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1.Bicuspid valve controls the flow of blood from:
A. Right atrium to right ventricle
B. Right ventricle to pulmonary artery
C. Left ventricle to aorta
D. Right atrium to right ventricle

2.Carboxyhaemoglobin (10-20%) is formed when CO2 combines with:
A. Amino group of haemoglobin
B. Iron part of haemoglobin
C. Haem portion of haemoglobin
D. Amino group of haemoglobin

3.Breathing consists of
A. Four phases
B. Three phases
C. One phase
D. Four phases

4.Bowman’s capsule continues as extensively convoluted portion known as:
A. Peritubular capillaries
B. Proximal convuluted tubules
C. Efferent arterioles
D. Peritubular capillaries

5. Restriction endonucleases cleave the __________ of duplex DNA.
A. Nitrogenous base
B. Base sugar
C. Phosphodiester bond
D. Nitrogenous base

6. The enzyme which is responsible for the formation of bond between two double stranded DNA fragments is:
A. Endonuclease
B. Urease
C. Ligase
D. Endonuclease

7.The organisms of third trophic level are:
A. Primary consumer
B. Primary producer
C. Tertiary consumer
D. Primary consumer

8.The ultimate source of energy in an ecosystem is:
A. Photosynthesis
B. Sun
C. Plants
D. Photosynthesis

9.All the food chains and food webs begin with:
A. Detritus
B. Herbivores
C. Green plants
D. Detritus

10.The change from bare rock or open area is rapid, especially in the initial stages and follows a series of recognizable and hence predictable stages. This process is called:
A. Pioneers
B. Xerosere
C. Succession
D. Pioneers

11.Locusstands for:
A. Position of gene on homologous chromosome
B. Regions of chromosomes
C. Position of an allele with in a DNA molecule
D. Position of gene on homologous chromosome

12.The decline in the thickness of ozone layer is caused by:
A. Increasing level of nitrogen oxide
B. Decreasing level of O2
C. Decreasing level of CFCs
D. Increasing level of nitrogen oxide

13.Which one of the following is considered as strong evidence of evolution?
A. Embryology Record
B. Molecular Record
C. Biochemical Record
D. Embryology Record

14.Self fertilization of F-1 dihybrids,following independent assortment of alleles result in:;
A. 3/16Tall-round;3/16dwarf-wrinkled
B. 9/16Tall-wrinkled;3/16dwarf-round
C. 9/16Tall-round;3/16Dwarf-round
D. 3/16Tall-round;3/16dwarf-wrinkled

15.Structures found in different species which are believed to have a common evolutionary origin are called:
A. Homologous
B. Analogous
C. Vestigial
D. Homologous

16.Which one of the following is X-linked trait?
A. Male pattern baldness
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Human eye colour
D. Male pattern baldness

17.Which one of the following is X-linked trait?
A. Male pattern baldness
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Human eye colour
D. Male pattern baldness

18.As a result of cross-fertilization of a true breeding pea plant having purple coloured flowers; with that of white coloured flowers,the off springs will have flowers with:
A. 1/4purple;3/4white
B. 1/4white;3/4purple
C. All white
D. 1/4purple;3/4white

19. A character determined by three alleles is:
A. Human skin colour
B. Human blood group
C. Human eye colour
D. Human skin colour

20.The gene for red-green colour blindness is present on:
A. Y-chromosome
B. X-chromosome
C. Autosome 7
D. Y-chromosome

21.________ is the branch of Biology used for the identification and interpretation of fossils.
A. Evolution
B. Paleontology
C. Zoogeography
D. Evolution

22.Out of the given options, choose the one which shows the structures found only in plants
A. Vacuole, Chloroplast, Ribosomes
B. Chloroplast, Microtubules, Peroxisomes
C. Chloroplast, Cell Wall, Vacuole
D. Vacuole, Chloroplast, Ribosomes

23.W.O.F structures is present in both plant and animal cells but is absent in prokaryotic cells:;
A. Centrioles;
B. Microtubule;
C. Plastids
D. Centrioles;

24.Presence of large central vacuole is the characteristic o
A. Prokaryotes
B. Protists
C. Fungi
D. Prokaryotes

25.Cilia and flagella are absent in:
A. Viruses
B. ,Bacteria
C. Higher plants
D. Viruses

26.The basic structure of plasma membrane is provided by:
A. Proteins
B. Cholesterols
C. Cytoskeleton
D. Proteins

27.The basic structure of plasma membrane is provided by:
A. Proteins
B. Cholesterols
C. Cytoskeleton
D. Proteins

28.Down’s syndrome is characterized by _____________ at chromosome 21.
A. Trisomy
B. Monosomy
C. Polysomy
D. Trisomy

29.DNA molecule in prokaryotes is:
A. Single,circular,double stranded molecule not bound by membrane
B. Double,circular molecule
C. Linear double stranded molecule
D. Single,circular,double stranded molecule not bound by membrane

30.Which of the following is an example of autosomal non-disjunction?
A. Turner’s Syndrome
B. Jacob’s Syndrome
C. Metastasis
D. Turner’s Syndrome

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