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1.Chlorophyll'a' and chlorophyll 'b 'differ in one of the functional groups...Chlorophyll 'a' has:
B. -OH
C. -CH3

2.Longest bone in the human skeleton is:
A. Ulna
B. Fibula
C. Tibia
D. Ulna

3.Glycerate-3-phosphate in the presence of ATP and reduced NADP from light dependent stage is reduced to:
A. 3-carbon compound
B. Ribulose bisphosphat
C. 5-carbon compound
D. 3-carbon compound

4.Hips and shoulder joints are examples of:
A. Hinge Joints
B. Ball and Socket Joints
C. Synovial Joints
D. Hinge Joints

5.Calvin cycle occurs in
A. Grana of chloroplas
B. Stroma of chloroplas
C. Chlorophyll (Reactioncentre)
D. Grana of chloroplas

6. In pelvic region of human bosy, sacrum is formed by the fusion of:
A. 4 Vertebrae
B. 5 Vertebrae
C. 6 Vertebrae
D. 4 Vertebrae

7.Each muscle fibre is surrounded by a modified cell membrance called:
A. Sarcolemma
B. Sarcomere
C. Myosin Filament
D. Sarcolemma

8.Restriction endonucleasesa reproduced by:
A. Fungi
B. Algae
C. Bacteria
D. Fungi

9.__________ hormone is antagonistic to insulin and causes increase in blood glucose level.
A. Glucagon
B. Nor-epinephrine
C. Calcitonin
D. Glucagon

10.DNA segments of different lengths can be separated by a process of:
A. Western blotting
B. Northern blotting
C. Autoradiography
D. Western blotting

11.Beta cells of islets of Langerhans produce _________ hormone.
A. Glucagon
B. Insulin
C. Pancreatic Juice
D. Glucagon

12.Beta cells of islets of Langerhans produce _________ hormone.
A. Glucagon
B. Insulin
C. Pancreatic Juice
D. Glucagon

13.The central portion of adrenal gland (Adrenal Medulla) produces ________ hormone.
A. Aldosterone
B. Epinephrine
C. Androgen
D. Aldosterone

14.The is the 1st heat stable component used in PCR
A. Taq-isomerase
B. Taq-helicase
C. Taq-polymeras
D. Taq-isomerase

15.Patients of cystic fibros is (CF) produse thick mucus because of faulty
A. Trans-membrane carrie
B. Cl-ions
C. Na+ion
D. Trans-membrane carrie

16.__________ hormones are called fight and flight hormones as they prepare an organism to face stressful situation.
A. Adrenaline, Aldosterone
B. Epinephrine, Nor-epinephrine
C. Cortisone, Oxytocin
D. Adrenaline, Aldosterone

17.Chemicals used for destroying agricultural competitors are known as
A. Antibiotics
B. Pesticides
C. Disinfectants
D. Antibiotics

18.B-cells release antibodies in blood plasma, tissue fluid and lymph. This kind of immune response is called:
A. Cell Mediated Response
B. Humoral Response
C. Active Response
D. Cell Mediated Response

19.How denitrification does occur in soils
A. Bacterial reduction of NO3 —ions toN2 gas
B. Active up take of Nitrateions by plant roots
C. Drainage of manure from fields
D. Bacterial reduction of NO3 —ions toN2 gas

20.The type of immunity in which antibodies are passed from one individual to another is called:
A. Passive Immunity
B. Artificial Active Immunity
C. Natural Active Immunity
D. Passive Immunity

21.To combat the active infections of tetanus, rabies and snakes the _______ method of immunization is used:
A. Active
B. Humoral
C. Active Artificial
D. Active

22.Process by which un related species evolve to functionally resemble each other is called:
A. Convergent evolution
B. Divergent evolution
C. Co-evolution
D. Convergent evolution

23.In antibody molecule, two heavy and two light chains are bonded by:
A. Disulphide Bond
B. Monosulphide Bond
C. Hydrogen Bond
D. Disulphide Bond

24.W.O.F shows evidences from evolution through molecular biology:
A. Development of bronchiala rches in verterbrate embryo
B. Distribution of species
C. Comparision of genes and proteins in different species
D. Development of bronchiala rches in verterbrate embryo

25.W.O.F shows evidences from evolution through molecular biology:
A. Development of bronchiala rches in verterbrate embryo
B. Distribution of species
C. Comparision of genes and proteins in different species
D. Development of bronchiala rches in verterbrate embryo

26.Variable amino acid sequences in antibody molecule are found in ________.
A. Both light chains only
B. Both heavy chains only
C. One heavy and one light chain
D. Both light chains only

27.Each ________ consists of a light gathering antenna complex and reaction center.
A. Chlorophyll
B. Photosystem
C. Photon
D. Chlorophyll

28.Large population size,random mating,nomutation and no emigration or immigration are thepostulatesof:
A. Hardy-Weinberg theorem
B. Mendel'slaw of independent assortment
C. Mendel'slaw of segregation
D. Hardy-Weinberg theorem

29.Photosystem I has chlorophyll a molecules which absorb maximum light of:
A. 680 nm
B. 780 nm
C. 700 nm
D. 680 nm

30.Base substitution,deletion and insertion are examples of:
A. Chromosomal aberratio
B. Point mutation
C. Aneuploidy
D. Chromosomal aberratio

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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