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1.Cell counting can be carried out by
A. direct microscopic count using petroffhansser counting chamber
B. plate counting
C. membrane filter count
D. direct microscopic count using petroffhansser counting chamber

2.Which of the following techniques may be performed quantitatively to determine the number of bacteria of a particular type?
A. Pour plate
B. Spread plate
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Pour plate

3.Intestinal bacteria can grow in the presence of __________ whereas nonintestinal bacteria are usually inhibited.
A. bile salts
B. low concentration of various dyes
C. sugars
D. bile salts

4.Which of the following problem makes it impossible to satisfy all of Koch's postulates?
A. Microorganism causes serious symptoms in humans
B. Microorganism cannot be isolated in pure culture
C. Species of microorganism is in question
D. Microorganism causes serious symptoms in humans

5.A medium containing crystal violet dye plus sodium deoxycholate will allow
A. gram (-)ve intestinal bacteria to grow
B. gram (+)ve intestinal bacteria to grow
C. aquatic bacteria to grow
D. gram (-)ve intestinal bacteria to grow

6.Which of the following bacteria can grow in alkaline pH?
A. Shigella
B. Lactobacilli
C. Salmonella
D. Shigella

7.All bacteria that inhabit the human body are
A. heterotrophs
B. chemolithotrophs
C. autotrophs
D. heterotrophs

8.When a substance is added to a liquid medium which inhibits the growth of unwanted bacteria and favors the growth of wanted bacteria, it is known as
A. Differential medium
B. Enriched medium
C. Enrichment medium
D. Differential medium

9.Which of the following methods is most likely to be quantitative?
A. Dilution and plating
B. Gram staining
C. Wet mount
D. Dilution and plating

10.Which of the following hint(s) suggest/s that a given specimen is likely to contain anaerobic bacteria?
A. Gas in specimen
B. Foul odour
C. Presence of sulphur granules
D. Gas in specimen

11.Viable plate count can be obtained using
A. Spread plate method
B. Pour plate method
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Spread plate method

12.In the pour plate method, the mixed culture is diluted directly in tubes of
A. liquid agar medium
B. sterile liquid usually water
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. liquid agar medium

13.Treponema species from human oral cavity can be selected by using
A. pH of the medium
B. incubation temperature
C. cell size and motility
D. pH of the medium

14.When a substance is added to a solid medium which inhibits the growth of unwanted bacteria but permits the growth of wanted bacteria, it is known as
A. differential medium
B. enriched medium
C. enrichment medium
D. differential medium

15.Peptone water and nutrient broth are
A. selective media
B. enriched media
C. basal media
D. selective media

16.Stuart's transport medium is used for transport of specimen containing
A. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
B. Salmonella
C. Vibrio cholerae
D. Neisseria gonorrhoeae

17.Plate counts are often reported as
A. cfu
B. cfu/ml
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. cfu

18.The medium which allows the growth of more than one microorganisms of interest but with morphologically distinguishable colonies is known as
A. selective medium
B. enrichment medium
C. differential medium
D. selective medium

19.Selective media facilitate growth of only one kind of organism. Saboraud medium is used to selectively isolate
A. coliform bacteria
B. gram positive bacteria
C. yeasts
D. coliform bacteria

20.Which of the following structure is absent in eukaryotic cells?
A. Mitochondria
B. Chloroplasts
C. Golgi structure
D. Mitochondria

21.Who was the inventor of the Petri dish?
A. R.J. Petri, an assistant of R. Koch
B. A famous French cook
C. Italian glass blower from Petri, Italy
D. R.J. Petri, an assistant of R. Koch

22.Which one is not studied in microbiology?
A. Bacteria
B. Animal behaviour
C. Fungi
D. Bacteria

23.A characteristic of protein synthesis in both the archaea and eukarya is
A. transcription and translation are coupled
B. translation is inhibited by diphtheria toxin
C. proteins are synthesized from D-, rather than L-, isomers of amino acids
D. transcription and translation are coupled

24.Cell theory includes all of the following except
A. all organisms are composed of one or more cells
B. the cell is the most primitive form of life
C. the cell is the structural unit of life
D. all organisms are composed of one or more cells

25.The five-kingdom system of classification was set up by
A. Louis Pasteur
B. Robert Whittaker
C. Robert Koch
D. Louis Pasteur

26.The membranes of which domains are chemically the most similar?
A. Archaea and Bacteria
B. Bacteria and Eukarya
C. Eukarya and Archaea
D. Archaea and Bacteria

27.Primary differences between cilia and flagella are
A. arrangement of microtubules
B. length and location of basal bodies
C. how the microtubules are fused to each other
D. arrangement of microtubules

28.. All membranes of free-living organisms have phospholipid bilayers, but exception is
A. bacteria
B. fungi
C. archaea
D. bacteria

29.. All of the following are features of prokaryotes except
A. nitrogen fixation
B. photosynthesis
C. sexual reproduction
D. nitrogen fixation

30.Which of the following structures is the smallest?
A. Which of the following structures is the smallest?
B. Hydrogen atom
C. Bacterium
D. Which of the following structures is the smallest?

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