General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Name the first astronaut to walk in space in 1965. He remained in space for twenty minutes
A. Neil Armstrong
B. Alexey Leonov
C. Yuri Gagarin
D. Neil Armstrong

2.Sputnik I was the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth on.
A. October 4, 1957
B. September 15, 1956
C. August 5, 1955
D. October 4, 1957

3.Who was the first President of USA?
A. John Adams
B. Thomas Jafferson
C. George Washington
D. John Adams

4.The oldest written language is
A. Chinese
B. Arabic
C. Sanskrit
D. Chinese

5.Which is the most spoken language of the world?
A. French
B. English
C. Chinese
D. French

6.Which is the shortest river in the world with a total length of 98 km?
A. Amur (Siberia)
B. Reo (Montana)
C. Danube (Slovakia)
D. Amur (Siberia)

7.Who was appointed first Muslim woman judge in America?
A. Charlene Mekled
B. Zubaida Begum
C. Kalida Faizal
D. Charlene Mekled

8.Highest scores in one day cricket match are 443 runs made by
A. Australia
B. Sri Lanka
C. Newzealand
D. Australia

9.The name of first Muslim woman who went to space by Russian aircraft is
A. Namira Salim
B. Anousheh Ansari
C. Rifat Jan
D. Namira Salim

10.The "government of the people, by the people, for the people" is called
A. Kingdom
B. Democracy
C. Dictatorship
D. Kingdom

11.David Cameron, Britain Prime Minister belongs to party
A. Conservative
B. Democratic
C. Labour
D. Conservative

12.Pentagon is the military head quarter of
C. Russia

13.There are only countries which have nuclear power.
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Five

14.Which of the following countries had the nu- clear capability but after gaining independence gave up their nuclear capability?
A. Belarus
B. Kazakhstan
C. Ukraine
D. Belarus

15.Which of the following countries is not an ac- knowledged nuclear power?
A. Pakistan
B. India
C. Israel
D. Pakistan

16.Which of the following countries had con- structed, but voluntarity dismantled 6 Uranium bombs
A. North Korea
B. South Korea
C. Israel
D. North Korea

17.British relinquished the control of Hong Kong and thus it became the part of China on
A. July 1997
B. September 1996
C. May 1995
D. July 1997

18.Which of the following animal sleeps the most i.e. 20 hours out of 24 hours
A. Leopard
B. Lion
C. Elephant
D. Leopard

19.Portugal handed over Macao to China on
A. September 1998
B. December 1999
C. July 1996
D. September 1998

20.. Which century is known as "The age of rea- san?
A. 12th
B. 20th
C. 16th
D. 12th

21.Name the South African Activist who was awarded Noble Prize for Peace in 1993
A. Oliver Tomb
B. Nelson Mandela
C. Collin Obuya
D. Oliver Tomb

22.Who was the first black President of South Af- rica
A. Girma Wolde-giorgis
B. Nelson Mandela
C. Omar Bongo
D. Girma Wolde-giorgis

23.The two cities referred to in Charles Dickens "A Tale of Two cities are
A. London and Calais
B. London and Paris
C. Pairs and Rome
D. London and Calais

24.Haya Rashed Al Khalifa, the first women presi- dent of UN General Assembly belongs to which country
A. Saudia Arabia
B. Bahrain
C. Qatar
D. Saudia Arabia

25.Blind Dolphins are present in
A. Indus River
B. Chenab River
C. Nile River
D. Indus River

26.Australians are known as Kangroos and peo- ples of New Zealand are called Kiwis while South Africans are known as
A. Berbers
B. Zulu
C. Proteas
D. Berbers

27.colour television set makes colours by mixing light of which 3 colours
A. Blue, green and red
B. Blue red and yellow
C. Green, yellow and red
D. Blue, green and red

28.Which language is written form top to bottom and from left to right
A. Chinese
B. Japanese
C. Hindi
D. Chinese

29.Which country has no railway
B. Maldives
C. Afghanistan

30.When was the term "united Kingdom" first used
A. 1815
B. 1795
C. 1755
D. 1815

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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