Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.If a process fails, most operating system write the error information to a ?
A. New file
B. Another running process
C. Log file
D. New file

2.Which facility dynamically adds probes to a running system, both in user processes and in the kernel ?
A. DAdd
B. DMap
C. DTrace
D. DAdd

3.Which one of the following is not a real time operating system ?
A. VxWorks
B. Windows CE
C. RTLinux
D. VxWorks

4.The OS X has ?
A. Hybrid kernel
B. Monolithic kernel
C. Microkernel
D. Hybrid kernel

5.The systems which allow only one process execution at a time, are called ?
A. Uni-programming systems
B. Uni-processing systems
C. Uni-tasking systems
D. Uni-programming systems

6.In operating system, each process has its own ?
A. Address space and global variables
B. Open files
C. Pending alarms, signals and signal handlers
D. Address space and global variables

7.In Unix, Which system call creates the new process ?
A. New
B. Create
C. Fork
D. New

8.A process can be terminated due to ?
A. Normal exit
B. Fatal error
C. Killed by another process
D. Normal exit

9.What is the ready state of a process ?
A. When process is using the CPU
B. When process is unable to run until some task has been completed
C. When process is scheduled to run after some execution
D. When process is using the CPU

10.What is inter-process communication ?
A. Communication between two threads of same process
B. Communication within the process
C. Communication between two process
D. Communication between two threads of same process

11.A set of processes is deadlock if ?
A. Each process is blocked and will remain so forever
B. Each process is terminated
C. All processes are trying to kill each other
D. Each process is blocked and will remain so forever

12.A process stack does not contain ?
A. PID of child process
B. Local variables
C. Function parameters
D. PID of child process

13.Which system call returns the process identifier of a terminated child ?
A. Wait
B. Exit
C. Fork
D. Wait

14.The address of the next instruction to be executed by the current process is provided by the ?
A. CPU registers
B. Program counter
C. Process stack
D. CPU registers

15.Which of the following is not a type of computer on the basis of operation ?
A. Remote
B. Hybrid
C. Analog
D. Remote

16.A computer that operates on digital data ?
A. Remote
B. Hybrid
C. Analog
D. Remote

17.This type of computer is mostly used for automatic operations ?
A. Remote
B. Hybrid
C. Analog
D. Remote

18.Which are used for solving complex application such as Global Weather Forecasting ?
A. Super Computers
B. Public computers
C. Mobile computers
D. Super Computers

19.The invention of gave birth to the much cheaper micro computers ?
A. Mainframes
B. Microcomputers
C. Microprocessors
D. Mainframes

20.They can operate on batteries and hence are very popular with travelers ?
A. Mainframes
B. Laptops
C. Microprocessors
D. Mainframes

21.PDA stands for ?
A. Personal digital applications
B. Private digital applications
C. Personal digital assistants
D. Personal digital applications

22.PDAs are also called ?
A. PCs
B. Laptops
C. Tablets
D. PCs

23.Which computers are lower to mainframe computers in terms of speed and storage capacity ?
A. Mini
B. Super
C. Mainframes
D. Mini

24.Components that provide internal storage to the CPU are ?
A. Registers
B. Program Counters
C. Controllers
D. Registers

25.Saving data and instructions to make them readily available is the job of ?
A. Storage Unit
B. Cache Unit
C. Input Unit
D. Storage Unit

26.The two basic types of memory in a computer are ?
A. Primary and major
B. Primary and Secondary
C. Minor and Major
D. Primary and major

27.Which of the following is used to hold running program instructions ?
A. Primary Storage
B. Virtual Storage
C. Internal Storage
D. Primary Storage

28.Which of the following is non-volatile storage ?
A. Backup
B. Secondary
C. Primary
D. Backup

29.Which of the following is used in main memory ?

30.Which of the following are types of ROMs ?
C. Only one type there is no further classification

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