is the following is invalid header file in C?
A. mathio.h
B. math.h
C. ctype.h
D. mathio.h

24.Delaration a pointer more than once may cause:
A. Error
B. Abort
C. Null
D. Error

25.Which one is not a correct variable type in C++?
A. float
B. int
C. real
D. float

26. Which operation is used as Logical 'AND':
A. Operator-&
B. Operator-&&
C. Operator-||
D. Operator-&

27.An expression A.B in C++ means:
A. A is member of object B
B. B is member of Object A
C. Product of A and B
D. A is member of object B

28.A C++ code line ends with:
A. A Semicolon (;)
B. A Fullstop(.)
C. A Comma (,)
D. A Semicolon (;)

29. ______ function is used to allocate space for array in memory.?
A. malloc()
B. realloc()
C. alloc()
D. malloc()

30.A pointer pointing to a variable that is not initialized is called?
A. Void Pointer
B. Null Pointer
C. Empty Pointer
D. Void Pointer

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