Medical Papers :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The disease which causes immobility and fusion of vertebral joints is
A. Osteomalacia (soft bones)
B. Disc slip
C. Arthritis
D. Osteomalacia (soft bones)

2. During muscle contraction
A. I-band shortens
B. Myosin filaments shorten
C. Actin filaments shorten
D. I-band shortens

3.Hormones are the organic compounds of varying structural complexity. Which of the following is not a function or property of these compounds?
A. They initiate new biochemical reactions
B. They are poured directly into blood
C. They may be proteins
D. They initiate new biochemical reactions

4.The first cells produced by the repeated cell division of germinal epithelium of testis are
A. Interstitial cells
B. Spermatogonia
C. Secondary spermatocytes
D. Interstitial cells

5.Which of the following sequence is correct?
A. LH  -FSH - Estrogen - Progesterone
B. FSH - LH  -Progesterone  -Estrogen
C. FSH - Estrogen  -Progesterone - LH
D. LH  -FSH - Estrogen - Progesterone

6.Which chromosomal abnormality in humans causes aggressive and antisocial behavior?

7.Grey equatorial cytoplasm produces
A. Muscle cells
B. Gut
C. Notochord and neural tube
D. Muscle cells

8.Sickle cell Anaemia is an example of which type of chromosomal defect?
A. Chromosomal rearrangement
B. Transposition of gene
C. Chromosomal aberration
D. Chromosomal rearrangement

9.The karyotype of an individual is ________ of chromosomes.
A. Number
B. Types
C. Number, types and chemical composition
D. Number

10.The process of replication of DNA begins at
A. One place only without any specific sequence of DNA
B. One or more places without any specific sequence of DNA
C. Any place with the uncoiling of two strands of DNA
D. One place only without any specific sequence of DNA

11.Amino acid attaches at which site of RNA
A. Anticodon site
B. Ribosomes recognition site
C. 3’-site with terminal OH
D. Anticodon site

12.Amino acid attaches at which site of RNA
A. Anticodon site
B. Ribosomes recognition site
C. 3’-site with terminal OH
D. Anticodon site

13.Amino acid attaches at which site of RNA
A. Anticodon site
B. Ribosomes recognition site
C. 3’-site with terminal OH
D. Anticodon site

14.Microtubules of spindle fibres are composed of a protein called
A. Tubulin
B. Actin
C. Myosin
D. Tubulin

15.The kinetochore fibres contract and spindle or pole fibres elongate during
A. Prophase I
B. Metaphase I
C. Telophase I
D. Prophase I

16.Cell death due to tissue damage is called
A. Necrosis
B. Metastasis
C. Apoptosis
D. Necrosis

17.When a disease is transmitted directly from an affected father to his son, it is called:
A. X-linked
B. Autosomal
C. Y-linked
D. X-linked

18.Epistasis is a relationship between:
A. Alleles of a gene
B. Two different genes at the same locus
C. Two contrasting traits
D. Alleles of a gene

19.Gene for albinism in man is present on chromosome number:
A. 11
B. 22
C. 21
D. 11

20. Gene can be synthesized in laboratory from messenger RNA by using:
A. Restriction enzymes
B. cDNA (complementary DNA)
C. Vector
D. Restriction enzymes

21.Antibiotic resistance gene for tetracycline and ampicillin are present in the plasmid
A. pSC 101
B. pCR 101
C. pBR 322
D. pSC 101

22.Cloning is a form of
A. Sexual Reproduction
B. Asexual Reproduction
C. Vegetative Propagation
D. Sexual Reproduction

23.Group of interbreeding individuals of particular species, sharing common geographical area is called:
A. Population
B. Community ecology
C. Community
D. Population

24.Which of the following proteins is common in man and aerobic bacteria?
A. Haemoglobin
B. Myoglobin
C. Cytochrome c
D. Haemoglobin

25.Most widespread problem of the antibiotics misuse is the
A. Rapid cure
B. Increased resistance in pathogen
C. Disturbance of metabolism
D. Rapid cure

26.Which of the following component is found in the cell wall of fungi?
A. Cellulose
B. Chitin
C. Proteins
D. Cellulose

27.The male reproductive parts of the flower are called
A. Gynoecium
B. Calyx
C. Androecium
D. Gynoecium

28.Fasciola is the name given to
A. Tapeworm
B. Planaria
C. Liver fluke
D. Tapeworm

29.Ascaris is
A. Diploblastic
B. Triploblastic
C. Haploid
D. Diploblastic

30. During development, in an animal, mesoderm layer gives rise to
A. Nervous System
B. Alimentary canal lining
C. Muscular and skeletal system
D. Nervous System

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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