Medical Papers :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.A larger quantity of dilute urine is produced in diabetes insipidus. This disease is due to the deficiency of:
A. Antidiuretic Hormone
B. Aldosterone
C. Thyroxine
D. Antidiuretic Hormone

2.Water and sodium ions are reabsorbed in:
A. Urinary Bladder and Urethra
B. Ureter
C. Adrenal Cortex
D. Urinary Bladder and Urethra

3.Which disease is responsible for dementia (memory loss)?
A. Parkinson’s Disease
B. Alzheimer’s Disease
C. Epilepsy
D. Parkinson’s Disease

4.Neurotransmitter secreted at synapse outside the central nervous system is:
A. Dopamine
B. Polypeptide
C. Androgen
D. Dopamine

5.Conduction of action potentials from one mode of Ranvier to another in myelinated neurons is through:
A. Hyperpolarization
B. Resting Membrane Potential
C. Depolarization
D. Hyperpolarization

6.In human testis, which structure is responsible for carrying sperm from inside the testis?
A. Seminiferous tubules
B. Urinogenital duct
C. Seminal Vesicles
D. Seminiferous tubules

7.In which part of female reproductive system fertilization takes place?
A. Proximal part of oviduct
B. Uterus
C. Placenta
D. Proximal part of oviduct

8.In females, FSH stimulates the ovary to produce
A. Progesterone
B. Lactin
C. Oestrogen
D. Progesterone

9.Syphilis, sexually transmitted disease is caused by:
B. Treponema pallidum
C. Neisseria gonorhoeae

10.In which phase of human female menstrual cycle, endometrium prepares for the implantation of embryo?
A. Proliferative phase
B. Menstrual phase
C. Secretory phase
D. Proliferative phase

11.The total number of cervical and thoracic vertebrate in human vertebral column is:
A. 7
B. 19
C. 14
D. 7

12.A sarcomere is the region of a myofibril between two successive:
A. M-lines
B. Z-lines
C. I-bands
D. M-lines

13.The sarcolemma of muscle fibre folds inwards and forms a system of tubes which runs through the sarcoplasm called:
A. Myofilaments
B. Sarcoplasmic reticulum
C. Z-lines
D. Myofilaments

14.According to sliding filament theory, when muscle fibers are stimulated by nervous system, which of the following changes occurs?
A. I-bands shorten
B. H-zone becomes more visible
C. Z-lines move further apart
D. I-bands shorten

15.If lactic acid build up in thigh muscles, it causes muscle tiredness and pain. This condition is called:
A. Muscle Fatigue
B. Tetany
C. Cramps
D. Muscle Fatigue

16.Thyroxine deficiency in adults’ results in a condition called:
A. Cretinism
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Thyrotoximia
D. Cretinism

17.α-cells of pancreas secrete a hormone known as:
A. Glucagon
B. Insulin
C. Gastrin
D. Glucagon

18.X-linked recessive trait is:
A. Hypophosphatemia
B. Vitamin-D resistant rickets
C. Haemophilia
D. Hypophosphatemia

19.Human skin colour is a good example of?
A. Sex-linked inheritance
B. Polygenic inheritance
C. x-linked inheritance
D. Sex-linked inheritance

20.From evolutionary point of view, which respiratory protein is common in many organisms?
A. Cytochrome a
B. Cytochrome b
C. Cytochrome c
D. Cytochrome a

21.Number of pairs of autosomes in humans in:
A. 23
B. 24
C. 21
D. 23

22.ABO blood system is an example of:
A. Polygenes
B. Multiple genes
C. Multiple Alleles
D. Polygenes

23.Which molecular structure of enzyme is essential for activity of enzyme?
A. Primary Structure
B. Quaternary Structure
C. Secondary Structure
D. Primary Structure

24.Which one of the following edible products is widely pasteurized?
A. Soft drinks.
B. Mango squash
C. Milk
D. Soft drinks.

25.Ribosomes are tiny organisms, which are involved in the synthesis of:
A. Protein
C. Nucleus
D. Protein

26.Which organelle is bounded by two membranes?
A. Ribosome
B. Mitochondria
C. Lysosome
D. Ribosome

27.At the beginning of nuclear division, the number of microtubule triplets in two pairs of centrioles that migrate to opposite poles are:
A. 9
B. 18
C. 108
D. 9

28.The disease in which an individual has extra sex chromosome (44 + XXY) is known as:
A. Down’s syndrome
B. Tuner’s syndrome
C. Klinefelter’s syndrome
D. Down’s syndrome

29.Jacob’s syndrome
A. Cushing’s Disease
B. Diabetes Mellitus
C. Hypoglycemia
D. Cushing’s Disease

30.Ejection of milk from mammary glands is under the control of which one of the following hormones?
A. Androgen
B. Oxytocin
C. Progesterone
D. Androgen

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