Medical Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Some organisms can use reduced inorganic compounds as electron donors and are termed as?
A. Lithotrophs
B. Phototrophs
C. Chemotrophs
D. Lithotrophs

2.The total biomass of an organism will be determined by the nutrient present in the lowest concentration relative to the organism's requirements is a statement of
A. Liebig's law of the minimum
B. Shelford's law of tolerance
C. Quorum sensing
D. Liebig's law of the minimum

3.The growth is normally expressed as __________ in turbidimetric measurement
A. Cells per ml
B. cfu/ml
C. optical density
D. Cells per ml

4.Which of the following organisms typically get their carbon for biosynthesis from carbon dioxide?
A. Glucose-fermenting bacteria (fermentation)
B. Anaerobic, glucose-respiring bacteria (anaerobic respiration)
C. Aerobic, glucose-respiring bacteria (aerobic respiration)
D. Glucose-fermenting bacteria (fermentation)

5.An organism that expends energy to grow in a habitat with a low water activity in order to maintain internal solute concentrations to retain water is
A. osmotolerant
B. acidophile
C. aerotolerant anaerobe
D. osmotolerant

6.The straightforward method of binary fission explains how bacteria
A. grow in nutrient agar
B. evolve
C. move
D. grow in nutrient agar

7.The equation used to obtain bacterial population by binary fission is
A. N = No2n
B. log N/No = (0.3010) n
C. log(N/No) = nlog 2
D. N = No2n

8.Bacteria and fungi multiply best
A. below 16°C
B. between 16-38°C
C. above 38°C
D. below 16°C

9.An organism has an optimal growth rate when the hydrogen ion concentration is very high. This organism is
A. osmotolerant
B. acidophile
C. neutrophile
D. osmotolerant

10.Which of the following procedures uses a photocell to measure absorbance of a culture to regulate the flow of culture media?
A. Coulter Counter
B. Hemostat
C. Petroff-Hausser chamber
D. Coulter Counter

11.Organisms, using organic compounds as electron donors are called
A. Lithotrophs
B. Phototrophs
C. Chemotrophs
D. Lithotrophs

12.The reproduction by budding occur in
A. Rhodopseudomonas acidophila
B. Hyphomicrobium vulgare
C. Bacillus subtilis
D. Rhodopseudomonas acidophila

13.Starvation proteins are produced by a culture during which of the following segments of the growth curve?
A. Lag phase
B. Exponential phase
C. Stationary phase
D. Lag phase

14.The cell reproduction in bacteria may occur by
A. Binary fission
B. Budding
C. Fragmentation
D. Binary fission

15.During exponential growth, the growth rate is
A. number of generations per unit time
B. reciprocal of generation time
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. number of generations per unit time

16.A spore differs from an actively replicating bacterium in that the spore
A. is produced during a process involving asymmetric division
B. is able to withstand more extreme conditions than the replicating cell
C. is metabolically inactive
D. is produced during a process involving asymmetric division

17.Which of the following has more tolerance for acidic pH (lower pH)?
A. Yeast and moulds
B. Bacteria
C. E. coli
D. Yeast and moulds

18.The ability of Vibrio fischeri to produce bioluminescence chemicals only when a certain population density has been reached is an example of?
A. Liebig's law of the minimum
B. Shelford's law of tolerance
C. Quorum sensing
D. Liebig's law of the minimum

19.Antimicrobial constituents for the microbial growth in foods are?
A. Intrinsic factor
B. Extrinsic factor
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Intrinsic factor

20.The average size of cells during the exponential phase of growth is?
A. greater than the lag phase
B. lesser than the lag phase
C. equal to the lag phase
D. greater than the lag phase

21.A culture broth tube was very turbid at the surface but clear throughout the rest of the tube indicating that the?
A. organism are aerobes
B. organism should be grown in an anaerobic chamber
C. organism cannot produce superoxide dismutase and/or catalase
D. organism are aerobes

22.A synergistic effect is observed when?
A. one organism removes an inhibitory substance for another
B. one organism produces a growth factor utilized by another
C. microbial alteration of pH, aw, Eh favours the growth of another
D. one organism removes an inhibitory substance for another

23.Generation time is
A. time required for the population to double
B. time required for the initial adjustment
C. obtained by expression t/n, where t = time interval, n = number of generation
D. time required for the population to double

24.The term facultative anaerobe refers to an organism that
A. doesn't use oxygen but tolerates it
B. is killed by oxygen
C. uses oxygen when present or grows without oxygen when absent
D. doesn't use oxygen but tolerates it

25.The microorganisms that grow best in a low-oxygen environment is called a (n)
A. aerobe
B. anaerobe
C. facultative
D. aerobe

26.Pseudomonas pseudoflava can grow as
A. chemo-lithotrophs
B. chemo-organotrophs
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. chemo-lithotrophs

27.Which of the following is the suitable temperature range for mesophiles?
A. 20-30°C
B. 25-40°C
C. >40°C
D. 20-30°C

28.Exponential phase of growth curve of bacteria is of limited duration because of
A. rise in cell density
B. accumulation of toxic metabolites
C. exhaustion of nutrients
D. rise in cell density

29.A culture broth tube was very turbid at the bottom of the tube but clear at the top of the tube indicating that the
A. broth is sterile
B. organism can tolerate oxygen
C. organism cannot produce superoxide dismutase and/or catalase
D. broth is sterile

30.In the exponential phase, the cells and cell mass
A. first increases then decreases
B. decreases
C. are constant
D. first increases then decreases

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