Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.In a furnace, the heat taken by the charge/stock and the heat lost to the furnace structure & flue gases depends on the___?
A. Rate of firing and emissivity of flame
B. Nature of process; whether batch, continuous or intermittent
C. Thermal conductivity of the charge & structural materials of furnace
D. Rate of firing and emissivity of flame

2.Flue gas outlet temperature from the chimney of any furnace should be ideally about _____ �C?
A. 50
B. 100
C. 150
D. 50

3.Which of the following is a batch furnace ?
A. Cupola
B. Reheating furnace
C. Glass tank furnace
D. Cupola

4.The thermal efficiency of an air/fuel gas preheating recuperator may be as high as ____ percent?
A. 50
B. 65
C. 85
D. 50

5.Which of the following is not a recuperative furnace ?
A. Soaking pit
B. Reheating furnace
C. Steam boiler
D. Soaking pit

6.An example of shaft furnace is the___?
A. L.D. converter
B. Glass melting tank
C. Blast furnace
D. L.D. converter

7.During the constant rate period of drying of a solid ?
A. Increased air humidity decreases the rate of drying
B. Increasing the air temperature decreases the drying rate
C. Surface evaporation of unbound moisture occurs
D. Increased air humidity decreases the rate of drying

8.Humidification involves mass transfer between a pure liquid phase and a fixed gas, which is__?
A. Insoluble in the liquid
B. Soluble in the liquid
C. Non-ideal in nature
D. Insoluble in the liquid

9.The mass transfer co-efficient for a solid sphere of radius �a� dissolving in a large volume of quiescent liquid, in which �D� is the diffusivity of solute, is _?
A. D/a
B. D/2a
C. Proportional to ?D
D. D/a

10.Cox chart, which is useful in the design of distillation column particularly for petroleum hydrocarbons, is a plot of (where, P = vapor pressure, T = temperature) ?
A. log P vs. T
B. log P vs. log T
C. T vs. P
D. log P vs. T

11.The commonly used solvent in supercritical extraction is____?
A. Methyl ethyl ketone
B. Water
C. Carbon tetrachloride
D. Methyl ethyl ketone

12.For the same system, if the same liquid used in an absorber is decreased, the tower height will_?
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain unaffected
D. Increase

13.The equation, NA = (DAB . Pt /RTZ . PBM) (PA1 � PA2) is for_______?
A. Fick�s second law of diffusion
B. Steady state diffusion for stagnant case
C. Liquid M.T.C. by Higbie penetration theory
D. Fick�s second law of diffusion

14.Perforated plate towers are unique for solvent extraction because, they provide___?
A. Higher contact area
B. Better contact of the phase
C. Repeated coalescence & redispersion of the drop phase
D. Higher contact area

15.For the gas absorption, the height of a transfer unit, based on the gas phase is given by (G: superficial molar gas velocity, L: superficial molar liquid velocity, FG: mass transfer co-efficient, moles/m2, a: interfacial area per unit volume of tower) ?
A. G/(FG . a)
B. FG/(G . a)
C. (G . a)/FG
D. G/(FG . a)

16.Pore size of the molecular sieve 5A is ___ mm ?
A. 5
B. 0.5
C. 0.05
D. 5

17.To remove all the moisture from a wet solid it requires exposure to ____ air?
A. Perfectly dry
B. Highly humid
C. High temperature
D. Perfectly dry

18.The cooling effect in a cooling tower can be speeded up by ____?
A. Increasing the air velocity and area of exposed wet surface
B. Reducing the barometric pressure
C. Reducing the humidity of the air
D. Increasing the air velocity and area of exposed wet surface

19.The Knudsen diffusivity is proportional to (where, T = absolute temperature)?
A. ?T
B. T2
C. T
D. ?T

20.A natural draft cooling tower is filled with wooden grids, which covers about ____ percent of the tower height?
A. 15-Oct
B. 30-40
C. 70-80
D. 15-Oct

21.With increase in the liquid flow rate at a fixed gas velocity in a randomly packed counter current gas-liquid absorption column, the gas pressure drop___?
A. Decreases
B. Remains unchanged
C. Increases
D. Decreases

22.For the flow of gases through a capillary, with increase in temperature, the permeability ______ as per Knudsen law?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain same
D. Increases

23.Moisture content of a substance when at equilibrium with a given partial pressure of the vapour is called the _______ moisture?
A. Free
B. Unbound
C. Equilibrium
D. Free

24.For absorbing a sparingly soluble gas in a liquid, the___?
A. Gas side co-efficient should be increased
B. Liquid side coefficient should be increased
C. Gas side co-efficient should be decreased
D. Gas side co-efficient should be increased

25.The relative volatility of a binary mixture at the Azeotropic composition is?
A. 1-Jan
B. > 1
C. 0
D. 1-Jan

26.Penetration theory states that the mass transfer co-coefficient is equal to (where, De is diffusivity and �t� is time) ?
A. (De.t)1/2
B. (De/t)1/2
C. (4De/?t)1/2
D. (De.t)1/2

27.The equation, NA = (DAB . Pt /RTZ) (y1 � y2) is for ____?
A. Steady state equimolar counter diffusion
B. Fick�s first law of diffusion
C. Steady state diffusion for stagnant case
D. Steady state equimolar counter diffusion

28.Coffee is prepared from coffee beans by leaching with___?
A. Cold water
B. Hot water
C. Dilute hot caustic solution
D. Cold water

29.Which of the following parameters remains constant during chemical dehumidification ?
A. Dry bulb temperature
B. Partial pressure of vapour
C. Wet bulb temperature
D. Dry bulb temperature

30.A slurry is to be dried to produce flaky solid. Which dryer would you recommend ?
A. Spray dryer
B. Drum dryer
C. Rotary dryer
D. Spray dryer

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