GAT Subject :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Who are called steel collar workers?
A. Office clerks
B. Factory workers
C. Steel factory workers
D. Office clerks

2.For a type 1 system, the steady-state:
A. error for a step input is always zero
B. error for a velocity input is always zero
C. input for acceleration input is always non-zero
D. error for a step input is always zero

3.Several objectives are required to achieve a successful data base management program. These are availability of data, quality of data, and
A. compatibility of data
B. transmission of data
C. desirability of data
D. compatibility of data

4.Which of the following is required for a plotter to perform specific commands?
A. Firmware
B. Software
C. Driver
D. Firmware

5.For a type 2 system, the steady-state:
A. error for a step input is always zero
B. error for a velocity input is always zero
C. input for acceleration input is always non-zero
D. error for a step input is always zero

6.The refresh-vector CRT uses which of the following techniques?
A. The beam constantly travels across the screen to turn on/off a series of pixels.
B. Makes changes on the image by increasing the anode voltage.
C. Uses an electron gun to continuously flood the surface of the tube.
D. The beam constantly travels across the screen to turn on/off a series of pixels.

7.A set of well-defined procedures based on mathematical and geometric formulas for solving a problem in a finite number of steps is called:
A. a permutation
B. an algorithm
C. arithmetic logic
D. a permutation

8.A flexible manufacturing system may be:
A. an automated assembly line
B. expensive to alter
C. very difficult to change when new products are introduced
D. an automated assembly line

9.Which of the following elements can be used with a TI510 FC?
A. Drum timer
B. Metronome
C. Cymbal timer
D. Drum timer

10.For a type 0 system, the steady-state:
A. error for a step input is always zero
B. error for a velocity input is always zero
C. input for acceleration input is always non-zero
D. error for a step input is always zero

11.An assembly language instruction:
A. is written in ones and zeros
B. corresponds to one computer operation
C. does not require knowledge of the computer design
D. is written in ones and zeros

12.The lowest form of computer language is called:
C. machine language

13.CAE and CAM are linked through:
A. a common data base and communications system
B. NC tape programming and automated design
C. parts production and testing
D. a common data base and communications system

14.The parallel register:
A. can store a multiple bit binary number
B. uses R-S flip-flops
C. All of the above
D. can store a multiple bit binary number

15.Microcomputer-based control sys¬tems
A. will just keep their present capability
B. will have more standard industrial application software available in the future.
C. will tend to increase in cost.
D. will just keep their present capability

16.A thermistor:
A. is a pressure sensing device
B. has a voltage output
C. measures temperature
D. is a pressure sensing device

17.The steady-state error is:
A. independent of the type of input
B. a function of the transient response
C. zero for all inputs to type 1 systems
D. independent of the type of input

18.Many things can be done to minimize downtime loss. Identify two of them.
A. establish a user forum program
B. stock critical spare parts
C. provide an extra workstation
D. establish a user forum program

19.A typical NC system has which of the following components?
A. Controller
B. Tape input
C. Machine tool
D. Controller

20.Which part of the system allows the user to interact with the compiler? (a) Memory
A. Translator
B. Communications processor
C. Interpreter
D. Translator

21.The robot:
A. is very primitive at the present
B. represents the most powerful new industrial automation tool currently on the horizon
C. will be more useful when robot vision is improved significantly
D. is very primitive at the present

22.Direct Numerical Control means:
A. using several computers to control one large machine
B. using one computer to control several machines
C. complete elimination of a need for a human operator.
D. using several computers to control one large machine

23.A proportional plus integral contro¬ller can:
A. has no transient response
B. can compensate for lag
C. can increase the system type
D. has no transient response

24.A pick-and-place manipulator is:
A. the most flexible of all robots
B. an intelligent robot
C. capable of point-to-point operation
D. the most flexible of all robots

25.FORTRAN is:
A. machine dependent
B. a medium-level language
C. a mathematically oriented language
D. machine dependent

26.Which of the methods below can be used to tell a robot what it is to do?
A. Walk-through
B. Set mechanical stops
C. Software program
D. Walk-through

27.The processing, which normally consists of a small computer with one or more peripheral devices, connected via a high-speed line to the large control computer is known as
A. On-line processing
B. Remote-terminal processing
C. Batch mode processing
D. On-line processing

28.VLSI (very large scale integrated circuits) logic:
A. will not be available in this decade
B. means more costly electronic products in the future
C. will result in lower cost, higher capability electronic equipment
D. will not be available in this decade

29.The term used to represent the recycling of unused memory is:
A. garbage collection
B. diagnostic routine
C. memory dump
D. garbage collection

30.In the instruction, 500 SUBA # 50 the command field is:
A. 500
B. # 50000
D. 500

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