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A. Glomerulus
B. ProximalTubul
C. Ascendingloo
D. Glomerulus

A. Efferent arterioles
B. Renal Vein
C. Vesa recta
D. Efferent arterioles

3.When water content in body becomes high,what will happen:
A. ADH releasewill be inhibite
B. ADH will be released in large amount
C. Aldoster one will be release
D. ADH releasewill be inhibite

4.The major factor in produc ing hypertonic urine is
A. Glomerulus
B. Influence of aldosterone from
C. ADH influencing on collecting duct
D. Glomerulus

5.What is the least selective processduring urine formation
A. Reabsorption
B. Pressure filteration
C. Secretion
D. Reabsorption

6.The nerve impulse which jumps from node to node in myelinated neurons is called as
A. Resting membrane potentia
B. Saltatory nerve impuls
C. Threshold stimulus
D. Resting membrane potentia

7.TheCNS is protected by
A. )Three layers of meninges
B. One layer of moninx
C. 4 layers of meninge
D. )Three layers of meninges

8.White matter of spinal cordis made up of
A. Sensory nerve fibre
B. Myelinated nerve fibre
C. Motor nerve fibr
D. Sensory nerve fibre

9.White matter of spinal cordis made up of
A. Sensory nerve fibre
B. Myelinated nerve fibre
C. Motor nerve fibr
D. Sensory nerve fibre

10.There are evidences that high level so faluminum canlead to the on set of:
A. Parkinson's disease
B. Alzheimer's disease
C. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
D. Parkinson's disease

11._____________is the structure in female reproductive system in which fertilization takes place:
A. Ovaries
B. Uterus
C. Cervix
D. Ovaries

12.Which of the following directly develop sin to sperms
A. Primary spermatocytes
B. Spermatids
C. Secondary spermatocytes
D. Primary spermatocytes

13.FSHs timultes the production of oestrogen hormone which has two targets_______________; and______________:
A. Uterus,posterior pituitar
B. Ovaries,uteru
C. Uterus,anterior pituitar
D. Uterus,posterior pituitar

14.Select the organelle which isonly presentin animal cells:
A. Centrioles
B. R.E.R
C. Microtubules
D. Centrioles

15.Syphillis is a sexually transmitted disease and can also damage:
A. Hair
B. Heart
C. P.N.S
D. Hair

16.Spongy bone is always surrounded by
A. Compact bone
B. Cartilage
C. Osteoblast cells
D. Compact bone

17.Bone matrix is hardened by the
A. Haversian canals
B. Canaliculfs
C. Bone marrow tissues
D. Haversian canals

18.The number of bones forming skull in man is:
A. 8
B. 14
C. 20
D. 8

19.The spine consists of linear series of
A. 33 bones
B. 24 bones
C. 12 bones
D. 33 bones

20.W.O.F changes occurs when skeletal muscles contract
A. I-band shortens only
B. A-band shortens and Z-lines move a part
C. I-band shortens and Z-lines come close to each other
D. I-band shortens only

21.The thyroxine hormones of thyroid glands act directly on:
A. Iodine metabolism
B. Protein metabolism
C. Glucose metabolism
D. Iodine metabolism

22.All the hormones released by anterior pituitary are tropic hormones except

23.W.O.F is endocrine as well as exocrine
A. Liver
B. Adrenals
C. Thyroid
D. Liver

24.Ovulation is suppressed by progestrone via:
A. Only by inhibition of LH
B. Inhibition of FSH&stimulation of LH
C. Inhibition of LH&stimultionofFSH
D. Only by inhibition of LH

25.The antibody molecule consists of____________polypeptide chains:
A. Eight
B. four
C. Six
D. Eight

26._________________cells survive for a few days and secrete a huge no of antibodies in blood, tissue fluids o rlymph:
A. Memory cell
B. B-lymphocytes
C. T-lymphocyte
D. Memory cell

27.The intermediate protection from infection of snake bite can be obtained by:
A. Active Immunity
B. Natural active immunity
C. Passive immunity
D. Active Immunity

28.Chlorophyll molecule contains:
A. Mg++
B. Ca++
C. K+
D. Mg++

29.The tail of chlorophyll molecule is embedded in
A. Membrane of mitochondria
B. Thylakoid membrane
C. Membrane of S.E.R
D. Membrane of mitochondria

30.Carotenoids absorb light of:
A. Yellow-orange range
B. Yellow-Red range
C. Orange-red range
D. Yellow-orange range

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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