Medical Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.What is the primary source of food for marine life?
A. Phytoplankton
B. Zooplankton
C. Sea weed
D. Phytoplankton

2.Postgates assay technique is useful in determining if a cell is viable even though it is
A. incapable of cell division
B. too small to see
C. an obligate aerobe
D. incapable of cell division

3.What are the extrinsic factors for the microbial growth?
A. humidity
B. storage temperature
C. composition of gas phase
D. humidity

4.Quantitative measurement of bacterial growth can be carried out by measuring
A. cell count
B. cell mass
C. cell activity
D. cell count

5.Organisms such as lactobacilli that have elaborate requirements for specific nutrients i.e. vitamins and other growth promoting substances, are generally called as
A. fastidious hetrotrophs
B. chemo-lithotrophs
C. chemotrophs
D. fastidious hetrotrophs

6.The combination of low levels of NaCl, NaNO3 (sodium nitrate), and slightly acid pH can prevent multiplication and toxin formation of
A. Salmonella
B. S. aureus
C. C. botulinum
D. Salmonella

7.Bacteria of genus Nitrosomonas use __________ as their electron source.
A. ammonia
B. H2S
C. succinate
D. ammonia

8.All organisms require at least small amounts of carbondioxide, However, some can use CO2 as their sole source of carbon. Such organisms are termed as
A. autotrophs
B. phototrophs
C. chemotrophs
D. autotrophs

9.The generation time of a culture that produces two generations per hour is?
A. greater than that produces three generations per hour
B. lesser than that produces three generations per hour
C. equal to that produces three generations per hour
D. greater than that produces three generations per hour

10.Autotrophic bacteria are those which?
A. make their own food
B. form a long chain glycocalyx
C. are highly susceptible to penicillin
D. make their own food

11.Which of the following organisms typically get their carbon for biosynthesis from organic compounds?
A. Aerobic, glucose-respiring bacteria (aerobic respiration)
B. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (chemolithotrophic bacteria)
C. Photosynthetic cyanobacteria (phototrophic metabolism)
D. Aerobic, glucose-respiring bacteria (aerobic respiration)

12.An organism is completely dependent on atmospheric O2 for growth. This organism is
A. osmotolerant
B. acidophile
C. facultative anaerobe
D. osmotolerant

13.Microaerophilic bacteria are those which require
A. 21 % oxygen for growth
B. oxygen for activation of enzymes
C. low levels of oxygen for growth (lesser than O2 present in atmosphere)
D. 21 % oxygen for growth

14.The period between inoculation of bacteria in a culture medium and beginning of multiplication is known as
A. stationary phase
B. log phase
C. lag phase
D. stationary phase

15.The term aerotolerant anaerobe refers to an organism that
A. doesn't use oxygen but can grow in the presence of oxygen
B. is killed by oxygen
C. requires less oxygen than is present in air
D. doesn't use oxygen but can grow in the presence of oxygen

16.The term obligate anaerobe refers to an organism that
A. doesn't use oxygen but tolerates it
B. is killed by oxygen
C. uses oxygen when present or grows without oxygen when oxygen is absent
D. doesn't use oxygen but tolerates it

17.The fragmentation occurs in
A. Streptomyces species
B. Nocardia species
C. Bacillus subtilis
D. Streptomyces species

18.Which of the following bacteria lack a cell wall and are therefore resistant to penicillin?
A. Cyanobacteria
B. Mycoplasmas
C. Bdellovibrios
D. Cyanobacteria

19.A cluster of polar flagella is called
A. lophotrichous
B. amphitrichous
C. monotrichous
D. lophotrichous

20.Flagella move the cell by
A. many flagella beating in a synchronous, whip-like motion
B. an individual flagellum beating in a whip-like motion
C. spinning like a propeller
D. many flagella beating in a synchronous, whip-like motion

21.The protein from which hook and filaments of flagella are composed of, is
A. keratin
B. flagellin
C. gelatin
D. keratin

22.The cooci which mostly occur in single or pairs are
A. Streptococci
B. Diplococci
C. Tetracocci
D. Streptococci

23.Which of the following may contain fimbriae?
A. Gram-positive bacteria
B. Gram-negative bacteria
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Gram-positive bacteria

24.Peptidoglycan accounts for __________ of the dry weight of cell wall in many gram positive bacteria
A. 50% or more
B. About 10%
C. 11%+ 0.22%
D. 50% or more

25.Bacteria having no flagella are unable to
A. move
B. reproduce
C. stick to tissue surfaces
D. move

26.Which of the following is true about cell wall of gram-positive bacteria?
A. It consists of multiple layers
B. It is thicker than that associated with gram-negative bacteria
C. It contains teichoic acids
D. It consists of multiple layers

27.The cell walls of many gram positive bacteria can be easily destroyed by the enzyme known as
A. lipase
B. lysozyme
C. pectinase
D. lipase

28.The cell wall of
A. gram-positive bacteria are thicker than gram-negative bacteria
B. gram-negative bacteria are thicker than gram-positive bacteria
C. both have same thickness but composition is different
D. gram-positive bacteria are thicker than gram-negative bacteria

29.Peptidoglycan is also known as
A. N-acetyl muramic acid
B. murein mucopeptide
C. N acetylglucosamine
D. N-acetyl muramic acid

30.Genetic system is located in the prokaryotes in
A. nucleoid
B. chromatin
C. nuclear material
D. nucleoid

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