Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Maximum nitrogen percentage is in_____?
A. Ammonium sulphate
B. Calcium ammonium nitrate
C. Urea
D. Ammonium sulphate

2.Fertiliser plants get their N2 requirements ?
A. By fractionation of liquefied air
B. By dissociating oxides of nitrogen
C. From coal gas (coke oven gas)
D. By fractionation of liquefied air

3.Which of the following is not a measure component necessarily to be present in fertilisers ?
A. Nitrogen
B. Potassium
C. Phosphorous
D. Nitrogen

4.Yield of urea can be increased with excess ammonia and higher pressure & temperature, but because of ________ this is normally not done?
A. Increased biuret formation
B. High corrosion rate
C. Increased cost of equipment
D. Increased biuret formation

5.The concentration (weight %) of nitric acid produced by the oxidation of ammonia and absorption of nitrogen oxides with water is about ______ percent?
A. 60
B. 30
C. 95
D. 60

6.Heating of coke, sand & phosphate rock in an electric furnace is done for the manufacture of__?
A. Phosphoric acid
B. Superphosphate
C. Phosphorous
D. Phosphoric acid

7.Lower temperature and large excess of ammonia in urea melt?
A. Increases biuret formation
B. Decreases biuret formation
C. Is undesirable
D. Increases biuret formation

8.Bio-fertilisers are cheaper, renewable and pollution free. They improve the _______ of the soil?
A. Nutrient supply
B. Texture
C. Water holding capacity
D. Nutrient supply

9.Montecatini process is used for the manufacture of____________________?
A. Nitric acid
B. Phosphoric acid
C. Urea
D. Nitric acid

10.Sodium tri poly phosphate (STPP) is manufactured by reaction of phosphoric acid with sodium___________________?
A. Carbonate
B. Phosphate
C. Bicarbonate
D. Carbonate

11.Which of the following is the costliest method for commercial production of hydrogen for ammonia synthesis ?
A. H2 separation from coke oven gas
B. Steam reforming of naphtha
C. Cracking of natural gas
D. H2 separation from coke oven gas

12.Urea is formed only____?
A. In liquid phase
B. In vapour phase
C. At very high temperature
D. In liquid phase

13.A mixture of phosphate rock ______________ is heated in an electric furnace to produce phosphorous?
A. Salt & coke
B. Sand & coke
C. And coke
D. Salt & coke

14.Stoke�s equation is valid in the Reynolds number range__?
A. 0.01 to 0.1
B. 0.1 to 2
C. 2 to 10
D. 0.01 to 0.1

15.Purpose of relief valve in a reciprocating pump is to_________?
A. Control the rate of discharge
B. Reduce the discharge pressure
C. Facilitate unidirectional flow of liquid
D. Control the rate of discharge

16.What is the maximum theoretical suction lift (metres) of a reciprocating pump ?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 50
D. 5

17.Which of the following facilitates close control of flow of fluids ?
A. Gate valve
B. Globe valve
C. Butterfly valve
D. Gate valve

18.Lower BWG means _____________ of the tube?
A. Lower thickness
B. Lower cross-section
C. Outer diameter
D. Lower thickness

19.Pressure drop (?p) for a fluid flowing in turbulent flow through a pipe is a function of velocity (V) as__?
A. V1.8
B. V-0.2
C. V2.7
D. V1.8

20.Transition length for a turbulent fluid entering into a pipe is around _______ times the pipe diameter?
A. 5
B. 50
C. 500
D. 5

21.The boundary layer thickness at a given section along a flat plate ________ with increasing Reynold�s number?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain same
D. Increases

22.Drag co-efficient for flow past immersed body is the ratio of _____________ to the product of velocity head and density?
A. Shear stress
B. shear force
C. Average drag per unit projected area
D. Shear stress

23.In continuous fluidisation__?
A. Solids are completely entrained
B. There is no entrainment of solids
C. Velocity of the fluid is very small
D. Solids are completely entrained

24.In a free vortex, the_?
A. Stream lines are not circular
B. Radial component of velocity is same everywhere
C. Flow is necessarily rotational
D. Stream lines are not circular

25.Fluid flow through a packed bed is represented by the _____ equation?
A. Fanning�s
B. Ergun�s
C. Hagen-Poiseuille�s
D. Fanning�s

26.Air vessel of a reciprocating pump is initially filled with__?
A. Atmospheric air
B. Water
C. Compressed air
D. Atmospheric air

27.A pressure of 10 m head of water is equivalent to ______________ kN/m2?
A. 98
B. 147
C. 196
D. 98

28.The maximum discharge through a circular channel takes place, when the depth of the fluid flow is _____ times the pipe diameter?
A. 0.25
B. 0.5
C. 0.66
D. 0.25

29.Air vessel fitted to a reciprocating pump__?
A. Increases the work done
B. Decreases the work done
C. Causes cavitation
D. Increases the work done

30.Pressure drop in packed bed for turbulent flow is given by the _____ equation?
A. Kozeny-Carman
B. Blake-Plummer
C. Leva�s
D. Kozeny-Carman

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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