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1.. What are Blue-Green bacteria called?
A. Acquaobacteria
B. Cyanobacteria
C. Protozoa
D. Acquaobacteria

2.The endosymbiosis hypothesis provides an explanation for how
A. eukaryotes developed from prokayotes
B. prokaryotes developed from eukaryotes
C. algae developed from protozoa
D. eukaryotes developed from prokayotes

3.The Archaea include all of the following except
A. methanogens
B. halophiles
C. thermoacidophiles
D. methanogens

4.The piece of equipment, that introduces DNA into cells via DNA-coated microprojectiles is known as
A. laser
B. DNA probe
C. gene gun
D. laser

5.The advantage of using DNA polymerases from thermophilic organisms in PCR is that
A. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria are much faster than those from other organisms
B. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria can withstand the high temperatures needed to denature the DNA strands
C. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria never make mistakes while replicating DNA
D. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria are much faster than those from other organisms

6.The advantage of using DNA polymerases from thermophilic organisms in PCR is that
A. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria are much faster than those from other organisms
B. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria can withstand the high temperatures needed to denature the DNA strands
C. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria never make mistakes while replicating DNA
D. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria are much faster than those from other organisms

7.The advantage of using DNA polymerases from thermophilic organisms in PCR is that
A. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria are much faster than those from other organisms
B. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria can withstand the high temperatures needed to denature the DNA strands
C. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria never make mistakes while replicating DNA
D. the DNA polymerases of these bacteria are much faster than those from other organisms

8.For gene probes to be useful they must
A. be large enough to contain gene-specific sequences
B. be labeled in some manner to allow detectio
C. both (a) and (b)
D. be large enough to contain gene-specific sequences

9.A genomic library is
A. a database where the sequence of an organism's genome is stored
B. a collection of many clones possessing different DNA fragments from the same organisms bound to vectors
C. a book that describes how to isolate DNA from a particular organism
D. a database where the sequence of an organism's genome is stored

10.A genomic library is
A. a database where the sequence of an organism's genome is stored
B. a collection of many clones possessing different DNA fragments from the same organisms bound to vectors
C. a book that describes how to isolate DNA from a particular organism
D. a database where the sequence of an organism's genome is stored

11.. Bacterial cells protect their own DNA from degradation by restriction endonucleases by
A. methylating the DNA at the sites that the enzyme recognizes
B. deleting all recognition sites from the genome
C. not producing any restriction endonucleases
D. methylating the DNA at the sites that the enzyme recognizes

12.Which of the following is not commonly used as vector?
A. Artificial chromosome
B. Cosmid
C. Fungi
D. Artificial chromosome

13.Which type of restriction endonuclease cuts the DNA within the recognition site?
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type I

14.A short molecule containing 2-20 nucleotide is
A. plasmid
B. vector
C. oligonucleotide
D. plasmid

15.Enzymes that recognize and cleave specific 4 to 8 base pair sequences of DNA are
A. DNA ligase
B. helicases
C. restriction endonucleases
D. DNA ligase

16.Charged molecules are separated based on varying rates of migration through a solid matrix when subjected to an electric field. This technique is known as
A. photoreactivation
B. gel electrophoresis
C. autoradiography
D. photoreactivation

17.The deliberate modifications of an organism's genetic information by directly changing its nucleic acid content is a subject matter of
A. genetic engineering
B. population genetics
C. microbiology
D. genetic engineering

18.Electroporation is
A. the process of separating charged molecules through a gel maintained in an electric field
B. the process of combining foreign DNA to an electrically charged vector molecule
C. the application of high voltage pulses
D. the process of separating charged molecules through a gel maintained in an electric field

19.Which of the following is obtained using processed mRNA molecules as a template?

20.Vectors are
A. molecules that degrade nucleic acids
B. molecules that help in replication
C. molecules that are able to covalently bond to and carry foreign DNA into cells
D. molecules that degrade nucleic acids

21.What is the normal role of restriction endonucleases in bacterial cells?
A. To degrade the bacterial chromosome into small pieces during replication
B. To degrade invading phage DNA
C. To produce RNA primers for replication
D. To degrade the bacterial chromosome into small pieces during replication

22.A molecular technique in which DNA sequences between two oligonucleotide primers can be amplified is known as
A. southern blotting
B. northern blotting
C. polymerase chain reaction
D. southern blotting

23.The Southern blotting technique depends on
A. similarities between the sequences of probe DNA and experimental DNA
B. similarities between the sequences of probe RNA and experimental RNA
C. similarities between the sequences of probe protein and experimental protein
D. similarities between the sequences of probe DNA and experimental DNA

24.Problems in obtaining large amounts of proteins encoded by recombinant genes can often be overcome by using
B. expression vectors

25.Agrobacterium tumefaciens is
A. a disease in humans that causes loss of sight
B. a bacterium that can be used to introduce DNA into plants
C. a fungi that is used to produce antibiotics in large amounts
D. a disease in humans that causes loss of sight

26.In genetic engineering, a chimera is
A. an enzyme that links DNA molecules
B. a plasmid that contains foreign DNA
C. a virus that infects bacteria
D. an enzyme that links DNA molecules

27. Human insulin formed by recombinant DNA technology is known as
A. H insulin
B. R insulin
C. humulin
D. H insulin

28.The gene coding for VP1 is cloned in
A. pMB 9
B. pBR 322
C. pUC 18
D. pMB 9

29.How many nucleotides are there in Ss RNA molecule of picorna virus causing FMD?
A. 1000
B. 5000
C. 8000
D. 1000

30.Recombinant vaccine for Hepatitis B virus has been synthesized against which of the following antigen?
A. Viral core antigen (HBcAg)
B. Viral surface antigen (HBsAg)
C. e antigen (HBeAg)
D. Viral core antigen (HBcAg)

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