Medical Papers :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Youngsters who indulge in love affairs are usually __________ in worldly manners.
A. Adjoined
B. Addled
C. Adjured
D. Adjoined

2.The continuous spectrum of X-ray is formed due to:
A. Characteristics of X-rays
B. Bremsstrahlung X-ray
C. Soft X-ray
D. Characteristics of X-rays

3.Wavelength of γ-rays is:
A. Equal to the X-rays
B. Longer to the X-rays
C. Shorter to the X-rays
D. Equal to the X-rays

4.Thorium is transformed after the transmission of β-particle into:
A. Bismuth
B. Protactinium
C. Polonium
D. Bismuth

5.Emission of γ-rays from radioactive element results into
A. Bismuth
B. Protactinium
C. Polonium
D. Bismuth

6.The relation between decay constant ‘λ’ and half-life ‘T½’ of radioactive substance is:
A. λ = 1 T½
B. λ = 0.693 T½
C. λ = T½
D. λ = 1 T½

7.Radioisotope which is used to combat cancer of thyroid gland is:
A. Iodine-131
B. Phosphorous-32
C. Strontium-90
D. Iodine-131

8.Sodium-24 is used for:
A. Sterilization
B. Study of circulation of blood
C. Skin Cancer
D. Sterilization

9.Energy radiation absorbed at the rate of one joule per kilogram is called:
A. 1 Rad
B. 1 Sievert
C. 1 Yellow
D. 1 Rad

10.The unit for electric charge is Coulomb and one Coulomb in terms of base unit is equivalent to:
A. Am
B. Js-1
C. As
D. Am

11.A man in elevator ascending with an acceleration will conclude that his weight is:
A. Increased
B. Decreased
C. Reduced to zero
D. Increased

12.If we double the moment arm the value of torque becomes:
A. Half
B. Three-times
C. Two-times
D. Half

13.When fluid is incompressible, the quantity is constant is:
A. Mass
B. Density
C. Pressure
D. Mass

14.The minimum distance from the eye at which an object appears to be distant is:
A. 25 cm
B. 22 cm
C. 35 cm
D. 25 cm

15.Using the relation for the magnifying power Lo, M = 1 + d/f, if f = 5 cm and d = 25 cm then M will be:
A. 5
B. 7
C. 6
D. 5

16.Resonance occurs when the driving frequency is:
A. Greater than natural frequency
B. Unequal the natural frequency
C. Less than natural frequency
D. Greater than natural frequency

17.The red shift measurement of Doppler effect of galaxies indicate that the universe is:
A. Expanding
B. Contracting
C. Stationary
D. Expanding

18.Choose correct sentence
A. Tourism is burgeoned over the last fifteen years
B. Tourism will burgeoned over the last fifteen years
C. Tourism have burgeoned over the last fifteen years.
D. Tourism is burgeoned over the last fifteen years

19.Frequency audible range to human hearing lies in the range:
A. 2-2000 kHz
B. 15-50000 kHz
C. 20-20000 Hz
D. 2-2000 kHz

20.Choose correct sentence
A. His remains were interred in the new cemetery.
B. His remains were entered in the new cemetery
C. His remains was interred in the new cemetery
D. His remains were interred in the new cemetery.

21.Tuning a radio is a best example of:
A. Natural resonance
B. Mechanical resonance
C. Free resonance
D. Natural resonance

22.Choose correct sentence
A. They had died in the same day.
B. They had died over the same day.
C. They had died on the same day.
D. They had died in the same day.

23.The ratio of applied stress to the volumetric strain is called
A. Bulk Modulus
B. Shear Modulus
C. Tensile modulus
D. Bulk Modulus

24.The wire made of copper belong to which specific kind of material:
A. Ductile material
B. Tough material
C. Brittle material
D. Ductile material

25.Choose correct sentence
A. She had turned on the supper steaks when the telephone rang.
B. She had turned over the supper steaks when the telephone rang.
C. She had turned into the supper steaks when the telephone rang.
D. She had turned on the supper steaks when the telephone rang.

26.The relation R NA = 1.38 x 10-25 JK-1 in a gas law is known as:
A. Avogadro’s constant
B. Charles constant
C. Newton’s constant
D. Avogadro’s constant

27.Choose correct sentence
A. Empty of concord is the soul of wit.
B. Empty of concord is the role of wit.
C. Empty of concord is the sole of wit.
D. Empty of concord is the soul of wit.

28.The relation ‘PV = nRT’ shows which law of physics
A. Charles Law
B. Avogadro’s Law
C. Newton’s Constant
D. Charles Law

29.Choose correct sentence
A. The cheery trees stand over the woodland ride.
B. The cheery trees stand about the woodland ride.
C. The cheery trees stand beside the woodland ride
D. The cheery trees stand over the woodland ride.

30.The rapid escape of air from a burst tyre is an example of:
A. Adiabatic processes
B. Isothermal process
C. Cooling process
D. Adiabatic processes

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