Medical Papers :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The length of myofibril from one Z-band to the next is known as
A. Sarcomere
B. Sarcolemma
C. Sarcoplasm
D. Sarcomere

2.End products of yeast fermentation, bacterial fermentation and anaerobic respiration are
A. Citric acid, lactic acid, carbon dioxide and water
B. Ethyl alcohol, citric acid and carbon dioxide
C. Ethyl alcohol, lactic acid, carbon dioxide and water
D. Citric acid, lactic acid, carbon dioxide and water

3.Calcium ions released during a muscle fiber contraction attach with
A. Myosin
B. Actin
C. Tropomyosin
D. Myosin

4. The process of formation of RNA from DNA is called
A. Translation
B. Transcription
C. Mutation
D. Translation

5.A muscle condition resulting from the accumulation of lactic acid and ionic imbalance is:
A. Tetany
B. Muscle Fatigue
C. Cramp
D. Tetany

6.Loss of water through hydathodes is called
A. Guttation
B. Transpiration
C. photosynthesis
D. Guttation

7. In human beings, what is the function of amylase in digestion?
A. Digestion of triglycerides
B. Digestion of lipids
C. Digestion of all types of food
D. Digestion of triglycerides

8.The pigment which stores oxygen in muscles is
A. Hemoglobin
B. Myoglobin
C. Myosin
D. Hemoglobin

9. Where is the ileocolic sphincter located in your body?
A. At the junction of esophagus and stomach
B. At the junction of stomach and small intestine
C. At the junction of ileum and large intestine
D. At the junction of esophagus and stomach

10.Neurosecretory cells are present in which part of brain
A. Hypothalamus
B. Midbrain
C. Pons
D. Hypothalamus

11.Which of the following is the part of Pectoral Girdle?
A. Patella
B. Pubis
C. Femur
D. Patella

12.Which of the following is the function of glucagon hormone?
A. Glycogen to Glucose
B. Glucose to Glycogen
C. Glucose to Lipids
D. Glycogen to Glucose

13.Antibodies are not present in...?
A. Blood
B. Lymph
C. Plasma
D. Blood

14.The term which is employed to the loss of appetite due to fear of becoming obese is
A. Obesity
B. Anorexia nervosa
C. Trachea
D. Obesity

15.Addison’s disease is caused due to destruction of
A. Adrenal Cortex
B. Pituitary Adrenal Axis
C. Adrenal Medulla
D. Adrenal Cortex

16.Which one of the following acts as functional unit of lungs in man?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Temperature
C. pH
D. Carbon dioxide

17.Two or more populations of different species living and interacting in same area are called
A. Group
B. Community
C. habitat
D. Group

18.Which group of hormones is made up of amino acids and their derivatives?
A. Vasopressin and ADH
B. Epinephrine and Non-Epinephrine
C. Osterogen and Testosterone
D. Vasopressin and ADH

19.Which group of hormones is made up of amino acids and their derivatives?
A. Vasopressin and ADH
B. Epinephrine and Non-Epinephrine
C. Osterogen and Testosterone
D. Vasopressin and ADH

20.Which one of following factors is directly proportional to oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Temperature
C. pH
D. Carbon dioxide

21.Thymus gland is involved in maturation of
A. Platelets
B. B-Lymphocytes
C. Eosinophils
D. Platelets

22.Apple trees, oaks and palm trees are...?
A. Angiosperms
B. Gymnosperms
C. Chordates
D. Angiosperms

23.In passive immunity which of the following component are injected into blood
A. Antigens
B. Immunogens
C. Serum
D. Antigens

24.Expiration in human beings is carried out by
A. Contraction of lungs
B. Contraction of intercostal membrane
C. Relaxation of intercostal and diaphragm muscles
D. Contraction of lungs

25.Cerebellum causes...?
A. Muscle contraction
B. Blinking of eyes
C. Dilation and constriction of pupil
D. Muscle contraction

26.Mucous membranes are part of body defense system and they offer
A. Physical Barriers
B. Mechanical Barriers
C. Chemical Barriers
D. Physical Barriers

27.Which one of the following is a precursor of steroid hormones?
A. Glycerol
B. Sterol
C. Amino acids
D. Glycerol

28.Immediate protection is obtained from
A. Passive Immunity
B. Active Immunity
C. Vaccination
D. Passive Immunity

29.The immunity in which T-cells recognize the antigens or micro-organisms is known as
A. Tissue Grafting
B. Phagocytosis
C. Cell Mediated Immunity / Response
D. Tissue Grafting

30.Which one of the following statements best describes the function of sinoatrial node?
A. It sends out electrical impulses to atrial muscles causing both atria to contract
B. It consists of small number of diffusely oriented cardiac fibre
C. It sends out electrical impulses to ventricular muscles causing both ventricles to contract
D. It sends out electrical impulses to atrial muscles causing both atria to contract

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