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1. Nucleosomes are beaded structure on chromosomes and formed of:
A. DNA and histones
B. RNA and histones
C. RNA and proteins
D. DNA and histones

2.Beads in chromosomes are formed by:
A. DNA molecule taking one turn
B. DNA molecule taking two turn
C. RNA molecule taking one turn
D. DNA molecule taking one turn

3.The places in between beads of nucleosomes in chromosomes, where DNA is straight, are termed:
A. Speacers
B. Linkers
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. Speacers

4.An individual with two identical members of a pan or genetic factors is called:
A. Heterozygote
B. Homozygote
C. Hybrid
D. Heterozygote

5.Genetic mutations occur in:
A. Chromosomes
D. Chromosomes

6.X-rays cause mutations by:
A. Altering the chromosome structure
B. Routing the nuclear membrane
C. Breaking the spindle
D. Altering the chromosome structure

7.A functional units of gene which specifies the synthesis of polypeptide is called:
A. Clone
B. Recon
C. Cistron
D. Clone

8.Nucleosomes are the unit of:
C. Proteins

9. Unusual method of DNA duplication is called:
A. Semiconservative
B. Nonconservative
C. Conservative
D. Semiconservative

10. Mutations are harmful:
A. Always
B. Never
C. Rarely
D. Always

11.A zygote has which of these number of chromosomes:
A. x
B. 2x
C. 3x
D. x

12. In chromosomes the material controlling heredity is:
A. Histones
C. Chromocentres
D. Histones

13.Nuclein from nuclei of pus cells was separated by:
A. Miescher
B. Sutton
C. Altmann
D. Miescher

14.Genetics is a branch of biology, which deals with:
A. Laws of heredity and variations
B. Process of cell division at gametogenesis
C. Formation of new species through natural selection
D. Laws of heredity and variations

15.Term genetics was first used by:
A. Bateson
B. Sutton
C. Mendel
D. Bateson

16.Vapour theory of inheritance was put forward by:
A. Pythgorus
B. Aristotle
C. Graaf
D. Pythgorus

17.Who claimed to observe a mini form of man inside the sperm?
A. Hertsoeker
B. Bateson
C. Weismann
D. Hertsoeker

18.Who is considered father of genetics
A. Mendel
B. Weismann
C. Bateson
D. Mendel

19.Gregor John Mendel is famous for:
A. Mutation teory
B. Laws of heredity
C. Discovery of genes
D. Mutation teory

20.Unit of inheritance is called :
A. Genotype
B. Phenotype
C. Gene
D. Genotype

21.The term gene was first used by:
A. Johannsen
B. Mendel
C. Morgan
D. Johannsen

22. Branch of biology, which deals with the laws of heredity or similarities and dissimilarities between individuals related by descent, is called:
A. Genetics
B. Eugenics
C. Evolution
D. Genetics

23.Theory of continuity of germplasm suggests that:
A. Germinal material of body passes through gametes from one generation to another
B. Sex cells are provided with mankins of adult bodies
C. Embryo develops from a simple fertilized cell and becomes a baby during later stages of pregnancy
D. Germinal material of body passes through gametes from one generation to another

24. Law of dominance was given by:
A. Mendel
B. Weismann
C. de Vries
D. Mendel

25.Who observed sperms for the first time?
A. Graff
B. Leeuwenhock
C. Swammerdon
D. Graff

26.Who discovered the ova for the first time:
A. Graff
B. Malpighi
C. Swammerdon
D. Graff

27.The worker who studied experimentally and proposed the laws of heredity was:
A. Muller
B. Morgan
C. Maipighi
D. Muller

28.. Unit factor term for controlling characters of individuals was given by:
A. Mendel
B. Morgan
C. Malpighi
D. Mendel

29. Mendel selected which of the following traits for his studies:
A. Stem length (tall or dwarf), flower position (apical or axial)
B. Flower colour (purple or white), seed shape (round or wrinkled)
C. Colour of pod (green or yellow), cotyledon colour (yellow or green)
D. Stem length (tall or dwarf), flower position (apical or axial)

30.Which of these characters is dominant:
A. Axial position of flowers
B. Apical position of flowers
C. Green colour of cotyledons
D. Axial position of flowers

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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