Medical Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which is most likely to be exposed on the surface of a gram-negative bacterium?
A. Pore protein (porin)
B. Protein involved in energy generation
C. Lipoteichoic acid
D. Pore protein (porin)

2.The last step in synthesis of peptidoglycan is
A. attachment of a peptide to muramic acid
B. attaching two amino acids to form a cross-link
C. attachment of a portion of peptidoglycan to a membrane lipid
D. attachment of a peptide to muramic acid

3.Cytoplasmic inclusions include
A. ribosomes
B. mesosomes
C. fat globules
D. ribosomes

4.The cocci which forms a bunch and irregular pattern are
A. Staphylococci
B. diplococci
C. Tetracocci
D. Staphylococci

5.Chemotaxis is a phenomenon of
A. swimming away of bacteria
B. swimming towards a bacteria
C. swimming away or towards of bacteria in presence of chemical compound
D. swimming away of bacteria

6.The structure responsible for motility of bacteria is
A. pilli
B. flagella
C. sheath
D. pilli

7.The next to last step in peptidoglycan biosynthesis is
A. synthesis of the NAM-peptide subunit
B. removal of the subunit from bactoprenol
C. linking the sugar of the disaccharide-peptide unit to the growing peptidoglycan chain
D. synthesis of the NAM-peptide subunit

8.The cocci which forms a chain is
A. Streptococci
B. diplococci
C. Staphylococci
D. Streptococci

9.The arrangement, in which flagella are distributed all round the bacterial cell, is known as
A. lophotrichous
B. amphitrichous
C. peritrichous
D. lophotrichous

10.Periplasm is
A. the area between the inner and outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria
B. the area between the inner and outer membranes of Gram-positive bacteria
C. the interior portion of mitochondria
D. the area between the inner and outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria

11.Which of the following has peptidoglycan as a major constituent of cell wall?
A. Gram-negative bacteria
B. Gram-positive bacteria
C. Fungi
D. Gram-negative bacteria

12.The common word for bacteria which are helically curved rods is
A. cooci
B. pleomorphic
C. bacillus
D. cooci

13.The bacteria deficient in cell wall is
A. Treponema
B. Mycoplasma
C. Staphylococcus
D. Treponema

14.The common word for bacteria which are spherical in shape is
A. cocci
B. bacilli
C. spirilla
D. cocci

15.Single or clusters of flagella at both poles is known as
A. monotrichous
B. petritrichous
C. amphitrichous
D. monotrichous

16.Which of the following bacterial genera (that produces endospore) have medical importance?
A. Clostridium
B. Bacillus
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Clostridium

17.Microcapsules are composed of
A. proteins
B. polysaccharides
C. lipids
D. proteins

18.Gram positive cells have a
A. second outer membrane that helps to retain the crystal violet stain
B. multiple layer of peptidoglycan that helps to retain the crystal violet stain
C. thick capsule that traps the crystal violet stain
D. second outer membrane that helps to retain the crystal violet stain

19.The common word for bacteria which are straight rod in shape is
A. cooci
B. bacilli
C. spirilla
D. cooci

20.A single polar flagella is known as
A. monotrichous
B. lophotrichous
C. amphitrichous
D. monotrichous

21.Teichoic acids are typically found in
A. cell walls of gram positive bacteria
B. outer membranes of gram positive bacteria
C. cell walls of gram negative bacteria
D. cell walls of gram positive bacteria

22.In eukaryotic cells, ribosomes are
A. 70S
B. 60S
C. 80S
D. 70S

23.Porins are located in
A. the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria
B. the peptidoglycan layer of gram-positive bacteria
C. the cytoplasmic membrane of both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria
D. the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria

24.Which of the following is exposed on the outer surface of a gram-negative bacterium?
A. O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
B. Polysaccharide portion of lipoteichoic acid (LTA)
C. Braun lipoprotein
D. O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

25.Which of the following does not contain protein?
A. Pili
B. Flagellum
C. Lipoteichoic acid
D. Pili

26.Swimming towards a chemical of bacteria is termed as
A. positive chemotaxis
B. negative chemotaxis
C. phototaxis
D. positive chemotaxis

27.Chemically the capsule may be
A. polypeptide
B. polysaccharide
C. either (a) or (b)
D. polypeptide

28.Peptidoglycan is found only in the bacterial
A. cell membrane
B. glycocalyx
C. cell wall
D. cell membrane

29.The cell walls of Gram positive bacteria contain two modified sugar, viz. N- acetylgucosamine (NAG) and N- acetylmuramic acid (NAM). They are covalently linked by
A. α- 1,4-glycosidic bond
B. β-1,6-glycosidic bond
C. α- 1,6-glycosidic bond
D. α- 1,4-glycosidic bond

30.Which of the following organism has sterols in their cytoplasmic membrane?
A. Clostridum
B. Proteus
C. Mycoplasma
D. Clostridum

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