GAT Subject :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The sounds of a language change over time. English spelling does not always reflect this change: how was the 'gh' in 'night' originally pronounced?
A. Like German 'ch' in 'ich', but voiced
B. Like English 'ch' in 'church'
C. Like English 'y' in 'yellow'
D. Like German 'ch' in 'ich', but voiced

2.Which of these words describes the changing of the form of a verb in order to reflect person, number, tense and mood?
A. Conjugation
B. Subordination
C. Inversion
D. Conjugation

3. The combination of sounds 'ms-' is not acceptable as the beginning of a word or syllable in English. In which of these languages is it acceptable?
A. Dutch
B. Russian
C. French
D. Dutch

4.And finally... Old Norse is almost the same as which modern Scandinavian language?
A. Danish
B. Norwegian
C. Icelandic
D. Danish

5.A large enclosure for confining birds is known as _________?
A. Aviary
B. Columbary
C. Volary
D. Aviary

6.Which of these terms refer to the study of speech process?
A. Phonology
B. Phonetic substances
C. Phonetics
D. Phonology

7. Which of these is not a type of phonetics?
A. Articulatory
B. Personal
C. Acoustic
D. Articulatory

8. Which of these terms refer to the study of hearing and perception of speech sounds?
A. Articulatory phonetics
B. Acoustic phonetics
C. Auditory phonetics
D. Articulatory phonetics

9.What is the term used for ingressive air-sounds produced?
A. Claps
B. Snap
C. Clicks
D. Claps

10.Which of these refer to the sound features of a language?
A. Morphemics
B. Phonetic substances
C. Phonetics
D. Morphemics

11.What does the phonetic symbol d represent?
A. Voiced bilabial plosive
B. Voiceless palatal plosive
C. Voiced alveolor plosive
D. Voiced bilabial plosive

12.What is the full form of IPA?
A. Indian Phonetic Alphabet
B. International Phonetic Alphabet
C. International Phonetic Agreement
D. Indian Phonetic Alphabet

13.What does the sign / / represent?
A. Phonetic transcription
B. Centralization
C. Voiced bilabial nasal
D. Phonetic transcription

14. A branch of Linguistics which studies the sounds in a language is called _________.?
A. Literature
B. Phonetics
C. Consonants
D. Literature

15. ________ is a scientific study of language.
A. Linguistics
B. Sounds
C. Phonetics
D. Linguistics

16. The mechanism that takes place in the production of sounds is known as ________.?
A. Pulmonic mechanism
B. Air - stream mechanism
C. Pilmonic air - stream mechanism
D. Pulmonic mechanism

17. Sounds produced with a stricture of complete closure and sudden release are a called ________.?
A. Plosives
B. Flaps
C. Nasals
D. Plosives

18.The air from the lungs which escapes through the mouth ______ is known as vowels.
A. Noisy
B. Without friction
C. Vibration
D. Noisy

19. In order to speak the air flows through the ________ and then escapes through the mouth or nose.
A. Larynx
B. Heart
C. Vocal cord
D. Larynx

20. The air from the lungs which escapes through the mouth with friction is known as ________.?
A. Consonants
B. Phonetics
C. Vowels
D. Consonants

21.For the production of speech sounds the air starts from the________.?
A. Lungs
B. Liver
C. Heart
D. Lungs

22. The Vowels articulated with eight tongue positions are called _______.?
A. Dipthongs
B. Pure vowels
C. Monophthongs
D. Dipthongs

23. There are ________ sounds in English.?
A. 26
B. 34
C. 44
D. 26

24. ________consists of two processes inspiration and expiration.?
A. Speech process
B. Respiration
C. Gliding
D. Speech process

25.We use the air that we breathe ______ for the production of most speech sounds of the world.?
A. Out
B. In and Out
C. Out and In
D. Out

26. The ________ system consists of a few organs in our head and neck.?
A. Pulmonary
B. Phonatory
C. Articulatory
D. Pulmonary

27. During normal breathing, the vocal cords move far away from each other and therefore the ________ is wide open.?
A. Lungs
B. Nasal cavity
C. Mouth
D. Lungs

28.All the ________ of English are VOICED.?
A. Consonants
B. Vowels
C. Alphabets
D. Consonants

29. ________ out of the twenty - four consonants in English are VOICELESS.?
A. Ten
B. Twenty
C. Nine
D. Ten

30.How many vowels are there in the English alphabet?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 9
D. 4

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