Technical :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.What is preferred method for enforcing data integrity ?
A. Constraints
B. Stored Procedure
C. Triggers
D. Constraints

2.Which of the following gives a logical structure of the database graphically?
A. Entity-relationship diagram
B. Entity diagram
C. Database diagram
D. Entity-relationship diagram

3.The entity relationship set is represented in E-R diagram as?
A. Double diamonds
B. Undivided rectangles
C. Dashed lines
D. Double diamonds

4.The Rectangles divided into two parts represents?
A. Entity set
B. Relationship set
C. Attributes of a relationship set
D. Entity set

5.We indicate roles in E-R diagrams by labeling the lines that connect ?
A. Diamond , diamond
B. Rectangle, diamond
C. Rectangle, rectangle
D. Diamond , diamond

6.An entity set that does not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key is termed a?
A. Strong entity set
B. Variant set
C. Weak entity set
D. Strong entity set

7.For a weak entity set to be meaningful, it must be associated with another entity set, called the?
A. Identifying set
B. Owner set
C. Neighbour set
D. Identifying set

8.Weak entity set is represented as?
A. Underline
B. Double line
C. Double diamond
D. Underline

9.If you were collecting and storing information about your music collection, an album would be considered a(n)?
A. Relation
B. Entity
C. Instance
D. Relation

10.What term is used to refer to a specific record in your music database; for instance; information stored about a specific album?
A. Relation
B. Instance
C. Table
D. Relation

11.The primary key in the section relation is?
A. Course_id
B. Sec_id
C. Both A & B
D. Course_id

12.Which of the following Id is selected for the following query?
A. 1003
B. 1001
C. Error message appears
D. 1003

13.Which of the following Id are displayed?
A. 1003
B. 1001
C. Both A & B
D. 1003

14.The query which selects the Course_id ‘CS-101’ from the section relation is?
A. Select Course_id from section where Building = ‘Richard’;
B. Select Course_id from section where Year = ‘2009’;
C. Select Course_id from teaches where Building = ‘Packyard’;
D. Select Course_id from section where Building = ‘Richard’;

15.Which of the following has an error in the above create table for the relation section?
A. Primary key (course id, sec id, semester, year)
B. Foreign key (course id) references course
C. Year numeric (4,0)
D. Primary key (course id, sec id, semester, year)

16.The relation with primary key can be created using?
A. Create table instructor (Id, Name)
B. Create table instructor (Id, Name, primary key(name))
C. Create table instructor (Id, Name, primary key (Id))
D. Create table instructor (Id, Name)

17.How can the values in the relation teaches be deleted?
A. Drop table teaches;
B. Delete from teaches;
C. Purge table teaches;
D. Drop table teaches;

18.In the above teaches relation ” Select * from teaches where Year = ‘2010’” displays how many rows?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 2

19.The relation changes can be got back using which command?
A. Flashback
B. Purge
C. Delete
D. Flashback

20. Which of the following is false with respect to TCP?
A. Connection-oriented
B. Process-to-process
C. Transport layer protocol
D. Connection-oriented

21.In TCP, sending and receiving data is done as ?
A. Stream of bytes
B. Sequence of characters
C. Lines of data
D. Stream of bytes

22. TCP process may not write and read data at the same speed. So we need for storage?
A. Packets
B. Buffers
C. Segments
D. Packets

23.TCP groups a number of bytes together into a packet called ?
A. Packet
B. Buffer
C. Segment
D. Packet

24.Communication offered by TCP is ?
A. Full-duplex
B. Half-duplex
C. Semi-duplex
D. Full-duplex

25.To achieve reliable transport in TCP, is used to check the safe and sound arrival of data?
A. Packet
B. Buffer
C. Segment
D. Packet

26.In segment header, sequence number and acknowledgement number fields refer to ?
A. Byte number
B. Buffer number
C. Segment number
D. Byte number

27.Suppose a TCP connection is transferring a file of 1000 bytes. The first byte is numbered 10001. What is the sequence number of the segment if all data is sent in only one segment?
A. 10000
B. 10001
C. 12001
D. 10000

28. Bytes of data being transferred in each connection are numbered by TCP. These numbers start with a _________
A. Fixed number
B. Random sequence of 0’s and 1’s
C. One
D. Fixed number

29. The value of acknowledgement field in a segment defines _______
A. sequence number of the byte received previously
B. total number of bytes to receive
C. sequence number of the next byte to be received
D. sequence number of the byte received previously

30.The receiver of the data controls the amount of data that are to be sent by the sender is referred to as ?
A. Flow control
B. Error control
C. Congestion control
D. Flow control

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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