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1.Cyclic flow or C4 photosynthesis produces:
A. ATP and CO2
C. Only CO2
D. ATP and CO2

2.Thecondition in which the heterozygote has a phenotype intermediate between contrasting homozygous parents is called as:
A. Dominance
B. Incomplete dominance
C. Co-dominance
D. Dominance

3. Immediate product formed after CO2 fixation in Calvin Cycle is:
A. Unstable 6-carbon compound
B. Unstable 5-carbon compound
C. Unstable 4-carbon compound
D. Unstable 6-carbon compound

4.Functional group of chlorophyll a is:
A. —CH3
D. —CH3

5.The modified plasmid or phage DNA is called
A. Clone DNA
B. Recombinant DNA
D. Clone DNA

6.The rapid exchange of materials through carrier proteins across the plasma membrane is called:
A. Passive Diffusion
B. Active Transport
C. Endocytosis
D. Passive Diffusion

7.The interaction between different genes occupying different loci is:
A. Dominance;
B. Co-dominance
C. Pleiotropy
D. Dominance;

8.The inner membrane of mitochondria form extensive infoldings called:
A. Cristae
B. Cisternae
C. Lamella
D. Cristae

9.Which one of the following organelle is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
A. Centriole
B. Endoplasmic Reticulum
C. Nucleus
D. Centriole

10. The compounds which on hydrolysis yield polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone subunits are:
A. Lipids
B. Proteins
C. Polynucleotides
D. Lipids

11.Secondary structure of protein is found in:
A. Trypsin
B. Keratin
C. Insulin
D. Trypsin

12.Waxes are formed by combination of fatty acids with:
A. Alcohol
B. Glycerol
C. Serine
D. Alcohol

13.Phosphodiester bond is:
A. P—O—C—P—O—C
B. C—O—P
C. C—O—P—O—C
D. P—O—C—P—O—C

14.An enzyme required Mg++ to catalyze the substrate. The Mg++ is best identified as:
A. Prosthetic group
B. Activator
C. Co-enzyme
D. Prosthetic group

15.According to _________ model the active site of enzyme is modified as the substrate interacts with enzyme
A. Induced fit
B. Lock and Key
C. Emil Fischer
D. Induced fit

16.All viruses can reproduce within living organisms only, so they are known as:
A. Ectoparasites
B. Endoparasites
C. Obligative Intracellular Parasites
D. Ectoparasites

17.Many bacteria are motile due to presence of:
A. Flagella
B. Pilli
C. Cilia
D. Flagella

18._________ is an invagination of cell membrane which helps in cell division
A. Fimbriae
B. Nucleoid
C. Mesosome
D. Fimbriae

19._________ is the yeast that grows in the mucous membrane of mouth or vagina.
A. Candida albicans
B. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
C. Aspergillus fumigatus
D. Candida albicans

20.Taenia is an endoparasite of human, pig and cattle which belongs to phylum.
A. Cnidaria
B. Aschelminthes
C. Annelida
D. Cnidaria

21.Body of _________ consists of segments called proglottis which contains mainly sex organs.
A. Planaria
B. Ascaris
C. Fasciola
D. Planaria

22._________ is a common parasite of the intestine of human and pig which belongs to phylum nematode.
A. Taenia solanum
B. Schistosoma
C. Ascaris lumbriocoides
D. Taenia solanum

23.In radial symmetry all body parts are arranged around the central axis. Radial symmetry represents __________ mode of life.
A. Sessile
B. Streamlined
C. Active
D. Sessile

24. Pseudo-coelomates have a body cavity but it is not true coelom. Which one of the following is included in the group.
A. Planaria
B. Tapeworm
C. Earthworm
D. Planaria

25.Digestion of __________ starts in oral cavity due to the action of enzyme present in saliva.
A. Starch
B. Cellulose
C. Fatty Acids
D. Starch

26.Food enters from stomach into small intestine through:
A. Pyloric Sphincte
B. Cardiac Sphincter
C. Chief Cells
D. Pyloric Sphincte

27.Protein components of food are digested by the enzymatic secretion of:
A. Goblet Cells
B. Parietal Cells
C. Zymogen Cells
D. Goblet Cells

28.Digestive System consists of different layers, the innermost is known as:
A. Submucosa
B. Mucosa
C. Muscularis
D. Submucosa

29.In human the closed sac which surrounds the heart is:
A. Endocardium
B. Myocardium
C. Pericardium
D. Endocardium

30.Chordae tendinea are fibrous cords attached with:
A. Cardiac end of stomach valve
B. Tricuspid valve of heart
C. Pyloric sphincter of stomach
D. Cardiac end of stomach valve

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