Medical Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The gram-negative organisms is
A. Actinomyces
B. Bacillus
C. Clostridium
D. Actinomyces

2.Catalase production is negative in which of the following?
A. Streptococcus
B. Salmonella
C. Proteus
D. Streptococcus

3.Which of the following is a substitute for crystal violet used in gram-staining procedure?
A. Methylene blue
B. Bromocresol green
C. Safranin
D. Methylene blue

4.Which of the following inference(s) indicate(s) the ability of an organism to utilize citrate as a sole source of carbon in Simmon's citrate medium?
A. Blue color
B. Appearance of growth
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Blue color

5.The organisms that can be acid-fast stained is?
A. Nocardia
B. Tubercle bacilli
C. Lepra bacilli
D. Nocardia

6.The primary stain of Gram's method is?
A. Safranin
B. Phenolpthalene
C. Crystal violet
D. Safranin

7.At what concentration of sulphuric acid, Nocardia resists decolorization?
A. 0.5% sulphuric acid
B. 5% sulphuric acid
C. 10% sulphuric acid
D. 0.5% sulphuric acid

8.Which of the following is commonly used as Gram's decolorizer?
A. Ethyl alcohol
B. Methyl alcohol
C. Acetone
D. Ethyl alcohol

9.Production of acetoin can be detected by which of the following tests?
A. Citrate test
B. Voges-Proskauer test
C. Methyl red test
D. Citrate test

10.The production of sufficient acid by fermentation of glucose leads to decrease in pH such that pH of the medium falls below 4.5. Which of the following test can detect it?
A. Indole test
B. Methyl red test
C. Citrate utilization test
D. Indole test

11.What is the color of gram -postive bacteria on a gram staining?
A. Purple
B. Pink
C. Colorless
D. Purple

12.What is the color of gram-negative bacteria on a gram staining?
A. Purple
B. Pink
C. Green
D. Purple

13.Which of the following is a primary stain for acid fast staining of mycobacteria?
A. Crystal violet
B. Carbol fuchsin
C. Geimsa
D. Crystal violet

14.The deinococci are gram-positive cocci and rods that are distinctive in their unusually great resistance to
A. Radiation
B. Desiccation
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Radiation

15.Which of the following shows a positive urease test?
A. Proteus
B. Klebsiella
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Proteus

16.Which of the following(s) is/ are oxidase-positive bacteria?
A. Vibrio
B. Neisseria
C. Pseudomonas
D. Vibrio

17.What is the order of reagents used in the Gram stain?
A. Crystal violet, iodine, safranin, decolorizer
B. Safranin, crystal violet, decolorizer, iodine
C. Crystal violet, iodine, decolorizer, safranin
D. Crystal violet, iodine, safranin, decolorizer

18.Gram staining was developed accidentally in 1884 by
A. Alexander Fleming
B. Hans Christian Gram
C. Joseph Christian Gram
D. Alexander Fleming

19.Which of the following organisms can be demonstrated with silver impregnation method?
A. Vibrios
B. Salmonella
C. Spirochaetes
D. Vibrios

20.Which of the following(s) show(s) positive results for phenylalanine deaminase test?
A. Providencia
B. Proteus
C. Morganella
D. Providencia

21.The process of Gram staining is based on the ability of bacterial cell wall?
A. to retain the safranin dye
B. to retain part of both dyes
C. to retain the crystal violet dye during solvent treatment.
D. to retain the safranin dye

22.Which of the following is not the characteristic of a growth curve?
A. Shows development of microbial population under relatively stable environmental conditions
B. Plotted with logarithmic numbers
C. Graphs numbers of microbes versus time
D. Shows development of microbial population under relatively stable environmental conditions

23.Generation time of Escherichia coli is
A. 20 minutes
B. 20 hours
C. 20 days
D. 20 minutes

24.The organism which obtain their energy from chemicals are designated as
A. Prototrophs
B. Chemotrophs
C. Organotrophs
D. Prototrophs

25.Nutrient content and biological structures are considered as
A. Implicit factor for microbial growth
B. Intrinsic factor for microbial growth
C. Processing factor
D. Implicit factor for microbial growth

26.The organism which grows best above 45°C are called
A. Psychrophilic
B. Mesosphilic
C. Thermophilic
D. Psychrophilic

27.Implicit factors?
A. Depend on developing microflora
B. Can be synergistic
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Depend on developing microflora

28.Lag phase is also known as?
A. Period of initial adjustment
B. Transitional period
C. Generation time
D. Period of initial adjustment

29.Which of the following is used to grow bacterial cultures continuously?
A. Chemostat
B. Coulter Counter
C. Hemostat
D. Chemostat

30.A microbe, which grows at temperatures above 95° C is most likely to be
A. An archaean
B. A fungus
C. A protozoan
D. An archaean

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