Past Papers :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.What was the director of Germany from 1933 to 1945?
A. George Bush
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Peter I
D. George Bush

2.Which regiment of Pakistan army has received maximum number of 'Nishan -e-haider'?
A. Punjab regiment
B. Baluch regiment
C. Sindh regiment
D. Punjab regiment

3.Simplify :37 - [5+{28-(19-7)}]
A. 16
B. 27
C. 14
D. 16

4.Who was the ruler of jammu and Kashmir at the time of partition?
A. Hari Singh Dogra
B. Jagjeet Singh Dogra
C. Anjeet Singh Dogra
D. Hari Singh Dogra

5.The longest Mountain range in the world 'Andees ' is in?
A. North America
B. South America
C. Europe
D. North America

6.Which number will complete the number serious: 2, 5, 12, 23, 38 , 57, ...........:
A. 80
B. 84
C. 76
D. 80

7.To ensure that a graphic that you insert a document is not distorted when you resize it select :
A. Lock aspect ratio
B. Retain preposition
C. Equalizer
D. Lock aspect ratio

8.In which city is the famous wazir Khan Mosque located?
A. Peshawar
B. Thata
C. Lahore
D. Peshawar

9.The shortcut key to bold the next is........?
A. Ctrl+v
B. Ctrl+B
C. Ctrl+O
D. Ctrl+v

10.What is the name of Hadis,which is according to the Holy Quran and reason?
A. Hadith Quli
B. Hadith Sahih
C. Hadith Mashoor
D. Hadith Quli

11.Which file is reasonable to start MS word?
A. Win.exe
B. Word.exe
C. WinWord.exe
D. Win.exe

12.Temperature is measured using a:
A. Tharmometer
B. Tereoscope
C. Stethoscope
D. Tharmometer

13.Cleveland dam is built on Capllano river of.... ?
A. Canada
B. United States
C. Autralia
D. Canada

14.The synonymou Of ' Emancipate ' is:
A. To set free from restraints
B. To neglect
C. To keep in bondage
D. To set free from restraints

15.Find the relationship: "Zoo is to animals as Aquarium is to:
A. Fish
B. Alligators
C. Birds
D. Fish

16.Who is the author of the book "Conversation with myself "?
A. Barak Obama
B. Nesion Mandela
C. Winston Churchill
D. Barak Obama

17.Which combinatio of keys is used to underline a text?
B. Ctrl+SHIF+U

18.Synonym of CANNY is:
A. Obstinate
B. Handsome
C. Resourcful
D. Obstinate

19.Mulana Muhammad Ali Juhair is buried at:
A. Bait ul Muqaddas
B. Alighar
C. London
D. Bait ul Muqaddas

20.Kishanganga hydropower project was built on the river :
A. Ravi
B. Jehlum
C. Ganga
D. Ravi

21.Hajjij Bin Yousif demanded :
A. Raja Ashok Chander
B. Raja Dahir
C. Raja Ma'am singh
D. Raja Ashok Chander

22.A husband and wife had six married sons and each of them had five children.How many members were there in family?
A. 44
B. 36
C. 41
D. 44

23.Fill in the blank :salma was ill...... Fever.
A. To
B. With
C. On
D. To

24.Which poisonous gas produced when the coal is burned without enough air supply?
A. Nitrogen oxide
B. Carban monoxide
C. Ammonia
D. Nitrogen oxide

25.Choose the correct meaning of idiom:" A dark Horse ".
A. A pure black horse
B. An unexpected winner
C. A luck horse
D. A pure black horse

26.Who were the champions in the 2018 FIFA World Cup?
A. Russian
B. France
C. Unites kingdom
D. Russian

27.To apply the center alignment to a paragraph,we can use which of the following key?

28.Metacarpal bones are found in which part of human body?
A. Hands
B. Feet
C. Cranium
D. Hands

29.Complete the number series : 2, 6, 18, 54, ......... ?
A. 148
B. 158
C. 162
D. 148

30.Which country is located at the north of Arabian sea?
A. Iran
B. Pakistan
C. Both A and B
D. Iran

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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