General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Name the cytokines which released in response to virus infection?
A. Interferons
B. Monokines
C. Lymphokines
D. Interferons

2.2. Organizing taxonomic information in logical classification is called_________
A. a) Systematics
B. b) Phenetic
C. c) Phylogenetic
D. a) Systematics

3.3. Name the philosopher who first classified organisms?
A. a) Whittekar
B. b) Carl woese
C. c) Linnaeus
D. a) Whittekar

4.4. Name the organization which provides rules for naming animals.
A. a) ICZN
B. b) ICN
C. c) ICBN
D. a) ICZN

5.5. Who is considered as the father of taxonomy?
A. a) Aristotle
B. b) Linnaeus
C. c) Earnst Haeckel
D. a) Aristotle

6.Name the group of pattern recognition molecules which functions exclusively as a signaling receptor?
B. Toll-like receptor

7.6. What is tautonym?
A. a) These are the repeated sequences
B. b) It is a name of fish
C. c) Identical name of genus and species
D. a) These are the repeated sequences

8.Name the first cell which recruited at the place of infection.
A. Nk cells
B. Basophils
C. Nutrophils
D. Nk cells

9.8. What is the term given to a duplicate specimen of original type?
A. a) Lectotype
B. b) Holotype
C. c) Isotype
D. a) Lectotype

10.Name the nerve stimulator which is responsible for the pain of the inflammation.
A. Bradikinins
B. Prostaglandin
C. Histamines
D. Bradikinins

11.Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of a good antigen.
A. Large in size
B. Foreignness
C. Highly complex
D. Large in size

12.10. Which of these is an example of homoplasy?
A. a) Presence and absence of hair
B. b) Wings of birds and bats
C. c) Forelimbs of humans
D. a) Presence and absence of hair

13.Which of the following antibody gives a primary immune reaction?
A. IgG
B. IgM
C. IgA
D. IgG

14.Which of these is NOT a characteristic feature of adaptive immunity?
A. Immunogenic memory
B. Antigen no-specific
C. Self/ non-self recognition
D. Immunogenic memory

15.1. Who proposed five kingdom systems?
A. a) Ernst Mayr
B. b) R.H. Whittaker
C. c) Robert Hook
D. a) Ernst Mayr

16.2. Which of these eukaryotes is a single-celled organism?
A. a) Protists
B. b) Fungi
C. c) Monera
D. a) Protists

17.Which of the following cell is a multipotent cell?
A. T-cell
B. B-cell
D. T-cell

18.Mark the one, which is NOT a lymphoid progenitor cell.
A. Monocyte
B. B-cell
C. T-cell
D. Monocyte

19.3. Which of the following is considered as fungus-like protists?
A. a) Cynobacteria
B. b) Protozoa
C. c) Algae
D. a) Cynobacteria

20.What is the origin of B-cell?
A. Pancreas
B. Liver
C. Thymus
D. Pancreas

21.Chediak-Higashi syndrome is caused due to deficiency of_________
A. Nutrophils
B. Nk cells
C. Basophils
D. Nutrophils

22.Which of the following is NOT polymorphonuclear leukocytes?
A. Eosinophils
B. Mast cell
C. Macrophages
D. Eosinophils

23.4. Name the causative agent of Leishmaniasis.
A. a) Leishmania donovani
B. b) Trypnosoma brucei
C. c) Trichomonas vaginalis
D. a) Leishmania donovani

24.Which of the following cells has a high affinity receptor for IgE?
A. Dendritic cell
B. Mast cells
C. Eosinophils
D. Dendritic cell

25.Name the macrophages which are associated central nervous system.
A. Alveolar macrophages
B. Kupffer cell
C. Mesangial
D. Alveolar macrophages

26.Name the molecule which constitutively expressed on the dendritic cell?
A. Class I MHC
B. Class II MHC
D. Class I MHC

27.5. Which of the following disease is caused by Trypanosoma palladium?
A. a) Balantidiasis
B. b) Syphilis
C. c) Giardiasis
D. a) Balantidiasis

28.C-value in genome represents?
A. Genetic disorders
B. Phenotypic variation
C. Amount of DNA present in the genome
D. Genetic disorders

29.Name the dendritic cell, which does not function as antigen presenting cell?
A. Follicular dendritic cell
B. Langerhans cell
C. Myeloid dendritic cell
D. Follicular dendritic cell

30.6. Which of these photosynthetic protists have whirling whips?
A. a) Slime molds
B. b) Euglenophyta
C. c) Dinoflagellates
D. a) Slime molds

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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