GAT Subject :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.If you don't know which version of MS-DOS you are working with, which command will you use after booting your operating system ?
A. Format command
B. FAT command
C. VER command
D. Format command

2.The term " Operating System " means ________. ?
A. A set of programs which controls computer working
B. The way a computer operator works
C. Conversion of high-level language in to machine level language
D. A set of programs which controls computer working

3.The operating system of a computer serves as a software interface between the user and the ________. ?
A. Hardware
B. Peripheral
C. Memory
D. Hardware

4.Routine is not loaded until it is called. All routines are kept on disk in a relocatable load format. The main program is loaded into memory & is executed. This type of loading is called _________ ?
A. Static loading
B. Dynamic loading
C. Dynamic linking
D. Static loading

5.Unix Operating System is an __________. ?
A. Time Sharing Operating System
B. Multi-User Operating System
C. Multi-tasking Operating System
D. Time Sharing Operating System

6.Which file system does DOS typically use ?
A. FAT16
B. FAT32
D. FAT16

7.The program is known as _________ which interacts with the inner part of called kernel. ?
A. Compiler
B. Device Driver
C. Protocol
D. Compiler

8. Identify the odd thing in the services of operating system.?
A. Accounting
B. Protection
C. Error detection and correction
D. Accounting

9.Cryptography technique is used in ________. ?
A. Job Scheduling
B. Protection
C. Polling
D. Job Scheduling

10.Which of the following is not advantage of multi programming?
A. Increased throughput
B. Shorter response time
C. Decreased operating system overhead
D. Increased throughput

11.Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep both the CPU and the I/O devices busy?
A. Time-sharing
B. Spooling
C. Preemptive scheduling
D. Time-sharing

12.Which of the following variable wait within the to enable a process....?
A. a condition is defined by a condition variable
B. objects Boolean objects can be used by condition variables
C. semaphore must be used
D. a condition is defined by a condition variable

13.In which the access takes place when different processes try to access the same data concurrently and the outcome of the execution depends on the specific order, is called?
A. dynamic condition
B. race condition
C. essential condition
D. dynamic condition

14.Which of the following option is suitable when a process is executing in its critical section, then no other processes can be executing in their critical section?
A. critical exclusion
B. synchronous exclusion
C. d asynchronous exclusion
D. critical exclusion

15.Synchronization tool is?
A. thread
B. pipe
C. semaphore
D. thread

16. A semaphore is a shared integer variable that can not?
A. drop below zero
B. be more than zero
C. drop below one
D. drop below zero

17.Which of the following for Mutual exclusion can be provided by the:
A. mutex locks
B. binary semaphores
C. both mutex locks and binary semaphores
D. mutex locks

18.Process synchronization can be done on which of the following levels:
A. hardware
B. software
C. both hardware and software
D. hardware

19.A monitor is a module and monitor which of the following can encapsulates:
A. shared data structures
B. procedures that operate on shared data structure
C. synchronization between concurrent procedure invocation
D. shared data structures

20.Which of the following process can be affected by other processes during execution in the system?
A. init process
B. child process
C. parent process
D. init process

21. How can we avoid deadlock:
A. resource allocation must be done at once
B. there must be a fixed number of resources to allocate
C. all deadlock process must be aborted
D. resource allocation must be done at once

22.Where the Paging is implemented ……?
A. Software
B. Operating System
C. Hardware
D. Software

23.Which one of the following is not true about Kernel?
A. The kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in the running operating system
B. Kernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session
C. the kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system
D. The kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in the running operating system

24.The page fault is the ……?
A. Reference to a page belonging to another program
B. Access to a page not currently in memory
C. error in a specific page
D. Reference to a page belonging to another program

25.Peterson’s solution is restricted to ___ processes that alternate execution between their critical sections and remainder sections?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. One

26.We use the mutex lock to protect critical regions and thus prevent race conditions.the term mutex is short for:
A. mutual exception
B. mutual exclusion
C. mutually explained
D. mutual exception

27.Select the correct statements regarding mutex lock to prevent race condition:
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 3

28. The main disadvantage of the Mutex Lock is:
A. No waiting
B. mutex locks can not be used to solve classical synchronization problems
C. none of the above
D. No waiting

29.In Spinlocks :
A. no context switch is required when a process must wait on a lock
B. locks are expected to be held for short times
C. employed on multiprocessor systems
D. no context switch is required when a process must wait on a lock

30.A semaphore S is an integer variable that, apart from initialization, is accessed only through two standard atomic operations:
A. exec() and exit()
B. exec() and signal()
C. wait() and exit()
D. exec() and exit()

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