Past Papers :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which of the following internet search engine was founded by larry page and sergery brin?
A. Yahoo
B. Bing
C. Baidu
D. Yahoo

2.Battle of Badr was fought in month of?
A. Muharam
B. Zil Haj
C. Ramzan
D. Muharam

3.The Book Jinnah of Pakistan is written by?
A. Sarojini
B. Hector Bolitho
C. Stanley Wolpert
D. Sarojini

4.When the first general Elections under the 1973 constitution were held?
A. 1976
B. 1977
C. 1978
D. 1976

5.The first Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan was established at?
A. Mianwali
B. Lahore
C. Karachi
D. Mianwali

6.How do you feed �. their coming?
A. In
B. Of
C. About
D. In

7.Helsinki is the capital of?
A. Finland
B. Estonia
C. Iceland
D. Finland

8.The synonym of Vibrant is?
A. Spirited
B. Docile
C. Patient
D. Spirited

9.Decibel is a unit used for?
A. Speed of light
B. Intensity of sound
C. Intensity of Heat
D. Speed of light

10.Sharmeen obaid chinoy won an Oscar Award for the second time for her documentary movie titled?
A. Saving Face
B. Road to forgiveness
C. In The line of Duty
D. Saving Face

11.Since they began how many Olympic Games have been held in Africa?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 1

12.The antonym of Virtue is?
A. Variable
B. Fraud
C. Grace
D. Variable

13.Babri Masjid which was demolished by Hindu extremists is situated in the province state of?
A. Maharashtra
B. Uttar Pardesh
C. Madhya pradesh
D. Maharashtra

14.The world famous madame Tussadu�s museum is located in?
A. Edinburg
B. London
C. Rome
D. Edinburg

15.The Edhi Foundation has the world Largest?
A. Medical Service
B. Volunteers Service
C. Food Kitchens
D. Medical Service

16.Ornithology is the scientific study of?
A. Animals
B. Reptiles
C. Sea Plant
D. Animals

17.The playground for playing baseball is called?
A. Diamond
B. Court
C. Ring
D. Diamond

18.In terms of area the biggest district of Punjab is?
A. D.G khan
B. Bahawalpur
C. Rajanpur
D. D.G khan

19.Chenab Meets River River Jhelum?
A. Kot Mithan
B. Panjand
C. Qatalpur
D. Kot Mithan

20.You can easily get money if you�. your ornaments?
A. Gaze
B. Gauge
C. Gage
D. Gaze

21.If sum of two numbers is 30 and their difference is 8, what is their product?
A. 200
B. 201
C. 209
D. 200

22.Find the average of 5/6, 4/3, 3/4?
A. 35/36
B. 38/36
C. 1
D. 35/36

23.The output quality of a printer is measured by?
A. Dot per sq. inch
B. Dot per inch
C. Dots Printed Per unite Time
D. Dot per sq. inch

24.Which of the following is responsible for the largest amount of oxygen of Earth?
A. Algae
B. Trees
C. Peat Bogs
D. Algae

25.A New Religion Din I LLahi was introduced to reconcile Hindus Muslims by which Mughals Emperor?
A. Babur
B. Akbar
C. SHahjahan
D. Babur

26.Antonym of Validate is?
A. Disprove
B. Legalize
C. Authenticate
D. Disprove

27.He is suffering _____ cancer?
A. About
B. By
C. Of
D. About

28.Pakistan -Afghanistan border Durand line was drawn in?
A. 1892
B. 1893
C. 1890
D. 1892

29.Complete the number series 14, 28, 20, 40, 32, 64�.?
A. 56
B. 46
C. 58
D. 56

30.Who was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan?
A. A.R Cornelius
B. Abdur Rasheed
C. M.R. Kiyani
D. A.R Cornelius

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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