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1.Which device is required for the internet connection??
A. Joystick
B. Modem
C. CD Drive
D. Joystick

2.What is a light pen?
A. A mechanical input device
B. Optical input device
C. Electronic input device
D. A mechanical input device

3.UNVAC is................?
A. Universal Automatic Computer
B. Universal Array Computer
C. Unique Automatic Computer
D. Universal Automatic Computer

4.The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk was.............?
A. 1.40 MB
B. 1.44 GB
C. 1.40 GB
D. 1.40 MB

5.EBCDIC stands for...........?
A. Extended Binary Coded Decimal interchange Code
B. Extended Bit Code Decimal interchange Code
C. Extended Bit Case Decimal interchange Code
D. Extended Binary Coded Decimal interchange Code

6.Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit?
A. Printer
B. Keyboard
C. Mouse
D. Printer

7.CAD Stands for...... ______?
A. Computer aided design
B. Computer algorithm for design
C. Computer application in design
D. Computer aided design

8.Junk e mail is also called.........?
A. Spam
B. Spoof
C. Sniffer script
D. Spam

9.Which statement describe "Hackers"?
A. All have the same motive
B. Break into other people's computers
C. May legally break into computers as long as they don't do any damage
D. All have the same motive

10.A computer cannot 'boot' if it does not have the.........?
A. Computer
B. Leader
C. Operating System
D. Computer

11.The IQ of the genius is above 140. What should be the IQ of a normality intelligent person?
A. 75
B. 80
C. Around 100
D. 75

12.What is the meaning of obstreperous?
A. Obstinate
B. Noisy and rough
C. Obstructive
D. Obstinate

13.What does apartheld iterally mean?
A. Purity of blood
B. Remaining apart
C. Separate development
D. Purity of blood

14.In our solar system,which planet takes the least time to orbit the sun?
A. Mars
B. Earth
C. Mercury
D. Mars

15.Where did finger skating originate?
A. Iceland
B. England
C. Sweden
D. Iceland

16.Which King's regin has been the longest in English history?
A. Queen Elizabeth II
B. Queen Elizabeth
C. George III
D. Queen Elizabeth II

17.Which is the world largest sweat-water lake?
A. Baikal
B. Lake Superior
C. Lake Michigan
D. Baikal

18.When was the first complete collections of Shakespeare's play's known as the first Follo published? Shakespeare's date are 1554-1616:
A. 1615
B. 1618
C. 1623
D. 1615

19.Which are the largest bird in the world?
A. Condors
B. The great Indian Bustered
C. Wild Eagles
D. Condors

20.What is the meaning of fractious?
A. Divisive
B. Unruly
C. Quarrelsome
D. Divisive

21.Who are the Khmer Rouge?
A. Vietnamese communist guerrilla
B. Cambodian guerrilla communist force
C. Thai communist force
D. Vietnamese communist guerrilla

22.How many sides go to make a traperzium?
A. 13
B. 6
C. 4
D. 13

23.In which country was the first World Cup football tournament held?
A. Brazil
B. Argentina
C. Belgium
D. Brazil

24.The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called.......?
A. Double - Space
B. Line spacing
C. Single space
D. Double - Space

25.Hydroponic has obviously something to do with water. What exactly?
A. Underwater reception and intetprettion of sound waves
B. A science with studies the chemical properties of fluids
C. Soilless cultivation of planet
D. Underwater reception and intetprettion of sound waves

26.Example of non. Numeric data is is......?
A. Employee address
B. Examination score
C. Bank balance
D. Employee address

27.What is embedded system??
A. The programme which arrives by being wrapped in box
B. The programme which is the permanent part of the computer
C. The computer which is part of a larger system or machine
D. The programme which arrives by being wrapped in box

28.First page of wabsite is termed as........?
A. Homepage
B. Index
C. JAVA script
D. Homepage

29.When a file is saved for the first time?
A. A copy is automatically printed
B. It must be given a name to identify it
C. It does not need a name
D. A copy is automatically printed

30.Who was the first reciptient of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1901?
A. H. G wells
B. Leo toistoy
C. R. F. A sully prudhomme
D. H. G wells

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