Past Papers :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Find out the correct passive voice sentence : "Circumstances will Oblige me to go "?
A. I shall be obliged by circumstances.
B. I shall have to obliged to go
C. I shall go if circumstances obliged me
D. I shall be obliged by circumstances.

2.When Hajj Was made complosary?
A. 9 hijri
B. 10 hijri
C. 6 hijri
D. 9 hijri

3.The Madassah Deoband started in Deoband,a small town of :
A. Shakrpur
B. Nupur
C. Ambala
D. Shakrpur

4.Bengal was partitioned in Oct. 1905.when Lord ....... Was Viceroy.
A. Cuzon
B. Mayo
C. Ripon
D. Cuzon

5.Choose the synonym of "myopic "
A. Nearsighted
B. Healthy
C. Old
D. Nearsighted

6.Fill in the blank : He became addicted .......... Drugs at quite at early age.
A. For
B. Into
C. To
D. For

A. 0
B. 2.181
C. 3
D. 0

8.What is the meaning of idiom/proverb "To take the bull by the horns "?
A. To punish a person Severely for his arrogance
B. To deal with difficult situation in a direct way
C. To handle it by fierce attack
D. To punish a person Severely for his arrogance

9.The official language of Shanghai cooperation organization are:
A. English and Chinese
B. Russian and Chinese
C. English, Chinese and Russian
D. English and Chinese

10.The program that contains instructions to operate a devic is called :
A. Device operator
B. Device driver
C. Device linking
D. Device operator

11.For galvanizing of iron,which of the following metals used for?
A. Aluminum
B. Copper
C. Lead
D. Aluminum

12.People Benedict XV, who died in 2013,was from which country?
A. Italy
B. Poland
C. French
D. Italy

13.Twitter is a :
A. Search engine
B. Social network service
C. Email service
D. Search engine

14.The Lucknow pact between congress and the Muslim league was signed in which year?
A. 1912
B. 1916
C. 1920
D. 1912

15.What is the old name of Zhob?
A. Fort Sandeman
B. Fort Munro
C. Montgomery
D. Fort Sandeman

16.USP is an abbreviation of:
A. Universal pumping station
B. Universal power supply
C. Uninterrupted power supply
D. Universal pumping station

17.Who was the secretary General of United Nations before Ban kal-moon?
A. Kofi Annan
B. Boutros-Boutros Ghali
C. Javier Perez de cuellar
D. Kofi Annan

18."The Da Vinci code" is:
A. A bestselling novel
B. An ancient legal code
C. The history of Jews
D. A bestselling novel

19.Who is considered as the father of psychoanalysis?
A. TB watson
B. Albert
C. Adler
D. TB watson

20.What does OIC stand for?
A. Organization of Islamic conference
B. Organization of Islamic cooperation
C. Organization of integrated cooperation
D. Organization of Islamic conference

21.Which country is called playground of Europe?
A. Switzerland
B. Denmark
C. Sweden
D. Switzerland

22.RAM stand for?
A. Read after memory
B. Random access memory
C. Read all memory
D. Read after memory

23.Who postulated the theory of Natural selection in Evolution?
A. Talbot
B. John Laszlo
C. Josph Lister
D. Talbot

24.Valletta is the capital of:
A. Slovenia
B. Albania
C. Malta
D. Slovenia

25.When was the state of Israel admitted to the UNO?
A. 1947
B. 1948
C. 1949
D. 1947

26.In which district of Pakistan is the famous katas Raj temples complex located?
A. Sargodha
B. Shaiwal
C. Thatta
D. Sargodha

27.Vitamin C is essential for :
A. Appetite
B. Growth and repair of tissues
C. Muscles
D. Appetite

28.In which district is the archeaological site Harrapa located?
A. Sukkar
B. Shaiwal
C. Thatta
D. Sukkar

29.Which one of the following shapes has four equal sides and right angles?
A. Rhombus
B. Square
C. Rectangle
D. Rhombus

30.When did five prayers become and obligation (Farz)?
A. 10th Nabvi
B. 11th Nabvi
C. 12th Nabvi
D. 10th Nabvi

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