Past Papers :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.In 1946 which of the following called for total disarmament of Nuclear Weapon ?
A. UN General Assembly
C. Russia
D. UN General Assembly

2.Recently Pakistan submarine missile launched by which country by the name of Fatah?
A. Saudia Arabia
B. Iran
C. Afghanistan
D. Saudia Arabia

3.Reconstruction of Black Project Started in Which Desert?
A. Thar
B. Cholistan
C. Dust
D. Thar

4.Ambassador of European Union to Pakistan ?
A. Androulla Kaminara
B. Marek Skolil
C. Wolfram Vetter
D. Androulla Kaminara

5.The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has issued a coin in 2017 to recognize Edhi�s services, Worth Rs. ?
A. 30
B. 40
C. 50
D. 30

6.2022 T20 World Cup will be held in which Country ?
A. Australia
B. New Zealand
C. Pakistan
D. Australia

7.Which Country deforestation rate is the Highest in Asia?
A. Iran
B. Afghanistan
C. Pakistan
D. Iran

8.Current Chief Justice of Sindh High Court ?
A. Irfan Saadat Khan
B. Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi
C. Ahmed Ali M. Shaikh
D. Irfan Saadat Khan

9.Current President of Pakistan at What Number ?
A. 13
B. 14
C. 15
D. 13

10.Who is the Current Secretary General of OIC?
A. Iyad bin Amin Madani
B. Yousef bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen
C. Ambassador Hissein Brahim Taha
D. Iyad bin Amin Madani

11.What Percentage of Land is Covered by Forest?
A. 11%
B. 21%
C. 31%
D. 11%

12.Arctic Region holds how much percentage of Gas Reserves?
A. 10%
B. 17%
C. 21%
D. 10%

13.Pakistan Number on Terrorism Index ?
A. 9.59
B. 8.76
C. 7.54
D. 9.59

14.When was china and Iran strategic agreement was signed?
A. 27-Mar-21
B. 27-Jan-21
C. 27-Dec-20
D. 27-Mar-21

15.Who is the Current Chairman of the Pakistan Senate?
A. Aitezaz Ahsan
B. Nayyar Bokhari
C. Raja Zefar-ul-Haq
D. Aitezaz Ahsan

16.who is the current Secretary General of SAARC?
A. Ahmed Saleem
B. Esala Ruwan
C. Sheal Kant Sharma
D. Ahmed Saleem

17.Which of the following is not river of Baluchistan?
A. Mula
B. Dasht
C. Ghizer
D. Mula

18.Which country has filed a case against Myanmar in the International Court of Justice (ICJ.?
A. France
B. Australia
C. Gambia
D. France

19.Which of the following shortcut key is used to start the slideshow?
A. F10
B. F9
C. F5
D. F10

20.Pakistan required how many votes to exit from Grey List of FATF?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 10

21.Which Country recently abolished the post of Prime Minister?
A. Sweden
B. Turkey
C. Senegal
D. Sweden

22.Where is WhiteHeaven beach located in Australia?
A. Perth
B. Adelaide
C. Queensland
D. Perth

23.In Germany head of state and government is called ?
A. President
B. Vice President.
C. Federal Chancellor
D. President

24.How many bones are there in an adult human being?
A. 200
B. 201
C. 206
D. 200

25.Port Qasim is near the which city of Pakistan?
A. Lahore
B. Gawadar
C. Karachi
D. Lahore

26.Tianwen-1 mission of China is related to ?
A. Space Agency
B. Moon
C. Mars
D. Space Agency

27.Bronze is an alloy of ?
A. Copper & Bronze
B. Lead & Tin
C. Copper & Tin
D. Copper & Bronze

28.Proton was discovered by ?
A. JJ Thomson
B. Chadwick
C. Goldstein
D. JJ Thomson

29.Correct the following: A white and black dog is barking
A. A white and a black dog is barking
B. A white and black dog are barking
C. A white and black dog is barking
D. A white and a black dog is barking

30.The ratio of ages of two students is 3 : 2. One is older to the other by 5 years. What is the age of the younger student?
A. 2 years
B. 10 years
C. 15 years
D. 2 years

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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