Medical Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Chemically synthesized DNA sequences for the two chains are separately inserted into the plasmid pBR 322 by the side of
A. β-Galactosidase
B. galactokinase
C. acid phosphatase
D. β-Galactosidase

2.Human growth hormone (hGH) is secreted by
A. pitutary gland
B. hypothalamus
C. pancreas
D. pitutary gland

3.The promoter used for cloning HBV surface antigen is
A. galactokinase
B. alcohol dehydrogenase 1
C. β-galactosidase
D. galactokinase

4.Recombinant vaccine for HBV was produced by cloning viral genes in
A. plasmids
B. cosmids
C. autonomously replicating plasmid of yeast
D. plasmids

5.The first therapeutic product formed by means of recombinant DNA technology is
A. human growth hormone
B. insulin
C. hepatitis B vaccine
D. human growth hormone

6.Which one of the following capsid protein of picorna virus is immunogenic in nature?
A. VP1
B. VP2
C. VP3
D. VP1

7.The two chains are joined together to constitute native insulin using
A. sodium dissulphonate and sodium sulphite
B. sodium dissulphonate and sodium sulphate
C. sodium sulphate and sodium sulphite
D. sodium dissulphonate and sodium sulphite

8.. Foot and mouth disease (FMD) of animals is caused by
A. RNA virus
B. DNA virus
C. bacteria
D. RNA virus

9.In India first genetically engineered vaccine against HBV was developed by
A. Ranbaxy Pvt Ltd
B. Shantha Biotechnics Pvt Ltd
C. Dabur Pvt Ltd
D. Ranbaxy Pvt Ltd

10.The recombinant hGH lacks
A. terminal glutamine
B. terminal lysine
C. terminal methionine
D. terminal glutamine

11.. How is human insulin synthesized using recombinant DNA technology?
A. By using chemically synthesized DNA sequences for the two chains separately
B. By isolating DNA from the islets of Langerhans of pancreas
C. By using cDNA for insulin
D. By using chemically synthesized DNA sequences for the two chains separately

12.The two chains of insulin can be separated by detaching it from β-galactosidase using
A. hydrogen chloride
B. cyanogen bromide
C. peptidase
D. hydrogen chloride

13.Any system that is not at equilibrium
A. is thermodynamically unstable, although it may be kinetically stable
B. is kinetically unstable, although it may be thermodynamically stable
C. is rushing toward equilibrium at a very rapid rate
D. is thermodynamically unstable, although it may be kinetically stable

14.The element neon (Ne) has eight electrons in its outermost electron shell. How many covalent bonds will Ne readily form?
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. None

15.Which of the following functional groups would make a carbon-based compound the least polar?
A. Phosphate
B. Methyl
C. Carboxyl
D. Phosphate

16.Which is not true about a photon?
A. It is a packet of light energy
B. The shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy of the photons
C. It is trapped by photosynthetic unit
D. It is a packet of light energy

17.If the ends of the following polysaccharide are pulled, which one would stretch the most?
A. Glycogen
B. Starch
C. Cellulose
D. Glycogen

18.Which of the following elements is likely to form the least polar covalent bond with hydrogen?
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon
D. Nitrogen

19.The mitochondria were known in the nineteenth century to be osmotically active on the basis of evidence that
A. the mitochondrial matrix is hypotonic to the cellular cytoplasm
B. the mitochondrial matrix is hypertonic to the cellular cytoplasm
C. mitochondria were derived from a symbiotic bacterium
D. the mitochondrial matrix is hypotonic to the cellular cytoplasm

20.Mitochondria can be expected most numerous in
A. green cells
B. red blood cells
C. muscle cells
D. green cells

21.Why do some redox reactions in cells result in the transfer of electrons from a reductant with a higher standard redox potential to an oxidant with a lower standard redox potential?
A. Redox potentials are defined under standard conditions, and cellular conditions are typically not standard conditions
B. The rules governing oxidation and reduction apply only in vitro, and not in vivo
C. Electrons always go from reductants with high redox potentials to oxidants with low redox potentials
D. Redox potentials are defined under standard conditions, and cellular conditions are typically not standard conditions

22.Lysosomes are associated with
A. photosynthesis
B. respiration
C. storage
D. photosynthesis

23.Which cell type is likely to have the most mitochondria?
A. Fast-twitch muscle
B. Slow-twitch muscle
C. Liver cells
D. Fast-twitch muscle

24.Tonoplast is a membrane around
A. cytoplasm
B. vacuole
C. nucleus
D. cytoplasm

25.A cell without cell wall is called
A. apoplast
B. protoplast
C. symplast
D. apoplast

26. Chemical energy is supplied to eukaryotic cells by
A. chloroplasts and golgi complexes
B. mitochondria and ribosomes
C. mitochondria only
D. chloroplasts and golgi complexes

27.Which part of a plant contains the male sex cell?
A. Ova
B. Style
C. Stamen
D. Ova

28."The universe tends towards maximum disorder" is stated by
A. first law of thermodynamics
B. second law of thermodynamics
C. third law of thermodynamics
D. first law of thermodynamics

29.Water content of active protoplasm is
A. 10%
B. 40%
C. 70%
D. 10%

30.Which of the following is not an electron carrier class in the electron transport chain?
A. Flavoproteins
B. Cytochromes
C. Iron - sulfur proteins
D. Flavoproteins

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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