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1.When a gene pair at one locus interacts with another gene at another locus, the interaction is called
A. Dominance
B. Multiple Alleles
C. Pleiotropy
D. Dominance

2.The combination of a pentose sugar with a base result in a compound is known as
A. Nucleotide
B. Nucleoside
C. Nucleic Acid
D. Nucleotide

3.The relative abundance of the isotopes of the elements can be determined by:
A. Mass Spectrometry
B. Mass-mole relationship
C. Mole-volume relationship
D. Mass Spectrometry

4.An enzyme and substrate reacts through a special feature or site present in enzyme:
A. Building Site
B. Active Site
C. Catalyst Site
D. Building Site

5.If we are given the mass of one substance, we can calculate volume of other substances and vice a versa with the help of balanced chemical equation. This is called
A. Mass-mass relationship
B. Mass-mole relationship
C. Mole-volume relationship
D. Mass-mass relationship

6.The non-protein part of enzyme which is covalently and permanently bonded is called
A. Prosthetic Group
B. Co-Factor
C. Co-Enzyme
D. Prosthetic Group

7.One of the pyrimidine bases is absent in DNA
A. Uracil
B. Thymine
C. Cytosine
D. Uracil

8.Enzymes increase the rate of reaction by
A. Increasing Temperature
B. Decreasing pH
C. Decreasing Activation Energy
D. Increasing Temperature

9.Which one of the following diseases caused by enveloped RNA virus and spread in epidemic form?
A. Influenza
B. Herpes Simplex
C. Polio
D. Influenza

10.The structure which contains the gene for drug resistance bacteria are
A. Nucleoids
B. Mesosomes
C. Chromatin Bodies
D. Nucleoids

11.Antibiotics that kill microbes immediately are called
A. Microbistatic
B. Microbicidal
C. Biostatic
D. Microbistatic

12.Which one of the following fungi causes vaginal thrush?
A. Candida
B. Aspergillus
C. Tortula
D. Candida

13.Sublimation is used to purify
A. Ammonium sulphate
B. Sodium chloride
C. Benzoic acid
D. Ammonium sulphate

14.Body cavity of round worms is called
A. Pseudocoelom
B. Coelom
C. Acoelom
D. Pseudocoelom

15.Fasciola is endoparasite of
A. Colon
B. Liver
C. Small Intestine
D. Colon

16.The purity of a substance can be identified by
A. Sublimation
B. Filtration
C. Chromatography
D. Sublimation

17.Trypanosoma is transmitted in human beings by
A. Plasmodium
B. Anopheles
C. House Fly
D. Plasmodium

18.The root mean square velocity of gases is inversely proportional to the square root of their:
A. Molar mass
B. Temperature
C. Pressure
D. Molar mass

19.Plasma is the ionized gas mixture which consists of
A. Ions and electrons
B. Electrons and neutral atoms
C. Electrons, ions and neutral atoms
D. Ions and electrons

20.The nervous system develops from which of the following layer during embryonic development of animals
A. Mesoderm
B. Ectoderm
C. Endoderm
D. Mesoderm

21.Which type of force is present in gasoline?
A. Dipole-dipole forces
B. Dipole-induced dipole forces
C. London dispersion forces
D. Dipole-dipole forces

22.Endosperm is formed as a result of
A. Pollination
B. Self-Pollination
C. Double Fertilization
D. Pollination

23.In the structure of NaCl, each Na+ is surrounded by _____ Cl- ions.
A. Four
B. Eight
C. Five
D. Four

24.Which of the following enzyme is released in an inactive form
A. Amylase
B. Lipase
C. Enterokinase
D. Amylase

25.Which of the following hormones stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice from pancreas in liver?
A. Secretin
B. Pepsinogen
C. Gastrin
D. Secretin

26.The charge of one gram of electron is
A. 1.7588 x 10-11
B. 1.7588 x 1011
C. 1.602 x 10-19
D. 1.7588 x 10-11

27.The ionization energy of hydrogen atom is
A. Zero
B. 13.13 kJmol
C. 1313.31 kJmol-1
D. Zero

28.In large intestine, vitamin k is formed by the activity of
A. Symbiotic Bacteria
B. Obligate Bacteria
C. Parasitic Bacteria
D. Symbiotic Bacteria

29.Which quantum number helps to study the orientation of an orbital in space?
A. Principal Quantum Number
B. Spin Quantum Number
C. Magnetic Quantum Number
D. Principal Quantum Number

30.During swallowing of food which structure close nasal opening?
A. Hard Palate
B. Soft Palate
C. Epiglottis
D. Hard Palate

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