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1.Which of the following words is a dummy pronoun?
A. He
B. We
C. It
D. He

2.In diary farm 40 cows eat 40 bags of husk in 40 days. In how many days will one cow eat one bag of husk?
A. 30
B. 35
C. 38
D. 30

3.Give the number of Faraiz-e-Wuzu as mention in the Holly Quran?
A. Five
B. Two
C. Three
D. Five

4.You can create a new presentation by completing all of the following except____?
A. Clicking the new button on the standard toolbar
B. Clicking file new
C. Clicking file open
D. Clicking the new button on the standard toolbar

5.Who was the leader of Iranian Revolution in 1979?
A. Ayatallah Mehdi Montazeri
B. Ayatallah Khomeini
C. Mehdi Bazargan
D. Ayatallah Mehdi Montazeri

6.What is the opposite of �Shirk� in Islam?
A. Akhuwwat
B. Tauheed
C. Insaf
D. Akhuwwat

7.Business through internet is called?
A. Credit Card
B. Courier
C. E-Commerce
D. Credit Card

8.In the Holly Quran there are two Surahs named after insects One is Al-Nahl, name the other?
A. Surah Al-Naml
B. Surah Al -Qadar
C. Surah Al-Falaq
D. Surah Al-Naml

9.Regarding internet, the acronym ISP refers to?
A. Internet Software Procedure
B. Internet Software Program
C. Internet Service Provider
D. Internet Software Procedure

10.Who called the father of modern psychology?
A. Hippocrates
B. Edward Gibbon
C. John Heppnr
D. Hippocrates

11.Complete the number series: 1, 8, 27, 9��?
A. 8
B. 9
C. 64
D. 8

12.How many times Pakistan became Olympic Champion in Hockey?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Two

13.Which gas is used in the preparation of fizzy soft drink?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Nitrogen
D. Oxygen

14.Who invented the Java language?
A. James Gosling
B. Deniss Ritche
C. Grace Hopper
D. James Gosling

15.�Formosa� is the old name of?
A. Taiwan
B. Mongolia
C. Thailand
D. Taiwan

16.IN MS Excel to view a cell comment?
A. Click the edit comment command on the insert menu
B. Click the display comment command on the window menu
C. Position the mouse pointer over the cell
D. Click the edit comment command on the insert menu

17.�Disk Cleanup� is a/an?
A. Utility Program
B. Device driver
C. Productivity Software
D. Utility Program

18.In which Surah of Holly Quran, the method to perform �Wuzu� is elaborated?
A. Al � Anam
B. Al- Maida
C. Al- Baqarah
D. Al � Anam

19.who among the following is convicted in Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case?
A. Habib Jalib
B. Agha Shorash Kashmir
C. Faiz Ahmad Faiz
D. Habib Jalib

20.In MS PowerPoint, clip art option is available in ____ menu?
A. Home
B. Insert
C. Design
D. Home

21.Chaudhary Rahmat Ali, who proposed the name �Pakistan� buried in?
A. Karachi
B. London
C. Oxford
D. Karachi

22.What is the is the distance of penalty stroke away from the back line in hockey game?
A. 6.40 meter
B. 6.52 meter
C. 6.98 meter
D. 6.40 meter

23.Complete the number series: 2, 6, 18, 54��?
A. 216
B. 148
C. 162
D. 216

24.Metacarpal bones are found in which part of the human body?
A. Feet
B. Pelvic region
C. Cranium
D. Feet

25.To apply center alignment, to a Paragraph we can press?
A. Ctrl + S
B. Ctrl + C
C. Ctrl + A
D. Ctrl + S

26.Who were the champions in the 2018 FIFA World Cup?
A. Cortila
B. Russia
C. United Kingdom
D. Cortila

27.The term �Hung Parliament� describe a situation in which?
A. Prime Minister deliberately avoids the session of the parliament for a long period
B. Prime Minister has been removed through a vote of no confidence but refuses to step-down
C. No single party has a majority in the house
D. Prime Minister deliberately avoids the session of the parliament for a long period

28.Choose the correct meaning of idiom: �A dark horse�?
A. A pure black horse
B. A wicked fellow
C. A Lucky Horse
D. A pure black horse

29.Which poisonous gas produced when coal is burned without enough air supply?
A. Carbon Monoxide
B. Nitrogen Oxide
C. Ammonia
D. Carbon Monoxide

30.Fill in the blanks: Salma was ill_____ fever?
A. of
B. to
C. with
D. of

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